How to Get Rid of Spider Crickets with Traps

Hey guys. in this article, I’m going to be teaching you how to catch spider crickets and get them out of your house and basement because they’re pretty invasive and disgusting and where there’s one that’s probably about a hundred maybe even a thousand.

How to Get Rid of Spider Crickets with Traps


How to Get Rid of Spider Crickets with Traps

So the first thing you want to do is get one of these sticky blue traps. Usually, for trapping mice or rats you get them from any hardware store or online. I think this trap is just like a sticky little pad, pretty simple to use.

Next thing, you want to get these roasts pallets. I mean by Harris’s mind you there are hazardous to humans. It’s so funny one, but they are just little pellets for this particular trap, why?

Because spider crickets are cannibalistic and if there’s one cricket that’s stuck, you’re going to have these other crickets, come and try to eat them. They’re going to get the set themselves. So, taking advantage of the spider’s cannibalistic nature.

We recommend you got your whole bunch of traps ready and in the next seven days, you will have all crickets in your home trapped. What happens when you do one of these traps. You are going to put it right where the crickets infest more.


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Where to Place Traps

What you need to do is you want to put it somewhere dark and damp maybe under a sink in your basement or behind the oil burner.

Someplace where you know that the spider crickets resided. I hope you place the traps at the right place so that your trap is can catch all cricket within a week.

Keep it real close to where the crickets can easily get in the traps. All right. Crickets jump really far and remind you that there is cannibalistic stuff. If, they see another of their friends hurt. So, in the process of helping it. They going to try to eat it, this will get them on the trap.

It is not necessary for you to do. I just decided to do it because what the hell? This is what one of those guys looks like a real close and it just freaking huge. So I’m going to place it right now. Alright, guys. I’m in a further part in my basement a little bit darker. It’s damp, and I’m going to place these crickets will hide.

I strongly recommend placing some traps in the dark, wet, and grimy areas of your house to probably where all the critters come to the party. So, you’re going to place this is your right where they are right invading.

Somewhere like the basement, cracks, crevices, and roof leaks and you are going to check back in about seven days to see what has become of your cricket trap.


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Alright, checking in a week’s time. Hey, so you are back. It’s been a week since you first laid your trap and the results are good.

Let me show you. All right guys, so speaking of a spider cricket fiesta. This is the result of laying a trap leaving it for a week with the pellets and the sticky trap and maybe if you’re able to capture a spider cricket put it on there, but it’s not necessary.

You will have a ton of crickets caught all-around in some dark areas in your basement or wherever you think you’ve seen a spider cricket.

So, all you need is a sticky trap and a roach palette and you will have the results like this and you’ll soon start getting rid of spider crickets. Also, which may be a good idea is to maybe spray the outside of your house with some cricket poison or whatever you for bugs because they get into the house.



Rapping up, some way last spring, we look down the side of a client house and we had an old door that was along the side of the house, and there was a cricket laying siege to that door.

I guess they eat the door completely, but they were thousands of crickets and we turned over the door and it was a swarm like the plague of locusts and crickets just running everywhere.

So that would be probably a good addition to get rid of these crickets, preventing them from coming back into your house using these traps.

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