How To Keep Flies Out Of Trash Can

Wondering how to keep flies out of trash can for good? Flies can be a nuisance and particularly pesky, especially when they decide to take residence in your trash can. The constant buzz and the risk of contamination make it crucial to find effective ways to keep flies at bay.

Read on to discover, how to stop flies from putting eggs in your trash can, how bleach can help keep flies away, why flies like trash cans so much, and, of course, how to get rid of these flying pests for good.


What Smell Do Flies Hate?

How To Keep Flies Out Of Trash Can
Trash can with a flower in it

Flies are known for having a very good sense of smell, but there are some smells that they really don’t like. Adding these smells to your space can help keep flies away naturally. These are smells that flies don’t like:

  • Citrus
  • Peppermint
  • Eucalyptus
  • Cloves
  • Vinegar
  • Basil
  • Lavender
  • Cinnamon


Does Bleach Keep Flies Away?

Since bleach is such a strong germ killer, it can be very helpful in the fight against flies. Cleaning surfaces with a bleach solution on a regular basis gets rid of food stains and smells that might attract flies, especially in the kitchen.

Using a weak bleach solution to clean the inside of trash cans gets rid of smells and makes the area less appealing to these pests. Putting bleach in drains can also stop organic matter from building up, which makes these places less appealing to flies.

When you’re outside, a spray of weak bleach on surfaces like decks can keep them away. But it’s important to be careful and make sure there’s enough airflow when using bleach to avoid breathing in dangerous fumes.

Even though bleach helps keep things better, it’s best to use it as part of a larger plan to keep things clean and look into natural ways to get rid of flies at the same time.


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Why Are Flies In My Trash?

Flies are often drawn to trash for a number of reasons, but the main ones are that they are looking for food, a place to lay their eggs or a comfortable place to live. The exact things that make flies want to settle on your trash are:

  • Food Waste
    Flies are opportunistic eaters that are drawn to the smell of trashed food. They can be drawn to even small bits of food or spills, so the trash can be a good place for them to eat.
  • Organic Waste
    Flies are drawn to the smells that come from rotting organic matter like fruit peels, veggie scraps, or leftover food. Flies like to live in trash cans that hold this kind of trash.
  • Moisture
    flying insects like places that are wet. If your trash has any kind of wetness in it, like from food or other liquids, it can make it easy for flies to reproduce.
  • Warmth
    Flies like it when it’s warm, and trash cans, especially ones that are outside, can provide the perfect temperature for them to work, especially when it’s hot outside.
  • Breeding Opportunities
    Flies like trash cans because they are nice places to lay their eggs. As a result, the fly larvae can grow on the organic garbage, which keeps the cycle of infestation going.
  • Unclean Bins
    If you don’t clean out the trash can often, leftovers and smells that build up will make it more appealing to flies. A dirty environment can make it easier for flies to stay.
  • Open Bins
    Flies can easily get into trash cans that are open or not covered. They are free to go inside, look around, and maybe lay eggs, which would grow the population.


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How To Keep Flies Out Of Trash Can

Making sure that your trash can is flies-free requires a thorough method. Here’s a guide that can help

Step 1: Purge

To start the process, take the trash can outside and empty it completely. Empty it into big trash bags with drawstrings, tie them up, and throw them away in a separate outdoor bin to keep any mess from spreading.

Step 2: Clean

It is important to deep-clean the trash cans to get rid of any leftover food that bugs might be interested in. A can that is empty doesn’t always mean that it is clean. With warm washing water and a brush, clean the inside and outside of the can of dirt and grime. Rinse the can with a combination of warm water and vinegar to make it smell even better and make it last longer. Let the can dry all the way through.


Now, take preventative steps to keep the surroundings flies-free:

Use Trash Can Liners

Use trash can liners, especially for big rolling bins, to keep trash from touching the inside of the can. This keeps the bin clean and makes sure that any flies or maggots are thrown away with the trash when it’s picked up.

Don’t put food waste in Interior Cans

Food waste, feces, and wet organic matter should not be too common in trash cans inside buildings. Food scraps should be put in the garbage sink or the outside trash can, if you can. They should be wrapped in a smaller plastic bag.

Rinse food containers very well

Before throwing away food containers, wash them very well to get rid of sugary leftovers and tiny food particles that flies like.

Use Trash Cans with Lids

Make sure trash can lids are tight so that flies and other pests can’t get to the trash inside. Bins with broken lids or walls should be fixed or replaced right away.

Use the Right Bags

To keep them from falling, breaking, or tearing, choose heavy-duty plastic trash bags that are the right size. This also gets rid of smells that flies might be drawn to.

Use Fly Deterrents

If you have a lot of fly problems, you might want to put fly-repelling items in the bins. Some of these items are smells, sounds, or chemicals that keep flies away.


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How Do I Stop Flies From Laying Eggs In My Trash Can?

Cleaning and waste management are necessary to prevent flies from laying eggs in trash cans. Fly-attracting residues can be removed by wiping the garbage can interior with a mild detergent. Consider using double bags to prevent flies from laying eggs.

Buy a garbage can with a tight cover and a secure fit to reduce fly ingress. Draining garbage before disposal reduces moisture, making it less egg-friendly. Trash can liners protect and simplify waste disposal. Citrus or mint essential oils can be carefully used to prevent flies.

Emptying the trash can regularly, especially if it includes organic material, prevents fly traffic. Sprinkle baking soda at the bottom or rinse with vinegar to make flies less likely to reproduce. Cleaning the area around your trash can reduces fly attraction and disrupts their egg-laying cycle.



To sum up, keeping trash cans fly-free requires many approaches that include scent-based strategies, preventative measures, and even the smart use of bleach. Following these tips will help you get rid of the annoying buzzing sounds and ugly flies that are in your trash. Use the useful tips in this guide to keep your living areas clean, fresh, and free of these flying invaders.

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