How To Keep Wild Turkeys Out Of Your Yard

Wild turkeys, can be fun to watch, but, when they frequent your yard a bit too much, it’s time to explore how to keep wild turkeys out of your yard and effective strategies for keeping them at a respectful distance.

This article will go over practical ways to keep wild turkeys away, as well as answer common questions about their habits and how they might interact with people.


Are Turkeys Good Or Bad Luck?

How To Keep Wild Turkeys Out Of Your Yard
Picture of a Wild Turkey

There’s no universal belief about turkeys being either good or bad luck. The cultural significance of turkeys varies according to culture and tradition.

Some may consider them as symbols of abundance and good fortune, similar to how turkeys represent shared benefits and thanks in certain Native American traditions. Others may not link them with good fortune at all. Individual opinions and cultural beliefs play a role.


What Do Wild Turkeys Hate The Most?

Wild turkeys dislike strong and unfamiliar odors, making them sensitive to scents that are associated with predators. Natural repellents like predator urine or spicy spices might be used to create an unwelcoming environment for turkeys.

Additionally, due to their great sense of smell, smells like peppermint can be beneficial in discouraging turkeys. You can make a natural repellent by combining water with a few drops of peppermint essential oil and spreading it strategically around your yard.

This dual technique, which uses predator-associated odors as well as peppermint, can help deter wild turkeys and make your outdoor space less desirable to them.


What Attracts Turkeys The Most?

Turkeys are primarily drawn to food sources, therefore they are especially drawn to locations with an abundance of seeds, insects, and plants.

Here’s a list of things that can attract wild turkeys to your yard:

  1. Abundant Seeds:  Areas with an abundance of seeds, such as birdseed that has spilled or seeds from bird feeders, attract wild turkeys.
  2. Insects:  Turkeys are mostly insect-eaters, therefore yards with lots of insects might attract them more.
  3. Plants and Foliage:  Turkeys can be drawn to yards with lots of greenery and foliage because they graze on a variety of plants.
  4. Pet Food: If your pet food is left unsecured, it can be a tempting food source for turkeys.
  5. Compost:  Turkeys may be drawn to uncovered compost piles because insects and other food sources can be found in decomposing organic debris


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Can Wild Turkeys Make You Sick?

While it’s not common, wild turkeys can have diseases like bird flu that might make people sick. Avoid touching turkeys or their droppings, and cook any wild turkey meat really well to be safe. If you’re worried about getting sick, ask local health or wildlife experts for advice in your area.


Are Wild Turkeys Friendly To Humans?

Wild turkeys are usually afraid of people, but how they act can change. Even though they might not be social by nature, they can get used to being around people in some situations. When you talk to them, you should be careful, keep your space, and stay away from things that might make them angry or stressed.


Is Wild Turkey Harmful?

Wild turkeys are not usually harmful to people. They are cautious and prefer to avoid confrontations with humans. But, like any wildlife, they might defend themselves if they feel threatened. You should keep a safe distance from wild turkeys, especially during the breeding season, and avoid doing what could stress or provoke the turkeys.


What Makes Turkeys Angry?

When threatened or cornered, turkeys may become agitated or violent. Male turkeys, particularly during breeding season, can be territorial and aggressive in order to protect their territory. To keep turkeys calm, observe them from a safe distance and avoid approaching them too closely.


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What Colors Scare Turkeys?

Turkeys are known to be sensitive to certain colors. Colors like white, red, and black can be intimidating to them. If you want to keep wild turkeys away from your yard, you can incorporate these colors strategically in your surroundings to help keep them away.


What Scares Away Brush Turkeys?

Use visible deterrents like scarecrows, reflective objects, or motion-activated gadgets to frighten off brush turkeys. The turkeys may be startled by these and discouraged from revisiting the area.

Brush turkeys may also be stopped from visiting a place by making noise disruptions or putting strange objects in the surroundings.


How Do I Keep My Turkey From Roosting?

Several empathetic methods can be used to prevent your turkey from roosting in inappropriate spots. Start by trimming branches and limbs to reduce perches for roosting.

Bird spikes on ledges or surfaces where birds roost make them less appealing. Disrupt the turkey’s preference for dark and calm roosting locations with motion-activated lights.

Remove adjacent food sources, as turkeys prefer food-rich regions. Use fragrances or sprays with turkey-repellent ingredients around roosting locations. These methods make roosting locations less appealing, encouraging turkeys to find alternatives that suit their tastes.


How To Keep Wild Turkeys Out Of Your Yard

While it can be hard to keep wild turkeys out of your yard, it is possible with some planning. Here are some ideas to help you keep your yard turkey-free:

  • Get Rid Of Food Sources:
    Wild turkeys are drawn to food that is easy for them to get. Make sure you regularly clean up any birdseed, veggies, or other food sources that you spill. Use bird boxes that are made so that food doesn’t spill out.
  • Secure Trash Bins:
    Turkeys will eat anything, so trash cans can be a goldmine for them but turkeys will not be able to get into your trash if you buy trash cans that are not accessible to animals.
  • Fence Your Garden:
    Put up a fence around your garden or any other place you want to keep turkeys out. Turkeys can fly over short distances, so you might want to make sure the fence is at least 6 feet high.
  • Use Repellents:
    You can buy professional repellents that will keep turkeys away. Usually, these things have natural ingredients that turkeys don’t like. Carefully read the directions on the repellent and use it again if you need to.
  • Motion-Activated Sprinklers:
    Turkeys often run away when they hear or see something moving quickly. Sprinklers that turn on when they see movement can scare them away and make your yard less appealing. Put these sprinklers in places where turkeys like to go.
  • Get rid of roosting spots
    Cut back tree branches and get rid of things that turkeys could use as a roost. By getting rid of places they could roost, you keep them from staying in your yard.
  • Don’t make your yard look as nice:
    Turkeys are less likely to come to your yard if there aren’t any good places for them to hide. Maintain your yard by cutting down on tall grass and other plants that turkeys can hide in.
  • Use Scare Tactics:
    To scare turkeys away, use scare tactics like fake predators, loud noises, or even lights that turn on when they sense movement. But keep in mind that turkeys can get used to these tricks over time, so it’s important to switch them up every so often.


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More on How To Keep Wild Turkeys Out Of Your Yard

Here’s a video that explains how to keep wild turkeys out of your yard:



In conclusion, you’ll need to take into account the wild turkeys’ activities, eliminate the things that attract them, and set up deterrents if you want to keep them out of your yard.

Maintaining a balance that allows humans and turkeys to dwell together requires establishing an atmosphere that turkeys find unwelcoming while respecting their inherent impulses.

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