How to Store Black Soldier Fly Larvae

Black soldier fly larvae are valued for their rich nutrients, making them great food for pets and people. Here is how to store black soldier fly larvae, to preserve their nutrient quality.

Proper storage is important for keeping them healthy and getting the most benefit out of them.

BSFL can be given to animals and humans live, dried, or processed into meal or oil for various purposes.

This flexibility and nutritional richness are why BSFL is becoming more popular for feeding animals and humans. Want to know more? Keep reading!


What is Black Soldier Larvae?

How To Store Black Soldier Fly Larvae
Holding a Black Soldier Fly Larvae

Black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) are the larvae from the black soldier fly, a common and harmless fly species. They’re known for turning organic waste into nutrient-rich compost and animal feed.

Unlike pests, BSFLs do not bite or sting, making them safe and helpful insects. They eat a lot and are important for managing organic waste.

BSFL are good at bioconversion, which means they turn organic waste into biomass that can be used as compost or feed. Because of their ability to convert waste into useful resources, more and more people are using them for eco-friendly waste management.


What Are Black Soldier Fly Larvae Used For?

Black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) are used in various ways because they are rich in nutrients and can convert organic matter. Some common uses of black soldier fly larvae are:

  1. Animal Feed:  BSFLs are fed to animals like chickens, fish, and reptiles because they contain lots of protein, which is good for them.
  2. Composting:  People use BSFL in composting to break down kitchen scraps and other organic waste into nutrient-rich soil.
  3. Waste Management:  BSFL helps reduce the amount of organic waste and is beneficial for the environment.
  4. Bioconversion Research: BSFLs are studied for their bioconversion abilities and potential applications in converting organic waste into useful products, such as biofuels and bioplastics. Scientists study BSFLs to understand more about how they can be used to produce biofuels and bioplastics from organic waste.


Can I Keep Black Soldier Fly Larvae in the Fridge?

Yes, you can keep black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) in the fridge to make them last longer.

Putting them in the fridge slows down how fast they use up their energy and helps prevent them from drying out. You have to store them right to keep them from getting contaminated.

Use a container that lets air in, like a paper bag or a plastic container with holes, and don’t pack them in too tightly. This way, they’ll stay healthy and usable for a longer time.


Read also: Termite Larvae: Identification, Behaviour & Control


How Long Do Black Soldier Fly Larvae Last?

The lifespan of black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) can vary depending on storage conditions and other factors.

In general, BSFL lasts for several weeks under proper storage conditions.

It’s important to keep them in a cool, dry place and provide them with a constant supply of food to ensure they remain healthy and viable.


How To Store Black Soldier Fly Larvae

To store black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) properly, follow these steps:

  1. Use a clean, ventilated container to store the larvae. A plastic container with small holes or a breathable cloth covering works well.

  2. Give the larvae something to crawl on so they don’t drown in liquids. You can use sawdust, paper towels, or cardboard as a substrate. These materials absorb extra moisture and give the larvae a surface to move around on, keeping them safe from drowning. Keep the substrate damp but not too wet to avoid mold growth.

  3. Keep the container in a cool, dry spot out of direct sunlight. The ideal temperature range for storing BSFL is between 50-70°F (10-21°C).

  4. Keep the substrate moist but not wet. Sprinkle water on the substrate as needed to maintain a damp environment.

  5. Keep feeding the larvae regularly with kitchen scraps or special insect food. Don’t give them too much food at once, though, as this can cause problems like mold.

  6. Make sure there’s enough air circulating in the container to avoid bad smells and gas buildup. Stir the larvae and their substrate often to keep it airy and prevent them from sticking together.


How Long Does It Take A Black Soldier Fly Larva To Turn Into A Fly?

The time it takes for a black soldier fly larva to become a fly can change based on things like how warm it is and how much food there is.

Usually, it takes around 14 days if everything is just right. While this happens, the larva goes through a few stages of growth before it turns into a pupa and then becomes an adult fly.


Read also: How Long Can A Fly Live Without Food And Water?


How Much Does Black Soldier Fly Larvae Eat Each Day?

Black soldier fly larvae are really good at eating and can eat a lot of food every day.

On average, one larva can eat as much as it weighs each day.

For instance, if a larva weighs 0.1 grams, it can eat about 0.1 grams of food daily. This ability to eat so much makes them great for composting and managing waste.


What Is The Lifespan Of BSF?

A black soldier fly (BSF) can live for about a week to a week and a half, but this can change based on things like how warm it is, how humid it is, and if there’s enough food.

During this time, their main job is to mate and lay eggs. After they lay eggs, adult BSFs usually die.

This short life is a normal part of their cycle, and BSFs are important because they help break down waste and recycle nutrients.


What Kills Black Soldier Flies?

Several things can kill black soldier flies (BSF). They can’t survive extreme temperatures, like really hot or really cold weather.

They like warm, humid conditions but can’t handle temperatures outside that range. Also, BSF larvae need to eat regularly to stay alive.

If they don’t have enough food, they might die. Predators, such as birds, insects, and other animals, can also eat BSF larvae, pupae, or adults, which can lead to their death.

Just like people and animals, BSF can get sick, and if they do, they might die. Lastly, if BSF comes into contact with pesticides or other chemicals, it can be harmful and cause them to die.


What Are the Disadvantages of the Black Soldier Fly?

While the black soldier fly (BSF) has many benefits, such as its ability to convert organic waste into valuable resources, there are also some disadvantages associated with this insect. Despite these disadvantages, many people and organizations continue to use black soldier flies for their numerous benefits in waste management, agriculture, and beyond:

  • Pest Concerns:  Sometimes, BSF larvae can become bothersome if they start living in places where they’re not wanted, like compost bins or waste facilities.
  • Odor Issues: The decomposition process of organic waste by BSF larvae can produce odors, which may be unpleasant for some people.
  • Potential Spread of Disease:  Although BSF larvae don’t typically spread diseases to people, there’s a chance they could pass on diseases if they touch contaminated waste.
  • Competition with Native Species:  In certain regions, BSF larvae might compete with native insects for food and homes, which could affect the local environment.


Read also: What is a Black Fly Soldier Larvae?


More on How to Store Black Soldier Fly Larvae

Do you want more information on how to store black soldier fly larvae? watch the video below:



To keep black soldier fly larvae healthy and get the most benefit from them, you need to store them right.

Follow the advice in this article, to make sure your BSFL stays fresh and usable for as long as you need.

Whether you’re using them for composting, feeding animals, or anything else, storing them right is key to getting the most out of these amazing insects.

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