
Is a Snake a Vertebrate or Invertebrate?

The sinuous, slithering movement of snakes might leave you pondering: is a snake a vertebrate or invertebrate? When it comes to classifying animals, one fundamental distinction is whether they fall into the category of vertebrates or invertebrates.


In this article, we will explore the topic of whether snakes are vertebrates or invertebrates. Join me to investigate the fascinating world of snake anatomy and uncover the truth behind this classification.


What is a Vertebrate?

is a snakes a vertebrate or invertebrate?
A Pictured of a snake coiled around a lichen-covered branch.

The existence of a backbone or spine is what distinguishes vertebrates from other types of animals in the animal kingdom. The vertebral column is a bony structure that supports the body, safeguards the spinal cord, and enables flexible movement. Its function is threefold. Mammoths, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish are all examples of different kinds of vertebrates.


What is an Invertebrate?

Invertebrates are those animals that lack a backbone or spine. They represent the vast majority of animal species on Earth. Invertebrates include animals such as insects, crustaceans, mollusks, worms, and arachnids. These creatures have evolved various body structures and modes of movement, but their defining feature is the absence of a vertebral column.


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Is a Snake a Vertebrate or Invertebrate?

Yes, a snake is a vertebrate. Like other reptiles, snakes belong to the class Reptilia, which is characterized by having a backbone or vertebral column. The vertebrate classification includes animals with a well-developed internal skeleton made of bone or cartilage. In the case of snakes, their elongated bodies are supported by a flexible spine consisting of vertebrae.


Does a Snake Have a Backbone?

Yes, snakes have a backbone. The body of a snake is kept together by a flexible vertebral column, just like the vertebral columns of other reptiles. This makes it possible for the snake to move in its unique writhing and sliding manner.

The spinal cord is an essential component of the snake’s nervous system, and it is protected by the vertebral column, which also houses the cord.


How Do Snakes Move?

Snakes have a unique way of movement, which involves the coordinated contractions of their muscles and scales. They propel themselves forward by flexing the muscles along their body, pushing against the ground, and gripping onto rough surfaces with their scales.

This movement method, known as serpentine locomotion, allows snakes to navigate a wide range of environments, including the ground, sand, grass, and even trees.


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What Purpose Does a Snake’s Backbone Serve?

The backbone of a snake, consisting of numerous individual vertebrae, provides structural support and flexibility. Because of this, the snake is able to climb, catch prey, and protect itself by twisting, bending, and otherwise manipulating its body.

The internal organs of the snake, such as its heart, lungs, digestive tract, and reproductive organs, are all located in the backbone, making it an extremely important structure.


Are Tiny Blind Snakes Vertebrates?

Yes, even tiny blind snakes, which belong to the family Typhlopidae, are vertebrates. While they lack functional eyes, these snakes have a well-developed vertebral column. Despite their small size and unique adaptations, they are still considered vertebrates due to their possession of a backbone.


How Many Vertebrae Do Snakes Have?

The number of vertebrae in snakes can vary considerably depending on the species. Usually, snakes have numerous vertebrae, ranging from as low as 100 to over 400 in certain species.

Snakes are highly mobile and flexible because their long bodies are made up of numerous distinct vertebrae. The huge number of vertebrae allows snakes to move in unusual ways and thrive in different habitats.


Do Snakes Have Tails?

Yes, snakes do have tails. A snake’s tail is the elongated portion of its body that extends beyond the cloaca (an opening through which waste and reproductive materials exit the body). This tail plays an important role in a snake’s balance and movement control.


Can Snakes Climb Trees?

Yes, snakes are remarkably skilled climbers and can climb trees adeptly. Some snake species, such as tree pythons and green tree snakes, are known for their arboreal lifestyle. Their strong body, unique scales, and the capacity to coil and hold onto branches aid in their ability to climb trees.


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Can Snakes Swim?

Alongside their terrestrial and arboreal capabilities, many snake species are proficient swimmers. Some snakes, like the water moccasin (cottonmouth), are even semi-aquatic and spend a significant amount of time in or near bodies of water. Snakes use their muscular bodies and flattened undersides to propel themselves through water efficiently.



In summary, snakes are vertebrates. This intriguing class of reptiles is distinguished from others in part by the presence of a backbone and the flexibility of the vertebral column.

By exploring how snakes fit into the animal kingdom and how they’re put together, we can better appreciate the tremendous diversity and adaptability of the animal kingdom as a whole.

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