Katana weed killer will help in achieving up to nine months of weed control with a single application on any natural, permeable surface, including gravel.
Applying katana weed killer on gravel surfaces such as roads, pathways, and railway ballasts, this weed control method is very efficient for the long-term management of weeds.
What is Katana Weed Killer?
Katana is designed to be a granule that can be dispersed in water and has a long shelf life. It is also effective at relatively low doses.
Katana, which was formerly known as Chikara, is a potent, non-selective, residual, broad-spectrum herbicide that kills annual and perennial weeds and prevents their regrowth for up to nine months with just a single application.
One application of Katana can avoid multiple strimming visits to the same locations to tidy around obstacles and fence lines, decreasing both expense and operator exposure to risks such as hand/arm vibration.
This makes it a fantastic cost-saving choice. You should combine Katana with one of our weedkillers in order to eradicate existing weeds and keep their growth under control in areas where they have taken root.
When there are existing weeds in the area, you should tank-mix Katana with a suitable contact herbicide like glyphosate and apply it when the weeds are in the process of actively growing. It is sold for $269.50.
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What Pests Can Katana Weed Killer Be Applied On?
Katana Turf Herbicide is a selective herbicide that provides excellent post-emergence control of a wide variety of broadleaf and grassy weeds in warm-season turfs.
Additionally, this herbicide can be used to remove some overseeded cold season grasses. Among these are annual and perennial grasses like:
- Ryegrass
- Kyllingas
- Poa annua
- Bermuda
- Buffalo grasses
- Zoysia
- Seashore paspalum
- Barnyardgrass
- Black medic
- Chamberbitter
- Crabgrass
- Dandelion
- Henbit
- Nutsedge
- Poa Annua
- Sedge
- White clover
- Wild violet is some of the weeds that can be found in this area. Please refer to the label for the full list.
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What is Katana Weed Killer Made Of?
Flazasulfuron is the active ingredient in Katana Weed Killer, has effective post-emergence action, and also has modest preemergence action. Very little of it is taken in by plants through their leaves and their roots.
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Where To Apply Katana Weed Killer?
Katana weed killer can be utilized on golf courses despite the fact that its roughs, fairways, and tees, as well as spot treatments on residential lawns and the following turf areas:
- Sod farms
- Industrial parks,
- Tank farms
- Cemeteries
- Commercial turf
- Professionally managed sports field
- Spot Treatments on Residential Lawns
- Industrial Parks, and
- Seed Farms.
Poa annua is one of the many broad-leaf weeds that can be controlled with this method, and it also works well when the weather is cooler.
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When to Use Katana Weed Killer
Although Katana can be used at any time of the year, for the best effects, it is recommended that it be applied in the early spring before the weed seeds have a chance to grow.
Tank mixing with an appropriate contact herbicide such as glyphosate should be done if there are currently weeds present. This should be done when the weeds are still small and actively growing.
How to Apply Katana Weed Killer
Below are steps to apply katana weed killer.
1. Backpack Sprayers For Spot Treatments
1 teaspoon nonionic surfactant and 1 gallon per 1000 square feet is the recommended amount for applying Katana Turf Herbicide to your lawn.
1-gallon water, a nonionic surfactant, and 1-2 grams of Katana Turf Herbicide dissolve in 1 teaspoon of water. Spray the solution at a rate of 1 gallon per 1,000 square feet.
Retrench in 3-4 weeks if necessary to combat difficult-to-control weeds.
2. Sites for Applying Turfgrass in Residential Areas
Targeted or spot treatment is the only option for residential turfgrass plots.
Only 10% of a residential lawn can be treated using spot treatments.
3. Rainfast Treatment
Within three hours after application to sensitive weeds and within six hours after application to less sensitive or bigger weeds, rainstorms of one inch or more may demand reapplication of Katana Turf Herbicide or may impair weed control.
4. Broadcast Treatment
Katana Turf Herbicide can be sprayed with a minimum of 20 gallons of water per acre for a spread treatment.
Dense weed populations and/or poor growing circumstances necessitate spray quantities ranging from 60 to 174 gallons of water per acre. The usage rates are listed below.
How Effective is Katana Weed Killer?
Katana encompasses a wide range of possible actions. It offers both an immediate knockdown and residual control of grasses and broad-leaved weeds in the treated area.
Because Katana does not move once it is planted in the soil profile, it is particularly useful for establishing sharply defined edging around fence lines and other landscape features.
What are the Benefits of Using Katana Weed Killer
One use of Katana can eliminate the need for many strimming trips to the same locations to remove obstructions and fence lines, saving time and money while also lowering the danger of operator injury due to hand and arm vibration.
The key benefits of using katana weed killer are:
- It gives up to five months’ worth of long-term control
- It combines the effects of both contact and residual forces
- The use of pre-emergent herbicides
- It controls post-emergent weeds as soon as they appear
- It can be combined with glyphosate in the tank
- A low dosage rate application
The selective herbicide Katana weed killer is effective against a wide variety of broadleaf weeds and warm-season turfgrasses.
In addition to controlling perennial and annual grasses and sedges, it is known for its ability to remove over-seeded cool-season grasses. it is a good product for your weed problems.