How To Use Princep Liquid Herbicide

Princep liquid herbicide can be used around children and animals when applied in accordance with the instructions on the label. Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment when mixing and applying Princep liquid herbicide.

After 48 hours, allow workers, children and pets to enter the treated area. This product can harm or contaminate non-targeted plants and water if it drifts.

Keep reading to find out more!


How Do I Describe the Princep Liquid Herbicide?

Princep Liquid Herbicide
Picture of the Princep Liquid Herbicide

Princep Liquid is manufactured by Syngenta and was formerly known as Simazine 4L. It’s a preemergent herbicide which controls a wide range of weeds, including Poa annua (ragweed), Crabgrass and more than 40 other annual and broadleaf weeds.

Princep Liquid Herbicide is a pre-emergent weed killer that prevents a wide range of broadleaf and grass weeds, including crabgrass, goosegrass and groundsel (see the label for more information).

Princep will kill any weeds already present, but not those that are yet to emerge. Princep is also effective in protecting crops from weeds.

Princep Liquid Herbicide can be used before or after weeds are visible.


Read also: How To Use the Poast Herbicide


How To Use Princep Liquid Herbicide?

  • Do Your Calculations:

To get the total area to be treated, multiply the length by the width. The Princep liquid treatments should be applied between 0.75 and 1.5 fl. oz. In a gallon per 1,000 sq. ft. on turfgrass.

Princep Liquid can be used for large-volume applications. Use 1 to 2 quarts per 20 gallons per acre.

  • Follow The Princep Liquid Herbicide Label Instructions:

Fill the sprayer half full with water. Add the product to the sprayer after measuring the amount. Pour the remaining water into your sprayer and agitate the entire container. You are now ready to spray.

  • Apply:

Use a fan setting to ensure uniform coverage. Follow the label’s instructions for your type of application.


Read also: Eraser A/P Herbicide: Detailed Product Review


According to the Princep Liquid Herbicide Label Where Can I Apply?

  • Residential lawns
  • Commercial lawns
  • Nurseries
  • Crop fields
  • Golf courses
  • Christmas tree plantings
  • Sod farms
  • Shelter belts


When Do I Use the Princep Liquid Herbicide?

Princep Liquid can be applied late in the fall before rains begin to occur. This will prevent weeds from germinating. Princep is typically applied to the soil over established plants, so it’s not the best choice for young plants.

The timing of the application can vary depending on the application method, the targeted weed and the climate.


What are the Target Pests of the Princep Liquid Herbicide?

  • Alyssum
  • Annual bluegrass
  • Annual morningglory
  • Annual ryegrass
  • Barnyardgrass
  • Burclover
  • Carelessweed
  • Carpetweed
  • Common chickweed
  • Common lambsquarters
  • Common purslane
  • Crabgrass
  • Downy brome
  • Fall panicum
  • Fiddleneckfilaree
  • Fireweed
  • Fivehook bassia
  • Flora’s paintbrush
  • Florida pusley
  • Foxtails
  • Goosegrass
  • Groundsel
  • Henbit
  • Junglerice
  • Knawel
  • Nightshade, Pepperweed
  • Pigweed
  • Pineappleweed
  • Prickly lettuce
  • Ragweed
  • Rattail fescue
  • Redmaids, Russian thistle
  • Shepherdspurse
  • Signalgrass
  • Silver hairgrass
  • Smartweed
  • Spanishneedles
  • Speedwell
  • Tansymustard
  • Wild mustard
  • Wild oats
  • Witchgrass
  • Yellow flower pepperweed


Read also: How To Use Pastora Herbicide


What Is the Shelf Life According to the Princep Liquid Label?

When stored in a cool and dry place, this product can last for up to two full years.


Additional Product Information?

What are the Active Ingredients? 41.9 % Of Simazine
What are the Possible Areas of Application? Outdoors
What Is the Chemical Type? Herbicide
Does this Product Have any Usage Restrictions? No
Which Other Product Can Be Compared With This Product?
  • Oryzalin 4 Pro
  • Dithiopyr 40 WSP
What Is Its Shipping Weight? 24. 74 lbs
Is This Product Safe For Pets? If Used as Directed On the label, This Product Is Safe For Pets.


Where To Buy Princep Liquid Herbicide For Sale?

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