How To Use Promenade WDG Herbicide

When used according to the instructions, Promenade WDG herbicide is completely safe. When applying, wear the appropriate PPE (gloves mask goggles). Do not use the product in sensitive areas or in the reach of children.

To keep the product suspended, it is important to continuously agitate the spray tank contents before and during application. Use mechanical or hydraulic agitation to agitate the spray tank contents. Do not use air.

Keep reading to find out more!


How Do I Describe the Promenade WDG Herbicide?

Promenade Wdg Herbicide
Picture of the Promenade WDG Herbicide

Promenade WDG Herbicide, is a herbicide that is used on bare soil to control certain weeds. Promenade WDG is also effective in controlling selected broadleaf and grassy weeds, both pre-emergently and post-emergently.

Flumioxazin, the active ingredient in Promenade WDG, can control even the most stubborn of weeds like kochias, pigweeds and marestails.

Use it on railroad areas, rights-of-way and other areas where weeds should be killed without discrimination.


Read also: How To Use Onetime Herbicide


How To Use Promenade WDG Herbicide?

  • Do Your Calculations:

To get the square footage, multiply the length by the width in feet (length x wide = square footage). Divide the square footage by 43,560 in order to find the acreage.

Use 8-12 ounces of Promenade WDG per acre with an adjuvant, but not more than 24 ounces.

  • Follow The Promenade WDG Herbicide Label Instruction:

Fill half of the tank with water. Add Promenade according to the instructions on your sprayer’s label. Then add any other component, and then fill the tank with water.

  • Apply:

Apply Promenade to the area you want to eliminate plant growth. Apply as necessary before the growing season to continue bare-ground management.


Read also: How To Use Clearcast Herbicide


According to the Promenade WDG Herbicide Label Where Can I Apply?

  • Bareground under rails
  • Above-ground pipelines
  • Railroad beds
  • Railroad yards and surrounding areas
  • Parking areas
  • Storage areas
  • Plant sites
  • Substations
  • Pumping stations
  • Tank farms
  • Airports
  • Brickyards
  • Industrial plant sites
  • Lumber yards
  • Military installations
  • Farm buildings
  • Along fence rows
  • Road surfaces
  • Improved roadside areas
  • Gravel shoulders


When Do I Use the Promenade WDG Herbicide?

Use PromenadeWDG in the months before the plant is expected to sprout. This will prevent the seeds from growing, and keep the ground bare.

The most effective post-emergent application is when it’s applied in sunny conditions with a temperature of 65@F or higher. Within an hour after application, Promenade WDG is rainproof.


What are the Target Pests of the Promenade WDG Herbicide?

  • Annual Bluegrass
  • Annual Sowthistle
  • Barnyardgrass
  • Birdseye Pearlwort
  • Black Nightshade
  • Bristly Foxtail
  • Broadleaf Plantain
  • Buckhorn Plantain
  • California Burclover
  • California Lovegrass
  • Canada Thistle
  • Carolina Geranium
  • Carpetweed
  • Coffee Senna
  • Common Chickweed
  • Common Groundsel
  • Common Lambsquarters
  • Common Mallow
  • Common Purslane
  • Common Ragweed
  • Common Waterhemp
  • Dandelion
  • Dogfennel
  • Doveweed
  • Eastern Black Nightshade
  • Eclipta
  • Entireleaf Morningglory
  • Fall Panicum
  • Field Pennycress
  • Florida Beggarweed
  • Florida Pusley
  • Giant Foxtail
  • Giant Ragweed
  • Goosegrass
  • Green Foxtail
  • Green Kyllinga
  • Hairy Bittercress
  • Hairy Galinsoga
  • Hairy Indigo
  • Hairy Nightshade
  • Hemp Sesbania
  • Henbit
  • Hoary Alyssum
  • Horseweed
  • Ivyleaf Morningglory
  • Jimsonweed Kochia
  • Ladysthumb
  • Large Crabgrass
  • Little Mallow
  • Liverwort
  • Longstalked Phylanthus
  • Longstalked Phyllanthus
  • Mayweed
  • Morningglory
  • Moss
  • Mouseear Chickweed
  • Mustard
  • Palmer Amaranth
  • Parsley Piert
  • Pennsylvania Smartweed
  • Pineapple-weed
  • Prickly Sida
  • Prostrate Pigweed
  • Prostrate Spurge
  • Puncturevine
  • Red Morningglory
  • Redmaids
  • Redroot Pigweed
  • Redstem Filaree
  • Redweed
  • Russian Thistle
  • Scarlet Morningglory
  • Shepherd’s Purse
  • Signalgrass
  • Smallflower Morningglory
  • Smooth Crabgrass
  • Smooth Pigweed
  • Southern Crabgrass
  • Spiny Amaranth
  • Spotted Bristly Starbur
  • Spotted Thistle
  • Tall Morningglory
  • Tall Waterhemp
  • Teaweed
  • Texas Panicum
  • Tropic Croton
  • Tumble Mustard
  • Tumble Pigweed
  • Velvetleaf
  • Venice Mallow
  • Waterhemp
  • Wild Mustard
  • Wild Poinsettia
  • Yellow Foxtail
  • Yellow Rocket
  • Yellow Woodsorrel


Read also: How To Use ProDeuce Herbicide


What Is the Shelf Life According to the Promenade WDG Label?

When stored in a dry, cool place, Promenade can last up to three years. Payload Herbicide kills target weeds two weeks after contact, but it can take several weeks to complete control depending on the treatment area and application.


Additional Product Information?

What are the Active Ingredients?
  • 51.0 % Of Flumioxazin
What are the Possible Areas of Application? Outdoors
What Is the Chemical Type? Herbicide
Does this Product Have any Usage Restrictions? No
Which Other Product Can Be Compared With This Product? Bromacil
Is It Safe To Use Around Children and Pets? Yes, it is safe to use around children and pets.
What Is Its Formulation? Water Dispersible Granule (WDG)


Where To Buy Promenade WDG Herbicide For Sale?

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