The rabid wolf spider is a native spider known to have originated from Northern American, the rabid wolf spider is among the distinct specie of spider.
However, there are various facts about this spider that will be discussed as you read through this article together with its behaviors, identification, and how you can possibly control this spider.
As we proceed, let’s begin with the fact about the rabid wolf spider.
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Facts About Rabid Wolf Spiders
The rabid wolf spider is a kind of spider that belongs to the Lycosidae family, it is botanically known as Rabidosa Rabida. My research so far on this topic shows that this spider has a scientific and botanical classification, this classification shows that the rabid wolf spider belongs to the Animalia kingdom, class Arachnida, species Rabidosa Rabida, the order Araneae, infraorder Araneomorphae, Genus Rabidosa, Phylum Arthropoda, and subphylum Chelicerata. This classification is confirmed on Wikipedia.
Life cycle & Reproduction
The rabid wolf spider shows good parental conduct towards their spiderlings, however, mating seems to be very risky for the male rabid wolf spider. During mating, the male rabid spider is attacked, and sometimes killed and eaten by the female rabid spider but in most cases, they leave to mate some other time.
However, the female spider is capable of conveying the eggs in its sac, when it lays the eggs and its hatches, the spiderling stays with the mother for 2 weeks before going out to fend for itself.
Eggs & Spiderlings
The female wolf spider appears to be so defensive when it comes to the safety of its eggs, unlike the female zebra spider and the wolf spider, the female rabid wolf spiders carry their sacs. However, when mating must have occurred, the female spider hides away from the reach of the male spider. She ensures that the location in which the eggs are to laid is safety conscious. This female spider lays a maximum of 150 eggs which she carries in her sac.
After laying the eggs, the female spider stays to watch the egg as it hatches, during the hatching process, she tears the silk egg sac containing the eggs. However, the developed young spider is formed, upon this, the female spider keeps the spiderlings under close watch for 2 to 3 weeks before they are released to go hunting.
When searching the rabid wolf spider, this spider builds their habitat in places like moist buildings, areas with lots of wood, and cotton pasture. Research shows that they also settle in dark holes, trash areas, foliage, and underneath rocks. However, these places mentioned are the possible areas you could find these spiders. Wolf spiders usually roam alone in the night, stalking prey and typically live on the ground, though some are known to climb partly up trees to catch their prey. Some species hide in vegetation or leaf litter, while others dig tunnels or use other animals’ tunnels.
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How Long Does Rabid Wolf Spider Live?
Every living creature on earth has a purpose to fulfill, and once that purpose is fulfilled they die. Unlike humans, the case of the animals is an exception as their purpose is just to eat and sleep and maybe cut short once they’ve completed their lifespan. Sadly, the rabid wolf spider is no exception as it lives for only a short period of two years and sadly spends its first six months on its mother’s back. Although, the larger, more fit ones can live for more than two years in stable environments.

These spiders are commonly found in the United States and have adapted to various environments, making them very aggressive towards human beings, spiders, insects, and other animals. Even though this spider is harmless to man, its bite is still feared as being dangerous.
The Feeding Habits of the Rabid Wolf Spider
The wolf spiders hunt at night, stalking prey. They hunt in a set territory, returning to a specific place to feed, while others wander nomadically with no territory or permanent resident. Wolf spiders feed mostly on ground-dwelling insects and other spiders. Large females usually eat small vertebrates, and during hunting, some species chase down and grab their prey, while others stalk them and ambush them. Wolf spiders often jump on their prey, hold it between their legs and roll over on their backs, trapping their prey with their limbs before biting it.
- Small insects.
- Crickets.
- Locusts.
- Ants.
- Grasshoppers.
- And even other spiders.
Wolf spiders use visual cues in mating. The males signal their interest to females by waving their short, sensory appendages near their mouths in special patterns or banging them together.
After mating, female rabid wolf spiders lay several dozens of eggs and wrap them in silk, creating an egg sac. The female wolf spiders carry their egg sacs attached to their spinnerets. If the female is separated from the egg sac, she will search furiously for it and may even bite while looking for it as they are known to exhibit aggressive behavior when carrying the sacs. After hatching, the spiderlings (hatched eggs) climb on their mother’s back and she carries them around for several days.
So you see, the mating and reproduction process involves aggressiveness and trust me you wouldn’t want to go near them during this period, would you?
How Do I Identify a Rabid Wolf Spider in My Home?
You may have seen a rabid wolf spider in your home, and mistook it for a tarantula spider. Well, worry no more as below is a list of possible ways you can identify a rabid wolf spider in your home:
- They are usually brown, grey, black, or tan, with dark stripes running down the side of its head.
- The length of this spider ranges from 6.4 mm to 3 cm long, with males typically smaller than females.
- They have a distinctive eye arrangement, where the front or anterior row is composed of four small eyes of almost the same size arranged in roughly a straight row.
- Its back is arranged in a V-pattern with the apex next to the anterior row.
- It is easy to identify them in the night as their eyes are capable of shining bright during this period.
If you see anything similar to these identifications, then its probably the wolf spider.
Although these insects are not harmful to man in any way, their huge body structure and speed make it frightful having them in your home. Especially, the thought of a bite from these creatures gives a chill!
How do these Spiders get Into My Home?
Normally these pests dwell outside in leafy, grassy areas, and some even make small burrows. However, they occasionally come indoors accidentally to seek shelter over the winter or sometimes in search of food. They get into the home through spaces indoors, spaces in windows, and even basements.
How do I Get Rid of the Rabid Wolf Spider in My Home?
These spiders are harmless and even help get rid of disturbing pests in your homes but the idea of being bitten by these guys is what brings the thought of getting rid of them. Below are possible ways of getting rid of the wolf spiders in your home:
- Exterminate other pests that may serve as a source of food to this spider.
- Always shut doors and windows to prevent an invasion of wolf spiders.
- Make use of insecticides to kill other insects and prevent them from coming into the home.
- Keep the house clean always to prevent other insects from getting in and attracting the wolf spider.
Once again we’re glad to be the ones to give you answers pertaining to the rabid wolf spider, and we hope you’ve got a whole lot of satisfaction reading this article. Do well to contact us for more info.
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