Rat Mites: How to Identify and Get Rid

Do you how to identify and get rid of rat mites? Rat mite is one pesky pest you don’t want but prepare for twice the trouble when they come infesting.

In this blog post, we will show you how to identify and how to get rid of rat mites infestations completely from your home, leaving your living space cleaned and pest free all year.


How to Identify Rat Mites

The first thing and the best thing you should do in any pest control process is to identify what exactly you’re dealing with.

The inability to identify your pest can lead to wrong treatment methods which will cost you time and money. Rat mites are small arachnids and you likely won’t realize their infestation until after you’ve been bitten.

The most common red mite is the tropical rat might. They’re normally about 1/25 of an inch in length and really hard to see with just the naked eye.

They can become more visible after they are fed and become engorged. They’re typical, grayish-white in color, and they become reddish after feeding.


Read also: Are Clover Mites Dangerous?


Picture of Rat Mites

Below are pictures of rat mites;

Rat mites

Rat Mites


Where Do I Find Rat Mites?

Finding the hotspot of your pest activities is the next phase of any good pest control process. Once, you know what your pest looks like, below are steps to find rat mites in your home or property.

  • Check around your property to confirm their presence or find hot spots of activity.
  • If you have rat mites, you either brought in a new pet that may have been infested maybe a hamster or another similar animal.
  • If you have a rodent infestation look in and around your house for signs of rat or mouse activity.
  • Check outdoors or enter the home’s perimeter and garden beds or indoors like the kitchen, pantry, attic basement, or garage be on the lookout for grease.
  • Marks along walls, fur throat, droppings, gnaw marks, and rodent burrows.


Read also: How to Get Rid of Clover Mites in the House


How to Get Rid of Rat Mites

To get rid of rat mites, you’ll first need to address any rodent infestations on your property before starting any treatment.

Be sure to wear your personal protective equipment or PPE we recommend, you wear gloves, in order to keep your human scent off any products.


1. Use Easy Set Traps

Start your control by setting up snap traps. We recommend you use easy-set traps. Easy-set traps are durable and reusable traps designed to be safe to use and eliminate rat mites.

These traps with high-protein bait like Nut Butter then arm and set traps against walls or fence lines. Close to where activities have been seen.

The trap should be perpendicular facing toward the wall. Next set of glue traps, we recommend you use our Pro glue boards, perfect for rats and other crawling passes.

Pro clue traps, which are made with durable plastic. These traps come pre-baited with peanut butter. They are easy to set up to prepare the glue boards.

Just grip the corner of the board itself, and the paper, seal then swiftly, pull them apart and set these traps lengthwise against walls or fence lines.

Close to where you’ve seen rodent activity for the best coverage. Use plenty of traps and be sure to place snap and glue traps 2 to 3 feet apart throughout your treatment area.


Read also: How to Get Rid of Mold Mites


2. Make use of Rodent Baits

In addition to traps, you’ll want to use a Ravenna mite bait like eradication rodent bait. The eradication is a slow killing route and a site that prevents a rodent population from developing bait shyness to prevent children, pets, and non-target animals from accessing the bait.

Set up eradication with a tamper-proof, rat and mouse bait station, and load the station with the bait. Two for eradication blocks and set the station flush against the exterior of your home structure.

We recommend you set up multiple stations, 20 to 40 feet apart check the stations once a day to replenish any bait until rodent activity ceases.


3. Use Insecticide like Flex 1010

To get rid of any lingering rat mites, that may persist after rodents have been controlled. We recommend you treat in and around your home with an insecticide like Flex 1010.

Flex 1010 is a Permethrin and Pimpernel butoxide-based concentrate that is labeled to kill rat mites in and around.

This product must be mixed with water before application. A handheld pump sprayer makes 3.2 fluid ounces of flex 1010 into one gallon of water to treat up to 1,000 square feet.

You can apply the solution to furniture, mattresses, baseboards, carpeting, and shelves. You should also create a perimeter barrier around your home’s exterior to prevent mites and other bugs from coming in from outside.


Read also: Clover Mites vs Chiggers: Identification and Differences


How to Prevent Rat Mites

Prevention is essential to keeping pests in check. Even after you’ve applied pesticides, the best way to stop pest activity is to make sure it can’t happen.

You can ensure you won’t deal with rat mites in the future by making your home less conducive to rodent activity by doing these;

  • Clean up in and around your home to remove food and sources.
  • Get rid of harper juice, and seal loose foods like cereal, flowers, and pet Foods into airtight containers.
  • Get rid of leaf litter and pick up fallen debris.
  • Ensure your garbage bins seal completely.
  • Seal all holes cracks and crevices on the interior and exterior of your home.
  • Use caulk or copper mesh brats are turned away by copper mesh so they won’t chew through it.



Keep up with monthly treatments of Flex 1010 outdoors to control and prevent mites and other pests from infesting your home.

Rat mites are parasites that may come up with any rodent infestation, with these professional products and tips you can stop mites and rodents from infesting your property and if you like this DIY guide, kindly share and keep visiting our website for more.

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