
Scorpion in Your House: How to Get Rid of Scorpio

Are you seeing a scorpion in your house and this gets you scared? It’s natural for you to panic, scream, run away, jump up on a chair, or even throw anything at a scorpion if you happen to find a scorpion in your house.


These arthropods share a phylogenetic lineage with spiders, ticks, and mites and have eight legs.

There are a few things you can do if you discover a scorpion in your house that will help you get rid of it and prevent it from returning, and we have the information explained here for you.


How Do Scorpions Get Inside Your House

Scorpion in Your House

Before we get down to a scorpion in your house, how do scorpions get inside your house? It can be perplexing to discover a scorpion inside your home if you keep the windows closed and don’t do anything to attract them.

Some species of scorpion are capable of flattening their bodies to a thickness of only 1/16 of an inch.

Consequently, they may squeeze through the tiniest openings in your home’s windows, doors, and siding. If you were to take out a ruler and look at one inch, you’d notice that it’s only two ticks long.

As a result, it’s not surprising that we periodically come across scorpions in the house. They can squeeze through narrow openings like those found in doorjambs and window sills.

Some scorpions can climb trees with ease and even use the bark as a protective barrier. Sometimes these scorpions make it inside the house by hitchhiking on people’s clothes, shoes, food bags, or other items.


Read also: Home Remedies for Getting Rid of Scorpions

 Why Do Scorpions Go Inside Houses?

Many scorpions die of malnutrition or dehydration if they become trapped in uninhabited spaces like attics or basements and are never discovered.

If you find a scorpion inside your home, the weather outside is likely to blame.

In such situations, they will look for a safe place to take refuge, and if they don’t locate one in the natural world soon enough, they will seek refuge in a man-made structure like your home.

During times of severe drought, scorpions may try to find water inside homes, usually in damp areas like the bathroom, kitchen, or basement.

They’ll be looking for a cool place to hang out, like your basement, because droughts tend to be accompanied by high temperatures. Since scorpions do not build nests, an infestation is not a concern.

They spend the day dozing off on rocks, fallen trees, logs, or tree bark before emerging at night. Each night is different, so they don’t always sleep in the same place.


Read also: Scorpion Repellents


Types of Scorpion found in Your House

Scorpion in Your House
The bark scorpion is the only species of scorpion in the United States whose venom can produce serious symptoms, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Antivenom for bark scorpion venom is readily available in hospitals throughout the Southwest, where these insects are most prevalent.

The pinchers on the front of most scorpions are distinctive, and the stinger at the end of the tail is universally recognized.

In most cases, scorpions will not attack a human being. They tend to be timid and shy away from social situations.

However, if they feel threatened or cornered, they may become hostile. Most scorpion bites occur when someone accidentally disturbs a scorpion while working in the yard.

Last but not least, if you find a scorpion in your home and aren’t sure what it is or how to handle it, you should always call a pest control expert.


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How to Get Rid of Scorpions in Your House

There are four actions you should take if you discover a scorpion Indoors. However, I don’t recommend getting near a scorpion. Since scorpions often congregate, you should assume that there are more of them in the area.

Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that you immediately get in touch with a competent exterminator in your area.

The next four actions assume you have prior expertise with these animals.

  1. As a first step, try not to freak out. Scorpions typically only bite when they feel threatened. If you lose control and start screaming and throwing objects, the scorpion may go away and you may not be able to find it. Having a scorpion in your home and not being able to see it is far more terrifying.
  2. You should always have a broom and dustpan handy. Especially if you happen to reside in a region where scorpions are a common visitor. Attics, kitchens, basements, and bedrooms are frequent haunts for the arachnid pest. Attempt to maintain the broom’s proximity to these spots.
  3. The third step is to sweep the scorpion into the dustpan or another large container. Meanwhile, you can cover the scorpion with a small plastic trash can until help arrives. Wearing protective clothing can lessen the chances of being stung.  You can either sweep the scorpion into the container directly from the wall, or you can sweep it onto the floor and then into the container if it is climbing the wall. Scorpions, thanks to their robust exoskeletons, should be able to survive a fall unless it’s from a very great height. You can use a black light to find the scorpion if you’ve lost track of it. Under ultraviolet light, their exoskeletons will radiate brightly.
  4.  Take the dustbin or trash can outdoors and empty it. Now that it has likely become angry, minimizing your interaction with the scorpion is advised.
    If you come across a scorpion that looks to be dead, you should follow the same procedures. They may not be dead simply because they are immobile.


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Possible Locations of Scorpions in Your Home

Potential Scorpion Hotspots in Your Home
The presence of scorpions in your house is more prevalent in certain rooms than in others. Some areas you should inspect thoroughly for scorpions are listed below.

  • Regarding linens for the bed
  • Using sleeping bags
  • Towels from the pool that have been soaked
  • Within footwear
  • Within wet washcloths or towels

With this information in hand, you may do a thorough sweep of your home and focus on the most at-risk regions for scorpion infestation.

It would help if you always double-checked your sleeping bag or bed before getting into it and your shoes and clothing before wearing them.


To conclude on Scorpion in Your House

If you notice any scorpion in your house, never attempt to handle or keep a scorpion as a pet. The removal of a scorpion from your home should be left to a professional if you are unable to do so on your own.

Shoes, boots, and towels should all be inspected for scorpions before being used. Avoid keeping firewood and construction materials stacked on the ground, as this can attract scorpions.

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