7 Did You Know Facts About the Seal Point Siamese

The term “Seal Point Siamese” cat is commonly associated with a certain breed by a significant number of individuals. The Siamese cat breed is recognized, however, the Seal Point breed is not acknowledged.

Contrary to popular belief, it is important to note that Seal Point refers to a specific coat colour pattern rather than denoting a distinct breed.

The trait in question is observed in several feline breeds, such as Siamese, Himalayan, and Ragdolls.

Seal Point kittens do not possess the characteristic Seal Points at birth. Conversely, the body will have a cream hue, while the pads will display a pinkish colour.

After a few weeks, the emergence of colouration in the areas corresponding to the Seal Points will become apparent.


What Does the Seal Point Siamese Look Like?

Seal Point Siamese
Picture of the Seal Point Siamese Cat

The breed standard for the contemporary Siamese cat entails a body that is elongated, tubular, and muscular, accompanied by a triangular head that creates an ideal triangle extending from the nose to the tips of the ears.

The ocular organs have an almond-shaped morphology and possess a pale blue hue, whereas the auditory appendages are characterized by their substantial size, wide base, and lateral positioning on the cranium.

The breed exhibits a lengthy cervical region, a slender caudal appendage, and a coat that is characterized by its brevity, lustre, fineness, and close adherence to the physique, lacking an underlayer.

The feline species under consideration can be distinguished from its closely related counterpart, the Oriental Shorthair, by its distinct colour scheme and the presence of blue eyes.

The Modern Siamese breed exhibits the pointed colour pattern, which is also observed in the Thai, or traditional Siamese breed. However, these two breeds diverge in terms of their head and body structure.

The pointed pattern is a manifestation of partial albinism, which arises due to a genetic mutation in the tyrosinase enzyme responsible for melanin synthesis.

The tyrosinase enzyme, when mutated, exhibits heat sensitivity, resulting in its inability to function effectively at typical physiological temperatures.

However, it demonstrates increased activity in regions of the skin characterized by lower temperatures, specifically below 33°C.

The result of this is that the areas of a cat’s body that encounter cooler temperatures, such as its extremities and its facial area, where cooling is helped by airflow via the sinuses, develop a darker pigmentation.

Siamese kittens, despite being initially born with a pristine cream or white coat, undergo the development of visible points on specific regions of their body during the early months of life, particularly in colder areas.

Once a kitten reaches the age of four weeks, the markings on its fur should become distinct enough to allow for the identification of its colour.

Siamese felines exhibit a tendency to experience coat darkening as they mature. Moreover, it is often observed that adult Siamese residing in warmer regions prefer to possess lighter fur compared to their counterparts residing in cooler climates.

Initially, a significant proportion of Siamese cats exhibited seal points, characterized by a deep brown hue that approached black.

However, there were occasional instances where Siamese cats were born with “blue” points, which represented a dilution of the seal point colouration resulting in a cool grey shade.

Additionally, some Siamese cats displayed chocolate points, a genetic variation of the seal point colouration that manifested as a lighter brown shade.

Lastly, there were Siamese cats with lilac points, which were genetically derived from a diluted chocolate colouration, resulting in a pale and warm grey shade.

The aforementioned colours were classified as “inferior” seal points and were deemed ineligible for exhibition or reproduction purposes.

The aforementioned hues were ultimately acknowledged and embraced by the breed associations, subsequently gaining prevalence through targeted breeding initiatives designed to cultivate these particular colourations.

Subsequently, the Siamese breed underwent outcrossing with many other breeds, resulting in the emergence of Siamese-mix cats exhibiting distinct points in a range of cat colours and patterns.

These points encompassed red and cream hues, lynx (tabby) patterns, as well as tortoise-shell (“tortie”) patterns.


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How Do I Describe the Behaviour of the Seal Point Siamese?

Siamese cats are often recognized for their sociable disposition, displaying notable levels of affection and intelligence.

Numerous individuals derive pleasure from social interactions and are occasionally characterized as “extroverts”. Frequently, individuals have a strong attachment to a particular individual.

The feline species under consideration exhibits a unique vocalization pattern that has been likened to the vocalizations emitted by human infants.

Furthermore, these animals consistently display tenacious behaviour when seeking attention from their human caretakers.

These felines are commonly characterized by their lively and playful nature, which persists even in adulthood. They are frequently likened to dogs in terms of their activity.

Certain Siamese cats exhibit a notable inclination towards vocalization, characterized by a resonant and deep-toned voice, commonly referred to as a “Meezer.”

This distinctive vocalization serves as one of the contributing factors to the acquisition of one of its popular nicknames.


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Did You Know?

1. A Seal Point Siamese Has Lived In the White House:

The Royal breed is much adored by individuals. Similar to the British, who are known for their affinity for Corgis, Americans also have a fondness for Seal Points.

An instance of a Seal Point Siamese cat residing in the White House has been documented.

During the 1870s, Lucy Hayes, the inaugural lady of Rutherford B. Hayes, received a Seal Point Siamese feline as a gift, which thereafter resided within the confines of the White House.


2. Seal Point Siamese Have the Ability To Manipulate their Voices (Bark, Growl, etc.):

Although their vocal repertoire is not as extensive as that of other animals, they are capable of producing a diverse array of noises, such as barks, growls, and grunts.

Furthermore, these noises are employed by individuals to engage in communication with one another.

As an illustration, a seal point feline may emit vocalizations like barking in order to alert its fellow members of the group about potential threats or to communicate its whereabouts.

Seal points additionally employ vocalizations as a means of conveying their emotions.

A seal point cat may emit grunting or trilling vocalizations when experiencing happiness, whereas feelings of fear or anger may elicit growling sounds.

In future encounters with a seal point, it is advisable to allocate a brief period of time to attentively observe and appreciate its distinctive vocalizations.


3. Seal Point Siamese Have Albino Origins:

The majority of Seal Point cats exhibit a colouration pattern characterized by white or cream bodies accompanied by darkly pigmented extremities, including the feet, face, ears, and tail.

The inheritance of this coat pattern is genetically linked, necessitating the presence of the characteristic in both parents for the offspring to exhibit the specific colouration.

Put simply, if the genes are only present in one parent, the resulting kitten will not exhibit the characteristic of being a Seal Point.

It is noteworthy that the alleles linked to this gene exhibit a correlation with the manifestation of albinism.

The areas of darker pigmentation in this particular colouration pattern are situated in regions of the feline’s anatomy that exhibit lower temperatures.

This observation implies that the development of Seal Point colouration may be linked to the genetic condition of albinism.


4. The Seal Point Siamese Was Once Referred To as the Wichienmaat:

The Siamese cat is well recognized as a highly favoured breed globally, with its notable characteristics, such as its pointed coat and blue eyes, having captivated feline enthusiasts for several centuries.

Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the Siamese breed can be traced back to its origins in Thailand, where it was formerly referred to as Wichienmaat.

The nomenclature of this particular breed originates from the urban centre of Ayutthaya, which served as the capital of the Kingdom of Siam until its conquest by the Burmese military in the year 1767.

During this period, a significant number of Siamese cats belonging to the royal lineage were illicitly transported out of the city and subsequently introduced to Europe, resulting in their rapid rise to prominence and popularity.

The registration of the initial Siamese cat in England occurred in 1884, subsequently leading to the proliferation of this breed across various regions worldwide.

Therefore, when encountering a Siamese cat in the present day, one may perceive it as a tangible embodiment of historical significance.


5. A Seal Point Siamese Once Held the Record For World’s Fattest Cat:

The general perception of a Siamese cat is often associated with a dignified and slender physique.

While it is true that certain Siamese cats may conform to this stereotype, it should be noted that Seal Point Siamese cats possess a notably elevated susceptibility to obesity.

Indeed, the title of the world’s heaviest feline was held by a Siamese cat, weighing approximately 50 pounds.

Due to the propensity of Siamese cats to experience weight gain, it is imperative to exercise vigilance in managing their dietary intake and consult with a veterinary professional regarding appropriate nutritional and healthcare measures.


6. The First Seal Point Siamese Was Seen In the Early 1900’s:

The Seal Point is a distinct variant of the Siamese cat breed, distinguished by its notable dark brown or black pigmentation on specific areas of its body, sometimes referred to as “points.”

The breed is believed to have originated from Siamese temple cats, which were introduced to Europe around the 19th century.

In the year 1884, Mrs. Annie Coats, an English woman, bought a pair of Siamese cats from Siam. It is widely thought that the lineage of Seal Points can be traced back to these particular felines.


7. The Seal Point Siamese Is Considered a Sign of Luck In Some Parts of the World:

The origin of this superstition can be traced back to the era of King Rama V, a fervent enthusiast of the Siamese cat collection.

Legend has it that Pho, a feline of great value to the King, with a coat of brownish-gold hue, accentuated by dark pigmentation on its ears, tail, and paws. The name “Pho” derives from the Thai language, signifying “light.”

The King’s fondness for Pho was so profound that he issued a decree to selectively breed all of his feline companions in a manner that would emulate Pho’s physical characteristics.

The felines in question acquired the designation of “Seal Point” Siamese and have since been held in high regard throughout Thai society.

In contemporary Thai society, a prevalent belief exists among individuals that the possession of a Seal Point Siamese cat is associated with favourable fortune and contentment.


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The term “Seal Point” refers to a certain colour pattern found in some breeds of cats, particularly those belonging to the Siamese family.

This pattern is characterized by The Siamese cat possessing distinctive physical characteristics, including its exquisite pointed markings and a delicate, lithe physique.

However, it is important to consider their personality traits in this context. Seal Points are recognized for their proclivity for vocalization and their inclination to articulate their viewpoints.

Moreover, these felines exhibit a strong inclination towards displaying devotion and love, actively seeking opportunities to engage with their preferred individuals.

It is not surprising that some individuals assert that Seal Points bear a resemblance to puppies, as they exhibit numerous commonalities.

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