What are the signs of possum infestation? Opossums will make a home for themselves virtually anywhere they can find a location that is dry, protected, and secure. Because of this, it is not uncommon to see opossums residing in the attics and crawlspaces of homes and businesses, as well as beneath sheds and decks.
Where Can Possums Be Found?
Opossum In Attic:
Urine and feces should be treated with a disinfectant or a mixture of chlorine and water, then left to sit for five minutes before being treated. According to the directions provided by the manufacturer, the proper ratio of bleach to the water in a bleach solution is one part bleach to ten parts water.
Opossum In House:
It’s possible that an opossum will come inside your home if you leave a door or a window open for it. In the Seattle area’s wooded areas, homes are frequently built in opossum habitats and are situated in such a way as to make them an alluring refuge option.
Opossum On Roof:
There is a good chance that opossums are using your roof if there are trees nearby. When building a new house, many construction companies don’t entirely seal off the residence, and many roofing contractors don’t seek possibilities to apply proven pest-proofing “exclusion techniques” to keep wild animals of all kinds out of your house.
Read also:Â What Does a Possum Look Like?
Opossum In Garage:
Whenever we open and lock the garage door, we could be welcoming unexpected visitors. It is possible for an opossum to locate a variety of dark locations to hide in your garage. There may even be food or drink available for those in need. Opossums are not uncommon to live in garages, whether they are detached or attached.
What are the Signs of Possum Infestation?

Below are the signs of possum infestation:
Possum Dropping:
Pellets are the term for possum excrement. Separated or stacked, they have a crescent-shaped shape that is long and narrow. Poop measures 20-30 mm in length and 5-15 mm in width. The smell of possum droppings is unmistakable. The possum’s food can influence the color and texture of its fur.
Pet Food Disappearing:
Opossums have an unusually strong attraction to cat food. When you have an opossum infestation, you could find that your cats’ food goes missing faster, especially if any of your cats spend time outside.
This is especially true for outdoor cats. If you have reason to believe that opossums have invaded your property, you should take precautions to safeguard your cats from being hurt in a battle with an opossum.
Loud Noises:
Read also:Â Huntsman Spider Eating Opossum; A Detailed Insight
Opossums have a habit of making a variety of noises, including ripping, scuttling, and scratching, while they are nesting. These noises may seem like rats or mice, but you will probably notice that the noises seem louder since they are made by a larger animal. This is because the larger animal is responsible for making the noises.
In addition, because opossums do not confine themselves to the perimeter of the attic space, you may detect scratching over a larger area if there is an infestation of opossums rather than any other type of rodent problem. This is because opossums are more likely to move around inside the attic.
Visible Foot Prints:
The front feet of the possum is distinct from the back feet of the animal. The front part of the foot resembles a hand. It has five fingers, and on the end of each one is a large, curved claw. The thumb of the hindfoot is opposable and does not have a nail. In most cases, you will see an impression of the front paws.
The imprint can be between three and four centimeters long and consist of anywhere from four to five cushions with the same number of toe pads. Possums walk using all four of their feet, and the distance between where their right and left feet are placed is approximately 10 to 13 centimeters.
Offensive Odors:
The stench is one of the most telltale indicators that an opossum infestation is present. Opossums have a greater frequency of defecation than most other mammals, and the size of their droppings can rival that of a domestic cat.
These wet droppings have the potential to soak into insulation and other building components, which will cause a smell that is unmistakably foul.
Read also:Â Are Opossums Dangerous? Facts and Behavior of Opossums
Why Should I Call For a Professional Opossum Removal?
Please do not hesitate to contact a qualified wildlife removal specialist as soon as possible if you discover that an opossum has taken up residence in your home.
Opossums are known to be carriers of a number of infectious diseases, including leptospirosis, TB, relapsing fever, tularemia, spotted fever, toxoplasmosis, coccidiosis, trichomoniasis, and Chagas disease.
It is also possible that they are contaminated with fleas, ticks, mites, and lice, all of which have the potential to spread to other parts of the house.
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