11 Simple Strategies for Ant Control in Your Home

Ants are a common pest in homes, but there are several simple strategies for ant control in your home you can use to keep them out permanently. Ants are attracted to food and moisture, so it’s important to make sure your home is clean and dry.


11 Simple Strategies for Ant Control in Your Home

If ants have already found their way inside your home, you can use these simple strategies for ant control in your home to get rid of them for good!

Simple Strategies For Ant Control In Your Home


1. Identify the ants:

Ants problem can occur anywhere, be it your own house or a house for rent! Before you can begin to control an ant infestation, you need to figure out what kind of ants are in your home. This can be tricky because there are so many different species and their differences don’t always stand out right away.

  • Some ants are black, red, or yellow (depending on the species). They may be small or large in size with wings that extend beyond their bodies. Some ants have venomous stings; others don’t sting at all but can still cause damage via biting or by eating through fabrics such as cotton clothing or upholstery fabric made from natural fibers such as linen cloths.
  • These pests also come with various names depending on where you live: pavement ants–because they often nest beneath sidewalks; odorous house ants–because they emit foul odors when crushed against surfaces like wood floors; crazy ants because these critters act erratically once disturbed by humans.


2. Use baits to control ants:

Baits are a good option for smaller infestations and for ants that don’t eat other insects. If you have an ant problem, but the ants aren’t eating sweet foods or meat, baits may be your best choice.

Baits work by making it easy for the ants to find food in one place and then bring them back to their nest. Once there, they will share their meal with others in the colony–which means that more and more ants will come into contact with the poison over time (and ultimately die).

This means that you don’t need a high concentration of bait on every surface; instead, if you place enough bait near entrances or trails where ants travel often (like along baseboards), it can spread throughout your home quickly enough without having too much excess poison around!


3. Seal cracks and crevices that may provide access to your home:

Seal cracks and crevices that may be providing access to your home. Use caulk to seal cracks and crevices, especially around window frames and doors. You can also use putty if you have gaps in the walls or floorboards.

If the problem is bigger then go for professional repair such as cement stair repair (if the ants are coming from those cracks). For outdoor areas, use weather-resistant caulk that will last longer than standard caulking materials.


4. Soak insecticides in a sponge and place them near suspected ant nests:

Soak insecticides in a sponge and place the saturated sponge near suspected ant nests. If the ants are not seen again, remove the soaked sponges. If they do reappear, continue to use them until you can no longer detect any activity from your unwelcome guests.


5. Spray insecticide around the perimeter of your property:

Spraying insecticide around the perimeter of your property to keep ants from entering your home.

  • Spray outside walls, including under eaves and around doors.
  • Spray in shrubs and trees nearby to get rid of ants that are already on your property (not recommended for use around edible plants).


6. Remove food sources:

  • Remove food sources. If you have ants in your home, chances are they’re coming for the food that’s left out. The first step to ant control is to remove any sources of food and water around your house. 
  • Don’t leave dirty dishes sitting out on the counter or sink overnight. Clean up after every meal! That includes pet bowls too–don’t let them sit there all day long with leftover kibble in them!
  • Wash out those fruit bowls once in a while too! You wouldn’t want ants finding a tasty treat like that on their own, would ya? And don’t forget about those pesky crumbs under tables/chairs…they aren’t just unsightly; they’re also an open invitation for ants!


7. Use nontoxic insecticides:

Non-toxic insecticides are those that do not contain harmful chemicals. They can be used in the home, but they must be applied carefully so they don’t end up contaminating food or surfaces.

When using a non-toxic insecticide, follow these steps:

  • Read and follow all instructions on the product label.
  • Wear protective clothing, including long pants and closed-toe shoes when applying any pesticide indoors or outdoors.
  • Keep children away from treated areas until sprays have dried completely (about 15 minutes).


8. Try sticky traps:

Use sticky traps to catch ants. Sticky traps can be found at most home improvement stores and are an easy way to catch little pests. Simply place them in areas where you see ants, such as underneath sinks or on countertops. Once they’re stuck in the trap, you can dispose of them safely–and without leaving a mess behind!


9. Cleanliness is key:

  • Cleanliness is key to ant control. Keep your home clean and free of crumbs and spills, which ants can use as a guide for where to go next. A good rule of thumb is never to leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight!
  • Make sure all food items are stored in sealed containers so that any stray crumbs do not attract these pests–especially if you have pets around or children who like to play with their food (or both). You may also want to consider storing pet food away from its normal location at night so that it isn’t attracting ants during dark hours when they’re most active.


10. Inject boric acid into cracks and crevices where you see ants:

Boric acid is an effective natural pesticide that can be used to kill ants or prevent them from returning. It’s safe for humans and animals, so you don’t have to worry about your kids or pets accidentally eating it. If you see ants in your home, try injecting boric acid into cracks and crevices where they appear–this will help kill the colony by damaging their exoskeletons or interfering with their ability to digest food.

Boric acid comes in powder form; it should be mixed with water before being injected into cracks and crevices. If the mixture dries out before it reaches its target area (which can happen if there isn’t enough moisture), then try adding some vegetable oil or petroleum jelly so that it sticks better when applied onto surfaces like drywall boards or wood floors where moisture levels are low.


11. Use foil traps to catch ants in the kitchen:

If you have an ant infestation in your kitchen and would like to get rid of them, there are a few simple steps that will help.

First, use a piece of aluminum foil to trap the ants. Simply place it on top of the counter near where they tend to gather (for example, next to the sink). The ants will climb onto this surface because they think it’s food–but once they enter this space, they cannot escape because their bodies are too large!

Once trapped inside, simply dispose of them in whatever way works best for your family: throw them away or flush them down the drain if necessary (though remember not to put anything else down there!).



Ants are one of the most common pests in homes, but they can be dealt with easily. You just need to know what type of ant you have and then take action accordingly. For example, if you have pavement ants in your home, then look for ways to seal cracks that may be providing access for these insects into your house or yard.

If there is an ant nest outdoors near where they’re coming into contact with humans (like near a building foundation), then getting rid of it will help prevent future infestations by preventing new queens from laying eggs nearby areas where people frequent often such as kitchens or bathrooms!

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