What Are The Spiders In Las Vegas?

There are lots of spiders in Las Vegas; more than 45,000 species of spiders have been identified so far, ranging from common indoor spiders like daddy longlegs to exotics like the Sydney funnel-web spider, widely regarded as the world’s most dangerous.

Aside from the most dangerous spiders in the world, you’re unlikely to come across any of these spiders in your Las Vegas home; yet, these spiders are some of the most frequent.

The spider you’re dealing with may be just the tip of the iceberg, and you can’t be too sure that others are lurking around the corner. However, in this article, we are discussing the common spiders in Las Vegas and how you can identify them.


How to Identify Spiders in Las Vegas

Below is a list of spiders in Las Vegas:

  • Black Widow Spider:

Spiders In Las Vegas

The black widow spider is a genus of spiders that may be found all over the world. Within this genus, several species are often referred to as real widows.

This category includes spiders that are commonly referred to as black widow spiders, brown widow spiders, and other spiders with similar appearances.


Read also: How to Get Rid of Sacs Spider in 4 Easy Steps


  • Brown Recluse Spider:

Spiders in Las Vegas

The brown recluse spider, also known as Loxosceles reclusa, is a member of the family Sicariidae and has a necrotic venom.

Their bites, like those of other recluse spiders, can sometimes be serious enough to require medical attention. 
There are only three spiders in North America that have venom that is considered to be of substantial medical importance.


  • Brown Widow Spider:

Spiders in Las Vegas

One of the widow spiders that belong to the genus Latrodectus, the Latrodectus geometricus is also known as the brown widow, brown button spider, grey widow, brown-black widow, home button spider, or geometric button spider.

It goes by a variety of other names as well. As a result of this, it is considered to be a “relative” of the more infamous Latrodectus mactans.


Read also: Why Are There So Many Spiders in my House?


  • Cellar Spider:

Spiders in Las Vegas

A family of araneomorph spiders known as the Pholcidae can be found. There are about 1,800 different species of pholcids that belong to this family.

Some of the more well-known ones are the cellar spider, the daddy-long-legs spider, the carpenter spider, the daddy-long-legger, the vibrating spider, the gyrating spider, the long daddy, and the skull spider.

  • Common House Spider:

Spiders in Las Vegas

The common house spider, also known as the American house spider, belongs to the genus Parasteatoda and may be found all over the world.

Its scientific name is Parasteatoda tepidariorum. The common house spider is a synanthropic species, meaning that it lives in or around human habitations.

  • Crevice Spider:

Spiders in Las Vegas

There is a species of giant spider that belongs to the family Filistatidae called the crevice house spider.

The scientific name for this animal, which was once known as Filistata hibernalis, has recently been changed to Kukulcania hibernalis. It is strongly characterized by sexual dimorphism and can be found in the Americas.

  • Daddy Long Legs/Harvestmen Spider:

Daddy Long Legs/Harvestmen Spider

A group of spiders belonging to the order Opiliones is most commonly referred to as harvestmen, harvesters, or daddy longlegs.

There have been about 6,650 species of harvestmen identified across the globe as of April 2017; however, the total number of living species may surpass 10,000.

  • Orb-Weaver Spider:

Spiders In Las Vegas

Orb-weaver spiders belong to the family Araneidae, which includes other types of spiders.

They are the most prevalent group responsible for the construction of spiral, wheel-shaped webs, which can frequently be discovered in gardens, fields, and forests.

Because the word “circular” can also be interpreted as “orb” in English, the group was given its name in that language.

  • Sac Spider:

Sac spider

Sac Spiders spin little silken retreat sacs that might be cylindrical or oval. They have long, slender legs, long jaws, and slender bodies, with the males being especially skinny.

They also have big jaws. The majority of them come in a variety of colours cream, brown, or yellow, and they have a darker stripe that runs up their upper abdomen. The jaws of the male spider are noticeably larger than those of the female.

The Robust Sacrifice Spiders have sturdy, cylindrical bodies that range in colour from reddish-brown to white and frequently feature chevron patterning on the abdomen. Their legs are stronger than those of other arthropods.

  • Wolf Spider:

Wolf Spider

Lycosidae is a family of spiders that includes wolf spiders. They are hardy, nimble hunters with exceptional eyesight who live in cold environments. They spend most of their time alone, hunt alone, and do not construct webs.



While most spiders in Las Vegas are harmless and play a beneficial role in controlling insect populations, it’s essential to be cautious around venomous species like black widows and recluse spiders.

If you encounter spiders in or around your home and are concerned about potential bites or infestations, consider contacting a pest control professional for assistance.

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