Tomato Pests and Diseases

Tomato pests and diseases can be very annoying as you tend to grow tomatoes that are not appealing to your eyes, and definitely not the eyes of buyers.

In this article we will be identifying some common tomato pests and diseases, and listing out solutions to get rid of them.


What are Tomato Pests and Diseases?

That ideal tomato is priceless if it is organic and is kept free of pests and diseases without the use of dangerous pesticides.

Your beloved plants can suffer greatly from a variety of tomato pests and diseases.

Be vigilant if you want to grow the ideal tomato. Watch for indicators of tomato pests and diseases, keep an eye out for eggs and other insects, and monitor the health of your plant.

Tomatoes that are cultivated at home are a symbol of pride, a work of art, and beyond words delectable.

A perfect tomato is a feat, whether it’s an heirloom variety like the ones our grandmothers grew or a tried-and-true northern type that thrives notwithstanding June and September frosts.

Be vigilant if you want to grow the ideal tomato. Watch for indicators of tomato pests and diseases, keep an eye out for larvae as well as other insects, and monitor the health of your plant.


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What Are Some Common Tomato Pests and Diseases?

Tomato Pests and Diseases
A Diseased Tomato

Tomato Pests:

  • Aphids
  • Hornworms
  • Cutworms
  • Flea Beetles
  • Whiteflies

Tomato Diseases:

  • Yellow Lower Leaves
  • Viral Diseases
  • Blossom End Rot
  • Verticillium Wilt
  • Anthracnose


Common Tomato Pests and How To Control Them

  • Aphids:

These are the dense clusters of small insects that you could find on the stems of your tomato plants or the new growth that they produce.

Even though a few of them won’t make much of a difference, you shouldn’t be scared to crush them with your thumb because massive infestations can gradually cause damage to plants and even cause them to die.


How Do I Prevent Aphids?
  • Pinch off pieces of the plant’s leaves in areas where there is a high concentration of aphids, and place these discarded pieces in the garbage rather than on the ground.
  • Release some beneficial insects like ladybugs and lacewings into the environment if the problem appears to be solvable.


  • The Hornworms:

These caterpillars are quite large for being so destructive. They are at least three inches long, making it appear as though it would be simple to manage them by simply picking them off one by one.

And this is how things can be at times. The problem is that their light green color makes them quite good at hiding, and the nymph and larval phases of the insect are much smaller and less noticeable than the adult species.


How Do I Prevent Hornworms?
  • Picking them off one by one is an effective strategy when there is just a handful.
  • If there’s more than a handful of them, then additional actions might be required. One of these is Bacillus thuringiensis, a naturally occurring therapy that is effective against a wide variety of other kinds of caterpillars.


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  • The Cutworms:

These are the tiny caterpillars that resemble grubs and feed on the stems of young plants at night. They are responsible for the death of many seedlings because they eat right through them at the ground level.


How Do I Prevent Cutworms?
  • Put collars around the seedlings to protect them from being damaged.


  • The Flea Beetles:

The flea beetle (so called because it resembles and leaps like a flea) is a potentially harmful pest that attacks from two fronts: the adults eat the plant’s foliage, leaving behind countless small holes, and the larvae eat the plant’s roots.

These beetles aren’t discriminating eaters, devouring anything from corn to cabbage to lettuce to the Solanaceae family of vegetables (which includes peppers, eggplant, potatoes, and tomatoes).


How Do I Prevent Flea Beetles?
  • Make use of tablecloths or other row covers. Protect your young plants by covering them up while they are first emerging from the soil.
  • Adults can be deterred from feeding on plants by dusting them with diatomaceous earth (a chalky stone formed of marine fossils, reduced to powder).
  • Introduce helpful nematodes into the soil to feed on the insect larvae and pupae for a more direct approach.


  • The Whiteflies:

Sooty mold thrives on the sticky residue left behind by these small flying insects, which is known as “honeydew.”

Dozens of these bugs will rise if you rattle the leaves of a plant that has been attacked.


How Do I Prevent Whiteflies?
  • The discharge of natural predators like ladybugs, lacewings, or whitefly parasites is yet another strategy that might be utilized.
  • Place yellow snare traps about your home to monitor and control pest populations when dealing with lower levels.


Common Tomato Diseases and How To Control Them?

  • Yellow Lower Leaves:

Fusarium wilt is characterized by a yellowing that often begins on one side of a plant and progresses downward toward the lower leaves.

This soil-borne fungus is widespread in warmer places and develops rapidly in soils that are high in nitrogen but poor in potassium. Warmer regions also have a higher prevalence of the fungus.


How Do I Prevent Yellow Lower Leaves?
  • It is best to refrain from fertilizing the ground with substances that are high in nitrogen.
  • For at least the next four years, you should refrain from planting any plants that belong to the Solanum family in this area.
  • Grow resistant plant cultivars such as ‘Celebrity’ and ‘Better Boy,’ for example.


  • Viral Disease:

Can be avoided by removing and destroying diseased plants, clearing the field of weeds, and thoroughly cleaning instruments and hands after coming into contact with infected plants.


  • Blossom End Rot:

During the fruit setting stage, a lack of calcium availability is usually thought to be the cause of blossom end rot.

This could be the result of using an excessive amount of high-nitrogen fertilizer or watering in an inconsistent manner, both of which can lead to shifts in the availability of nutrients.


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How Do I Prevent Blossom End Rot?
  • Remove infected fruit and ensure that the plant receives consistent, in-depth watering.
  • Garden lime can be worked into the soil to facilitate better absorption of water and minerals.
  • Make use of a fertilizer that is high in phosphorous but low in nitrogen.


  • Verticillium Wilt:

Verticillium wilt is a disease that can harm a wide variety of plants and is caused by a fungus that lives in the soil.

Because the fungus can live in the soil for a significant amount of time, crop rotation and the selection of resistant types are extremely important.


How Do I Prevent Verticillium Wilt?
  • Eliminate infected plants and replace them with types that are resistant.
  • On the plant tag, you should look for a “V.”
  • Rotate crops.


  • Anthracnose:

The fungus will frequently be carried onto the fruit by splashes of soil. Additionally, it can take hold on patches of of wilt or on leaves that are wilting away.

The fungus anthracnose thrives in wet environments with poor drainage, which makes it more likely to appear.


How Do I Prevent Anthracnose?
  • To prevent the leaves from coming into contact with the ground, cut the bottom 12 inches of them.
  • Be sure to only water the soil around the bottom of the plant and not the leaves.
  • Because spores can survive the winter in the soil, crop rotation is essential.


Tip-Off: Where Can I Purchase Tomatoes Without Pests and Diseases?

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