What does flea poop look like? Flea poop, also known as flea excrement or flea dirt, is the waste left behind by a flea after it feeds on your pet. These tiny parasites feed on blood and must feed frequently to survive.
If you have pets, you’ve probably seen their flea excrement before – that white, powdery substance that resembles dried flour or salt. If you think this sounds gross, you’re not alone!
But don’t worry; it’s not nearly as bad as it sounds. In fact, knowing what flea poop looks like is an important step in protecting your pet from these biting insects.
In this blog post, we will answer questions such as “what do flea poops look like?”, “Where do they appear?” and “What do they mean?”
Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about detecting and removing fleas from your pet before they become a bigger problem.
Flea Poop in Dogs and Cats
Fleas are wingless insects that feed on the blood of warm-blooded animals, primarily dogs, and cats, but also rabbits, ferrets, rodents, and humans.
Fleas are very small, about the size of a grain of sand, and are easy to miss in the fur of your pet. You can also see them on carpets and furniture where your pet sits and sleeps.
You can tell if your pet has fleas by examining his coat closely. Examine the skin near the tail, legs, and belly, where fleas are most likely to live.
If you see tiny black or brown specks, those are flea dirt. This is flea excrement, and it’s a sign of a serious flea problem.
Read also: How to Get Rid of Fleas on Mattress
What Is Flea Poop?
Flea excrement, or flea dirt, is the dried blood of a flea’s latest host. The flea ingests blood while feeding on the skin of a warm-blooded host, like a dog or cat.
Once the host’s skin is removed from the blood, the flea will regurgitate the blood from its digestive system into its hind legs, or abdomen.
The blood then dries on the flea’s legs and forms flea dirt. Flea dirt is easy to find in long-haired pets; as fleas are often found in the fur closest to the animal’s skin.
Read also: Where Do Fleas Hide?
What Does Flea Poop Look Like?
What Does Flea Poop Look Like? Flea poop looks like a small black or brown dot, about the size of a grain of sand. It can also be mistaken for a flea egg, which is a little bigger, about the size of a grain of rice.
Pictures of Flea Poop
Below are pictures of flea poop;
Read also: What Do Flea Eggs Look Like?
Flea Poop: Where Does It Appear?
Flea excrement will appear wherever your pet has been bitten by fleas. Some of the common places flea poop can be found include: –
- Under the arms – If a flea bites your pet’s armpit, it may leave behind flea poop.
- Between the toes – This is a favorite place for fleas to live.
- On the back – Fleas may bite your pet’s back, especially if they are digging in the dirt.
- On the belly – Fleas that bite the belly will leave flea poop on the underside of your pet’s abdomen.
- Around the rump – You may find flea dirt in your pet’s rump, behind the base of his tail.
- On the hindquarters – Fleas that bite the back legs may leave behind flea dirt on your pet’s hindquarters.
- In the armpits – Fleas that bite your pet’s armpits will leave flea dirt in that area.
- On the back of the head – Fleas that bite the back of your pet’s head will leave behind flea dirt in that area.
- On the face – Fleas that bite your pet’s face will leave flea dirt in that area.
- In the ears – Fleas that bite your pet’s ears will leave flea dirt in that area.
- Under the tail – Fleas that bite the base of your pet’s tail will leave flea dirt in that area.
- Behind the legs – Fleas that bite your pet’s legs will leave flea dirt in that area.
- On the stomach – Fleas that bite your pet’s stomach will leave flea dirt in that area.
- On the top of the tail – Fleas that bite the top of your pet’s tail will leave flea dirt in that area.
- On the tail – Fleas that bite your pet’s tail will leave flea dirt in that area.
- On the thighs – Fleas that bite your pet’s thighs will leave flea dirt in that area.
Read also: Fleas on People; How Dangerous are Fleas to Humans?
Identifying Flea Poop in Dogs and Cats
If you suspect your pet has fleas, you should look for flea dirt first. Finding flea dirt on your pet is the earliest sign of a flea infestation.
Be sure to check the following areas on your pet for flea dirt:
- The armpits – Fleas like to bite the hairless armpits.
- Behind the ears – Fleas also like to hide in the dark, warm crevices behind your pet’s ears.
- The base of the tail – Fleas that bite your pet’s tail may leave flea dirt in that area.
- Under your pet’s tail – Flea dirt may appear where the tail meets the hindquarters.
- The back – Fleas that bite your pet’s back may leave flea dirt there.
- The belly – Fleas that bite your pet’s belly may leave flea dirt there.
- The back of the legs – Fleas that bite your pet’s back legs may leave flea dirt on the calves.
- The back of the thighs – Fleas that bite your pet’s hind legs may leave flea dirt on the back of the thighs.
- The top of the tail – Fleas that bite the top of your pet’s tail may leave flea dirt there.
- The belly – Fleas that bite your pet’s belly may leave flea dirt there.
- The rump – Fleas that bite the base of your pet’s tail may leave flea dirt on the rump.
- The stomach – Fleas that bite the stomach may leave flea dirt there.
How to Remove Fleas From Your Pet?
Fleas can cause your pet pain, discomfort, and even anemia if left untreated. If your pet has fleas, it’s important to get rid of them as soon as possible.
You can use one of these methods to remove fleas from your pet, or you can use a combination of methods: –
- Flea shampoos – Flea shampoos are a quick and easy way to kill fleas.
- Flea sprays – Flea sprays can be used to kill fleas on your pet’s coat.
- Flea collars – Flea collars release insecticides that kill fleas on your pet.
- Flea combs – Flea combs can help remove fleas from your pet’s fur.
- Flea powders – Flea powders can be used to kill fleas inside your home.
Fleas are no fun for pets or humans. They can cause anemia, itching and scratching, and even allergic reactions. Flea poop is actually flea dirt- dried blood regurgitated by fleas.
This can be found anywhere on the pet where they may have been biting or itching. You can treat your pet for fleas and prevent the spread of these pesky insects by vacuuming often, cleaning pet bedding regularly, keeping your pet’s nails trimmed, and treating your yard.
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