The Surinam cockroach can cause significant damage to plant shoots when they come out to eat at night, which makes them an especially problematic pest in greenhouses because vast populations can be maintained there.
In addition to this, it is known that they serve as a host for the parasitic roundworms that infect the eyes of poultry.
How Do I Describe a Surinam Cockroach?

The length of an adult Surinam cockroach ranges from 18 to 25 millimeters. Their bodies might be a dark brown or even black color, and the majority of their bodies have a glossy appearance.
In contrast to the oriental cockroach Blatta orientalis, which has a glossy surface on all of its segments, the back regions of the abdomen of this species have a rough and dull appearance.
Adults may or may not have any visible wings at all. Although males are extremely uncommon, they have longer wings than females, although neither gender is capable of great flight. There is a possibility that the wings will be an olive-brown color.
The pronotum, also known as the head shield, of winged adults is in the shape of a diamond and is somewhat wider than the wings. It also has a pale band around parts of the edge.
The cerci, which are sensory organs located at the very tip of the abdomen, are rather small and are typically hidden from view.
In the southern region of the United States, the Surinam cockroach is capable of establishing enormous populations close to structures in landscape beds that have thick layers of mulch, heavy ground cover, and landscape timbers.
This species does not have the ability to fly. The Surinam cockroach inhabits areas from Florida to Texas that is located along the Southeast Gulf Coast.
It makes its home in the heaps of dead leaves and mulch, as well as lumber piles, fuel heaps, and other such outdoor refuges.
The cockroach will spend the day hidden beneath the dirt in the benches, on the sides of the benches, on the underside of boards and barrels, in holes and crevices in the walls of buildings, and anywhere else that is dark and offers them the opportunity to hide.
They are most active at night when they congregate in large numbers and feed on plant stems.
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What Is the Lifecycle of the Surinam Roach?
Eggs are typically laid by female cockroaches in groups or cases that are referred to as egg capsules or oothecae.
Approximately 15 eggs are contained in each ootheca, which is then affixed to nesting locations using glue or dropped there.
The ootheca gives birth to nymphs, who are like miniature copies of the adults but without fully developed wings and the ability to reproduce.
Nymphs emerge from the ootheca (note that adults of some cockroach species are wingless). In the course of their development, nymphs undergo 10–13 molts.
Cockroaches are omnivorous, meaning that they graze on a wide variety of materials; yet, there are some species that occasionally feed on plants and cause damage to them.
Where Do Surinam Roaches Live?
The Surinam cockroach is a species that burrows and thrives best on soil that is consistently damp.
The optimal environment for them is a well-mulched garden or damp potting mix, although they can also take refuge underwood heaps, under bark, and behind pavers.
Potted plants have been connected to infestations in homes and offices, despite the fact that most homes and offices are too dry for them to thrive.
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How Do I Control the Surinam Cockroach?
Cockroaches found in Surinam graze on plants. They can cause significant harm to the vegetation found in yards, greenhouses, and atriums.
The most effective method for dealing with this particular kind of cockroach is to clear away any potential harborages, such as piles of leaves or wood.
In addition to this, it is essential to fill in and seal as many exterior cracks as possible, as well as check that all foundation and attic vents have screens that are a snug fit.
Cockroach baits in the form of granules should be sprinkled into harborages that are actively being used.
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