When to Bring Outside Animals Indoors?

Have you been wondering when to bring outside animals indoors? If you prefer to keep your pets outdoors, you may want to consider bringing them inside for certain situations. What do you do when the weather is too severe for pets to be outdoors safely?

Do you have a plan in place for bringing your pets inside without letting them cause a huge mess? Here are a few things to consider on this topic.


4 Signs to Know When to Bring Outside Animals Indoors?

When to Bring Outside Animals Indoors
Dogs playing outside

1. High Winds

Your dog or cat may have a house for them to cozy up outdoors, but will that be safe when the winds are extremely high? When you see high wind warnings on the news or you notice that the winds are so severe that objects are blowing around the yard, it is best to bring your pets indoors. Their outside houses might not protect them in that kind of weather. 

They could be damaged by flying objects or their houses could become damaged or come loose from where they have been placed. Even if your pets are not injured by the winds, they may be scared by high winds, and it can be good for their hearts and their minds to bring them inside where they feel safe and protected.


2. Flooding

Most dog houses will be safe for your pets to hide in when there is rain falling. Cats can usually find a safe place to hide as well in inclement weather. But when you are experiencing flooding, it may not be safe to leave your pets outdoors.

They could get washed away or stranded, and their house could get flooded. With floodwaters in the area, there are many dangers for your pets, and the rising waters can make them so scared that they do something unsafe as a result. 

You will want to keep your pets close during floods so that if the water starts to get into your house, you can take your pets with you to a safe place.


3. Blizzards

Another weather situation that may require you to bring your pet indoors would be very heavy snowfall. If snow is coupled with heavy winds and extreme temperatures, then your pet might freeze to death or at least be so cold that they are at risk.

Make sure they have adequate shelter and a warm place to hide away, and if you cannot provide that for them outside, then be sure to bring them indoors where it is warm.

Once the blizzard passes, you can take them back outside, but you should be aware of how susceptible they are to freezing temperatures and how comfortable their outdoor shelter is for them in weather conditions like these.


4. Heat Waves

You should also watch out for your pets in very hot weather. If there is a heat wave occurring, then your pets might not be safe outside. They need adequate shade and water, and even then they may become too hot outdoors.

This is especially true of long-haired animals or those with thick coats. It can help to trim back their fur or simply bring them inside where the temperature is lower.


How to Prepare for Indoor Pets

When to Bring Outside Animals Indoors

When you have these kinds of situations, you will want to prepare a place for your pets to stay indoors. What many people will do is use an entry room or a covered porch or patio as a place of shelter for their pets. The mud room or other entryway is probably going to be just fine for your pets.

Anywhere you store your shoes when you come in will probably serve as a good place to keep pets. This room probably has dirt on the floor already, so having a pet in there as well may not mess up the room too much. 

Your outdoor pets are not used to being inside, so give them a place to relieve themselves or take them outdoors every so often to allow them to do their business.

It is best to place them in an area that has a mat that can be easily cleaned or tiled floors. Anything is easier to clean than carpeted floors, so keep that in mind when you choose a room for them to stay in.

You will probably want to close off the space you have prepared for them so that they cannot go into the rest of the house.

Make sure they have a comfortable spot to lie down on and adequate food and water. Remember that they cannot go outdoors and find their own water sources when you keep them indoors for their safety. 

If you are not used to having pets indoors but are forced to bring them inside for their own safety, then be prepared for a lengthy cleanup afterward.

It can be difficult to get the smell of pets out of your house afterward, and you might not be equipped to clean up after them. In some cases, it is best to bring in professional cleaners to wash that space. They will know how to get rid of the smell of pets and get your home back into great shape. 

Pets will be lonely if left in a room by themselves during a storm or other bad weather. You may want to spend some extra time with them and keep them company.

Having an indoor pet for the first time is kind of like babysitting, and you will need to check on them and attend to their needs. It is a new situation for both you and them, so be patient with them and do your best to make them comfortable. 

You definitely want to sit with your pet initially when you bring them inside for the first time. They understand that they are not supposed to be there, so you have to make them feel welcome.

Pet them and give them something to eat, and then talk soothingly to them as well so that they know it is okay for them to be inside for now. Keep in mind that they may want to come back in once you try to let them out, though. 

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