Woodlouse Spider – key Facts About Woodlouse Spider

When hunting woodlouse spider will utilize their huge fangs to penetrate their defensively covered prey. They additionally turn their prey over, stinging its abdomen.

Woodlouse Spider Facts

The woodlouse spider is biologically known as Dysdera crocata. This pest can also be called Night Hunter because of its excellent night hunting ability, it is also given other names according to its prey, they are woodlouse hunter, sowbug hunter, sowbug killer, pillbug hunter, and slater spider.

Possible places where these pests are found under logs, rocks, blocks, plant pots and in leaf litter in warm places, frequently near woodlice.

They have additionally been found in houses. They go through the day in a luxurious retreat made to encase fissure in, for the most part, incompletely rotted wood, yet once in a while build tent-like structures in indents of different enormous rocks. Woodlouse spiders chase around evening time and don’t turn webs.


What Does Woodlouse Spider Look Like?

The female spiders are 11–15 mm (0.43–0.59 in) long, the male species are 9–10 mm (0.35–0.39 in). They have six eyes, a dim red cephalothorax and legs, and a sparkling (in some cases glossy) yellow-darker abdomen.


Picture of Woodlouse Spider

Here’s a picture of this pest;

how to get rid of woodlouse spiders from home

Woodlouse Spider

Woodlouse Spider Feeding

This spider primarily feeds on woodlice spider, though it also feeds on other insects. Here’s a video on the woodlouse feeding;


Woodlouse Venom

A woodlouse spider’s venom is emitted from two enormous teeth that venture from its body. This pest pillbug is normally the collector of this venom as woodlouse’s feed solely on the little bugs.

In any case, woodlouse that comes into contact with individuals can some of the time chomp people.

These chomps can be excruciating because of the spider’s huge teeth, yet they are not known to require medicinal consideration. Individuals who have been nibbled by woodlouse report that the chomp makes one so uncomfortable.


Woodlouse Habitat

Woodlouse spiders are normally found in gardens, under rocks or in the shade of logs. They are night inhabitants and catch their prey after the sun goes down.

The warm climate and high dampness can once in a while lead to woodlouse finding their way inside houses.

Property holders have been known to discover this 8-legged pest in their cellars. The spiders are not known to be forceful and won’t for the most part chomp except if terrified or incited.


How to Identify a Woodlouse Spider

Woodlouse spiders are ordinarily confused with the dark-colored recluse spider as a result of their comparable shapes.

Be that as it may, this pest has some attributes including a rosy dark colored head and a cream-shaded abdomen.

The spider’s legs are orange. Woodlouse spiders can develop to about a half-inch in size. The spider’s teeth are huge and thick and distend forward. In contrast to most spiders, the woodlouse has just six eyes, which are orchestrated in an oval shape.

Woodlouse Spider Dangerous

The woodlouse spiders are not dangerous and in fact do not bite human beings often but sometimes may be pushed to gush out a bite which is basically not poisonous but just a little painful and itchy.
We hope, this review helped with all the facts you need on woodlouse spider, drop your contribution below.

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