For warm-season grasses, use a lower rate of 3-D Herbicide Triplet Alternative if they are experiencing stress from heat or drought. Up to 7 acres of turf grass can be treated with a single 2.5-gallon bottle of 3-D.
Depending on whether you’re using it on warm- or cool-season grass, you’ll want to use between.075 to 1.5 fl. oz. per 1,000 square feet in your mixture. Please refer to the label for recommended usage rates.
If stored away from direct sunlight and temperatures above 90 degrees F or below 32 degrees F, 3-D Herbicide Triplet Alternative has a shelf life of three to five years.
What Is the 3-D Herbicide Triplet Alternative?

As a post-emergent selective herbicide, 3-D Broadleaf Herbicide’s combination of dicamba, 2,4-D, and Mecoprop-P makes it effective against a wide variety of weeds.
Actively growing broadleaf weeds should be treated with Quali-Pro 3-D. Dense populations of perennial and biennial weeds may necessitate additional treatments.
In general, 3D Herbicide can be used without worry on a wide variety of mature grasses. As 3D Herbicide emits little to no odor, it can be used with confidence in public spaces without drawing unwanted attention.
Read also:Â How To Use Trimec Classic Broadleaf Herbicide
How To Use 3-D Herbicide Triplet Alternative
It can be used at any point from the beginning of leaf development in the spring to the beginning of dormancy in the fall. This method is most effective when applied to weeds while they are still young and actively growing.
Wait until the herbicide has traveled down to the roots before cutting the weeds. Smaller broadleaf weeds can be treated at a lesser rate. More water volume per unit of time is needed for a greater pace when watering heavy, thick stands.
Use 4 ounces of Quali-Pro 3-D per gallon of water and spray to fully soak all foliage for spot treatments using small tank sprayers.
For best results for controlling woody plants, apply to stems and foliage at any time between when the foliage has fully matured and when the plants begin to go dormant.
Completely soaking the plant down to the ground line is necessary for complete control of the plant’s leaves, stems, and suckers. On the hardier species, regrowth is possible.
Apply 200–600 gallons of spray mixture per 43,500 square feet by mixing 6.0–14.0 pints of Quali-Pro 3-D with 100 gallons of water. The amount of spray mixture needed will vary based on the height and thickness of the brush.
- Determine how much 3-D Herbicide you’ll need by calculating the square footage of the area you’ll be treating (area length x width).
Applying 3-D Herbicide to decorative and recreational turf requires a gallon of water and 0.75 to 1.5 fluid ounces per 1,000 square feet, depending on whether you have warm-season or cool-season grass.
To treat a lawn that is 2,000 square feet, for instance, you would combine 1.5 to 3 fl. oz. with 2 gallons of water. - Half-fill a hand-pump sprayer with water, and then pour in the recommended amount of 3-D herbicide. Put the top back on and shake the sprayer to mix the contents.
When you’re ready to spray, add the remaining water and surfactant (if necessary) and agitate again until everything is thoroughly combined. - Carefully spray the unwanted plant, making careful to cover all of it and not to overlap the spray bands. If a further application is required, wait a week and check the treated areas.
Where Can I Apply 3-D Herbicide Triplet Alternative?
- On residences
- Golf courses
- Sod farms
- Highways
- Right-of-ways
- Non-crop areas
Read also:Â How To Use Monterey Spurge Power Herbicide
What Are the Target Pests For 3-D Herbicide?
- Bedstraw
- Black Medic
- Buckhorn
- Burdock
- Chickweed
- Chicory
- Clover
- Dandelion
- Dock
- Grund Ivy
- Heal-all
- Henbit
- Knotweed
- Lambsquarters
- Lespedeza
- Mallow
- Morningglory
- Peppergrass
- Pigweed
- Plantain
- Poison Ivy
- Poison Oak
- Purslane
- Ragweed
- Sheep Sorrel
- Shepardspurse
- Speedwell
- Spurge
- Wild Carrot
- Wild Garlic
- Wild Lettuce
- Wild Onion
- Yarrow
Read also:Â How to Detect Pest Problems Before They Get Out of Hand
Tip-Off: What are the Do’s and Don’ts of the Triplet Herbicide?
- Until sprays have dried, the area should not be entered, and neither people nor pets should be allowed to enter.
- Use caution when applying this product near or around desirable plants, especially inside the drip line of the roots of trees and shrubs you want to keep.
- Water, storm drains, gutters, sewers, and drainage ditches should not be applied to or near.
- Don’t put it within 25 feet of any water source like a river, fish pond, lake, stream, reservoir, marsh, estuary, bay, or ocean. When it’s windy, don’t use it.
- Do not apply if it is raining or forecast to rain that day to avoid product runoff. Only use the applicator to rinse over the grass.
- Extreme heat, above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, can cause damage to turf, therefore it’s best to hold off on applying treatments via broadcast or in small spots.
- Avoid application unless irrigation will be used during extremely dry or hot seasons.
- Not mowing the grass for 1–2 days before and after treatment, applying if rain is forecasted for the next 4 hours after application, and delaying the irrigation cycle for 24 hours will yield the best results.
- You shouldn’t reseed any sooner than three to four weeks after applying this product. Turf and/or plants that aren’t resistant to the chemical could be harmed if the necessary safety measures aren’t taken.
- Vegetables, flowers, ornamentals, shrubs, trees, and other valuable plants should not be misted. Don’t water these plants or spray them nearby.
- Anywhere there’s a chance of winds over 15 mph, don’t bother. This product should only be used if the wind is blowing in a direction that ensures it will land on the intended target, and if there are no sensitive sites within 250 feet downwind.
When using a medium spray, it is recommended that a strip be left unsprayed at the downwind edge of the treated area. - Do not use if there is a risk of spray drift reaching crops that could be eaten, used for fodder, or sold if they were harmed in the application.
Cotton, okra, flowers, grapes (growing stage), fruit trees (foliage), soybeans (vegetative stage), ornamentals, sunflowers, tomatoes, beans, and other vegetables, or tobacco are all susceptible crops. - Makhteshim Agan of North America, Inc. recommends using only adjuvants that have been approved by the Chemical Manufacturers and Distributors Association.
- St. Augustinegrass must be in its dormant phase before this product is applied. Bentgrass can cause harm at high doses, thus caution is advised. This product may cause sensitivity in some hybrid bermudagrass.
- Sprays containing 2,4-D alone or in combination with other active chemicals that call for a coarse or coarser spray should be applied using only a coarse or coarser spray (ASAE Standard 572) or a volume mean diameter of 385 microns or more for spinning atomizer nozzles.
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I recently read about a new 3-D Herbicide Triplet Alternative and I’m impressed with the potential for this product. It’s a great way to effectively combat weeds without the need for chemical-based products. The fact that it’s made from natural ingredients is also a big plus. I’m looking forward to seeing how this product performs in the future and if it lives up to its promises.