How To Use Monterey Spurge Power Herbicide

If kept in a cold, dry place, the Monterey spurge power product could last for up to five years. Turf grass can be damaged if an application is applied when the temperature is above 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Try to apply the chemical when the weeds are just starting to develop in the spring or fall. Difficult weed control will be greatly facilitated by this.

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What Is the Monterey Spurge Power?

Monterey Spurge Power
Picture of the Monterey Spurge Power

As a broadleaf weed killer, Spurge Power is effective against spurge, dandelion, clover, and many other weeds that thrive in warm and cool season lawns alike.

The post-emergence herbicide Monterey Spurge Power can be used to eliminate a wide variety of broadleaf weeds in your lawn, including spurge, clover, dandelion, oxalis, creeping Charlie, wild violet, and ground ivy.

Spurge Power is effective against a wide variety of weeds, including some that may be resistant to other methods of weed control.

Spurge Power simplifies the solution-mixing process by recommending two rates, the higher of which can be used for more persistent, established weeds or when lawns are dormant.


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How To Use Monterey Spurge Power Herbicide

  • The best way to apply Spurge Power is with a pump sprayer, hose end sprayer, backpack sprayer, or spray rig for large areas.
  • It is recommended that a 4-gallon backpack sprayer be used for the applications, which will require 2–5 gallons of water.
  • For weed management in lawns comprised of Bluegrass, Fescue, Rye, Bent (save for golf greens and tees), Bahia, Bermuda, and Zoysia, use SPURGE POWER at a rate of 1.0 to 1.25 fl. oz. in 2 to 5 gallons of water per 1,000 sq. ft.
  • By taking its length and width in feet and multiplying the two together (length times width equals square feet), we may calculate the area’s square footage.
    The recommended application rate is one to 1.25 fluid ounces of Spurge Power in two to five gallons of water per 1,000 square feet.
    If you have a 1,500-square-foot lawn, you will need 3–7.5 gallons of water and 1.5–1.88 fl oz. of Spurge Power.
  • Half-fill the spray tank of your sprayer with water. Once you’ve figured out how much Spurge Power to add to your spray tank, fill it up with water to the top. Make sure everything is evenly blended by shaking it.
  • Spurge Power can be used as a broad-spectrum spray or as a targeted treatment for specific weeds in your lawn. Coverage can be maximized and drift reduced by using a low-pressure, coarse spray. Mowing the grass should be put off for at least a day or two after treatment for the best benefits.


Where Can I Apply Monterey Spurge Power Herbicide?

  • Cool-season lawns
  • Warm-season lawns


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What Are the Target Pests For Monterey Spurge Power?

  • Beggarweed
  • Bindweed
  • Black medic
  • Buckhorn
  • Burdock
  • Buttercup
  • Canada thistle
  • Carpetweed
  • Catnip
  • Chamise
  • Chickweed
  • Chicory
  • Cinquefoil
  • Clover
  • Cocklebur
  • Coffeeweed
  • Cornflower
  • Cornspeedwell
  • Dandelion
  • Dock
  • Dog fennel
  • English daisy
  • Florida pusley
  • Frenchweed
  • Goldenrod
  • Ground ivy
  • Hawkweed
  • Healall
  • Heartleaf drymary
  • Henbit
  • Jimsonweed
  • Knawel
  • Knotweed
  • Kochia
  • Lambsquarter
  • Lespedeza
  • Little Starwort
  • Mallow
  • Matchweed
  • Morningglory
  • Mustard
  • Oxalis (Stricta and corniculata)
  • Parsley-piert
  • Pennywort
  • Pepperweed
  • Pigweed
  • Plantain
  • Poison ivy
  • Poison oak
  • Purslane
  • Ragweed
  • Red clover
  • Red sorrel
  • Sheep sorrel
  • Shepherdspurse
  • Smartweed
  • Sowthistle
  • Speedwell
  • Spiderwort
  • Spotted catsear
  • Spurge
  • Spurweed
  • Stinging nettle
  • Stitchwort
  • Thistle
  • Toadflax
  • Veronica
  • Vetch
  • Wild aster
  • Wild carrot
  • Wild garlic
  • Wild geranium
  • Wild lettuce
  • Wild onion
  • Wild radish
  • Wild violet
  • Wood sorrel
  • Broadleaf weeds


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Tip-Off: What are the Do’s and Don’ts of the Monterey Spurge Power Herbicide?

  • During the warm season, you can utilize the higher rates to treat your lawn when it is dormant.
  • Lawns in warm climates should be treated at a reduced rate, especially if they are actively growing at the time of application.
  • It is best to wait until the warm season lawn has fully greened up before applying any treatments.
  • As indicated on the label, this chemical’s intended usage may be altered by factors present in the area in question.
  • For recommendations tailored to your area’s specific weed problems and advice on possible reduced dosages, it’s best to speak with a weed specialist at a state experimental station or extension service.

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