Easy Steps on How to Get Rid of Whiteflies

Are you having whiteflies infestation on your property? Do you know the easy steps on how to get rid of whiteflies?  However, in this article, you are going to learn the facts about whiteflies and possible steps you can get rid of them yourself with little or zero idea.


What are Whiteflies?

Whiteflies are tiny bothersome pests that attack a variety of crop and ornamental plants like aphids and scales. Whiteflies suck the sap out of leaves causing them to weaken and eventually die out. These pests also produce honey and sugar. A substance that can attract other insects like ants and promote the growth of city molds.

Whiteflies may be tiny, but their large infestation numbers can kill plants quickly. So this article will show you how to get rid of whiteflies leaving your ornamental gardens and landscaping remained untouched, unharmed, and green all season.

Easy Steps on How to Get Rid of Whiteflies

Easy Steps on How to Get Rid of Whiteflies

In any pest elimination plan, they are necessary steps you need to attempt to achieve an effective pest control process. Below are the steps:

Step 1: Identification

The first thing you should do in any pest control plan is to identify what exactly you are dealing with. Carelessness in identification can lead to wrong treatment methods which will cost you time and money.

Whiteflies are tiny insects, but you should still be able to spot them with the naked eye. They typically grow up to one-tenth of an inch in length. The adult somewhat resembles small moths with their wings covered in a white waxy coating. The actual bodies will vary in color depending on the species, but they typically range from pale green to yellow to white.

If you’re spotted adult whiteflies you’re likely to see eggs, and nibs eggs are tiny, ovular capsules, Laden circular or horseshoe-shaped formations and nymphs resemble scales both in body shape. The fact that they don’t move any translucent, and the adult whiteflies emerged from these nymphal cases leaving the empty skins behind.

Step 2: Inspection

Inspection is the next phase of any good pest control plan. Once, you know what your pests look like, check around your property to confirm the presence or find spots of their activity.

If your ornamental plant leaves are growing paler and yellow, then check for whiteflies on the undersides of the leaves. Whiteflies target a wide variety of plants, but all species spend their lives underneath the plant leaves, other signs of infestation include honey drippings, increased wasp activity, and the presence of sooty mold.

Sooty mold is a black fungal formed from rotting honeydew, after identifying your pests and inspecting for activity on your property, it’s time to start treatments.

Step 3: Treatment

When starting any pest treatment ensure to wear your personal protective equipment and remember to keep all people and pets off the treated areas until dry.

In order to get rid of your whitefly infestation:

  • You will use a combination of regular pruning and long-term residual insecticides on trees, shrubs, crops, and other ornamental foliage.
  • Simply remove the infested leaves you found during your inspection. This will help to stop the whiteflies from spreading to the other uninfested parts.
  • Check your plants for pruning regularly about once a week. Once you finish your first round of pruning.
  • You’ll need to apply a long-lasting residual insecticide like Supreme I/T, here’s how to use it. Supreme I/T is a bifenthrin liquid insecticide concentrate that’s labeled to control whiteflies and more than 70 other pests.
  • Mix Supreme I/T with water before application. So we recommend you apply it with a hand pump sprayer.
  • The application rate for Supreme I/T is 0.25 to 0.5 fluid ounces of product per 1,000 square feet of the treatment area. Use the higher rate for severe infestations.
  • Once your solution is evenly mixed, spray the tops and bottoms of ornamental leaves to the point of wet.
  • Do not apply Supreme I/T to any plants grown for consumption, wait until treated ornamentals are completely dry before.

Note: Any irritation can occur before allowing children or people to come in contact, check labeled pests, including whiteflies that come in contact with the spray, or the residual will have their nervous systems impacted and will eventually die in several hours.

Step 4: Prevention

Prevention is essential to keeping pests and checking even after you have applied pesticides, the best way to stop whiteflies activity is to make sure it can happen.

When watering ornamental species, spray underneath the leaves about once a week to disturb any potential breeding or gathering activities.

Continue to regularly prune away colored, wilted or diseased leaves to maintain your plant’s health. Consider using the right fertilizer to boost the health of your plan and help it fight off pest damage.



Finally, after attempting these easy steps on how to get rid of whiteflies, maintain a regular insecticide spray schedule to protect your plants year-round.

Supreme I/T has a residual effect that lasts for up to 90 days and should be applied every three months. Whiteflies are small insects that can cause serious damage to plants in your yard and potentially attract other pests like ants or wasps.

Following these easy steps, you will be able to control an infestation that’s gone out of hand. Feel free to contact us for further assistance.

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