
Bed Bugs in Hair: How to Get Rid

Bed bugs in hair are one obvious position to find bed bug infestation. Moreover, bed bugs are known to infest any place they find comfortable.


You might be worried about having bed bugs in your hair, but can bed bugs get in your hair? That will be revealed in this article.


Anatomy of a Bed Bug

Bed Bugs in Hair
Bed Bug

Bed bugs, unlike lice, lack the anatomy that permits them to attach to hair, fur, or feathers. You also won’t have to worry about bed insect eggs in your hair.

Their eggs are sticky, but not sticky enough to stick to your hair. Furthermore, bed bugs prefer to avoid hair, particularly hair on your arms and legs.

A Sheffield University study compared bed bug activity in people with and without shaved limbs. Longer hairs were proven to discourage insects for two reasons.

It first slowed the insect’s quest for open skin to feed on. Second, it served as a warning to the host. More nerves are connected to finer body hairs.


Read also: How Fast do Bed Bugs Multiply?


Bed Bugs in Hair

Bed Bugs in Hair
Searching for Bed Bugs in Hair

Bedbugs do not usually live on humans. The only time they come into contact with humans is to be fed after a few days.

They will most likely be washed away as you bathe or seek a more appropriate hiding location. Bedbugs, don’t like human hair and are unable to live long on human skin.


Migration of Bed Bugs

How can bed bugs go around if they can’t dwell in your hair? Bed bugs frequently seek refuge between clothing, luggage, furniture, or bed linens.

Additionally, hotel guests may transfer bed bugs into their rooms. Because bed bugs may crawl across walls, they may spread all through the building.

If you bring any of these infested things with you on your trip, bed bugs can spread between your luggage.


Read also: What Animal Eats Bed Bugs?


Why Bedbugs are Unlikely to be in Your Hair

Bed bugs want to live near places where humans or animals sleep to feed when their hosts are sleeping. Bedbugs are parasitic nesting parasites that spend the majority of their lives hidden.

They prefer peaceful and dark settings within 8 feet of where you sleep. Bedbugs retreat to their hiding places after feeding. They frequently hide in the following locations:

  1. In the box spring
  2. Fill the gaps between your bed frame and headboard
  3. Close to your bed
  4. Near the pipes
  5. In your mattress’s seams or tags

Bedbugs may also hide in the following places in big infestations:

  • Beneath loose wallpaper
  • Where the walls and ceiling meet
  • Chair and couch seams
  • Drawer joinery
  • Electrical outlets and appliances

A hot shower may reveal bedbugs at temperatures close to their maximum tolerance.
Bedbugs dislike heat as well. They perish after 90 minutes at 113°F (45°C) or 20 minutes at 118°F (47.7°C).

These temperatures can be felt in scenarios such as sitting in a vehicle parked in the sun or a sauna.

They are averse to light. If bedbugs do land on your scalp, they won’t be there for long. A bedbug would not choose to live on a human scalp. Bedbugs prefer to reside in peaceful settings.

They would also most likely be washed out of your hair while bathing. Bedbugs are not designed to attach themselves to your hair follicles.


Read also: Can Bed Bugs Survive in Water?


Are Bed Bugs More Likely to Show Up in Your Hair?

In contrast to bedbugs, lice have crab-like claws that allow them to attach to your hair. If they die, they can only live for 1 or 2 days.

Bedbugs are not the most common bug to be found in your hair. Head lice are much smaller than bedbugs. They spend their entire lives off of human heads.

Scabies do not usually affect the face or scalp, but persons with weaker immune systems can develop a kind of illness called crusted scabies, which can damage the scalp.

Fleas are yet another pest that can spread from pets to humans. Fleas typically bite near your lower legs. and ankles

Scabies mites can be passed from person to person by prolonged skin-to-skin contact. They burrow into your skin, causing extreme irritation.


What Should You Do if You Find Bugs in Your Hair?

A hot shower with shampoo can help wash away bugs that have found their way into your hair but aren’t equipped to survive there.

Although finding bugs in your hair is disconcerting, it is unlikely to have a substantial influence on your general health.

A healthcare practitioner can assist you in identifying lice and determining the best way to treat them. If you see more than one little bug in your hair, it’s quite likely that you have head lice.

Examining your bites can also assist a healthcare practitioner confirm a bedbug diagnosis. Lice treatment typically consists of using an over-the-counter or prescribed medicine to kill the lice and their egg.


Read also: Bed Bug Furniture Removal


When to See a Doctor

Unless the bites become infected due to scratching, they typically require treatment.

A doctor can assist you in determining whether bedbugs are causing unexplained bug bites. However, spotting a potential infestation might help you determine whether you need to hire a professional extermination.

The bugs themselves can be challenging to identify, but itchy bites that are crowded or in a row are a telling indicator. Other indicators of a bedbug infection include:

  1. Discovering exoskeletons of bedbugs in your bed.
  2. Detecting bedbugs in your mattress or bedding.
  3. In your bedroom, you’re sensing a sweet musty stench (a sign of severe infestations)
  4. Having rust stains on your mattress or furniture.



Getting to this point, you will realize that bed bugs don’t stick to your hair. Bed bug anatomy is different from lice anatomy.

If you notice an infestation on your hair, kindly visit a health professional to help detect if it’s lice infestation or bed bugs infestation.

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