
Blindside Herbicide | How To Use

Where can I purchase the blindside herbicide for sale? How do I follow the blindside herbicide label? Worry no more as this article is set to provide useful tips and information about this product.


The blindside herbicide is a highly recommended pest control product that can help turf owners get rid of a wide variety of pest weeds.


How Do I Describe the Blindside Herbicide?

Blindside Herbicide
The Blindside Herbicide

The blindside herbicide WDG has a unique method of action in the soil that prevents weeds from growing the following year, which is a major advantage. In the following season, weeds in treated areas will be considerably reduced as a result of this method of action.

In comparison to other products, you’ll notice tangible proof of control in just one week. If necessary, you can use Blindside Herbicide WDG a second time as a follow-up treatment.

Post-emergent blindside weed killer controls up to 70 different broadleaf and sedge species on cool and warm-season turfgrass with exceptional results.

A dual-action formula in this product contains the active chemicals 60 percent Sulfentrazone and 6 percent Metsulfuron, which kill invasive weeds by penetrating the tissue and reaching the roots. A week after starting it, you’ll start seeing results.


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What are the Benefits of the Blindside Herbicide Post Emergent?

  • Ensures that You are Not Caught Offguard:

This season’s application of Blindside helps ensure that you won’t be surprised by  Smooth Pigweed and Doveweed in the future. As a result, blindside herbicide has a unique mechanism of action that acts underground to prevent the germination structures of target weeds.

  • It Is Selective:

It is highly selective and approved for use on the majority of turfgrasses that grow during the warm season as well as some that grow during the cool season. Blindside can even be applied in temperatures that are higher than normal without putting additional strain on the turf.

  • It Is Much Preferable:

You can apply Blindside herbicide to 1,000 square feet at both low and high rates with the help of an easy-to-use tip and measure package that includes a dosing chamber that accurately delivers the product.


How Do I Apply Following the Blindside Herbicide Label?

  • Do Your Calculations:

Estimate your herbicide needs by determining the area of the treatment site’s square footage. To figure out how much area has to be treated, multiply the length by the width of your grass.

The rate of Blindside Herbicide application on cool season grasses should be between.075 and 0.15 per 1,000 square feet, whereas the rate should be between 0.15 and 0.23 per 1,000 square feet during the warm season. Refer to the use site portions of the label for application rates that are more detailed.

  • Mix:

After you have added the required amount of Blindside Herbicide to your chosen spray tank, you should fill the remaining space with water. After you have added water to the sprayer until it is almost full, give it a good shake, and you are now ready to use it.

  • Apply the Mixture:

Spray the weeds you want to kill until they are completely saturated with the solution, but be careful not to overdo it.

It is ideal to spray the nozzle directly with no movement close to the weeds or moss to ensure that the product is applied correctly.

A useful strategy to put into practice is to avoid moving the nozzle from side to side when spraying. This is because it is best to spray the nozzle directly.


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Where Do I Use the Blindside Lawn Treatment Herbicide?

  • Golf courses
  • Athletic Fields
  • Lawns
  • Sports fields
  • Cemeteries
  • Parks
  • Campgrounds
  • Recreational areas
  • Roadsides
  • School grounds
  • Sod farms


When Do I Use the Blindside Weed Killer?

It is recommended to apply Blindside Herbicide WDG to control undesired weeds such as dollarweed, buttonweeds, doveweeds, dandelion, nutsedge, crabgrass, and more on the land. The best time to apply is in the first few weeks of spring.


What are the Target Pests of the Blindside Weed Killer?

  • Bittercress
  • Barnyardgrass
  • Black medic
  • Annual Bluegrass
  • Buttercups
  • Virginia Buttonweed
  • Carolina geranium
  • Carpetweed
  • Common Chickweed
  • Mousear Chickweed
  • Cinquefoil
  • Clover
  • Crabgrass
  • Creeping Beggarweed
  • Crown Vetch
  • Cudweed
  • Curly Dock
  • Dandelion
  • Dogfennel
  • Dollarweed
  • Doveweed
  • Eclipta
  • Evening primrose
  • Fiddleneck
  • Filaree
  • Foxtail
  • Groundsel
  • Goldenrod
  • Ground ivy
  • Henbit
  • Japanese stiltgrass
  • Prostrate Knotweed
  • Kochia
  • Green Kyllinga
  • False green Kyllinga
  • Common Lambsquarters
  • Lawn burweed
  • Common Lespedeza
  • London Rocket
  • Common Mallow
  • Miner Lettuce
  • Morningglory
  • Tansy Mustard
  • Tumble Mustard
  • Nutsedge
  • Parsley piert
  • Redroot Pigweed
  • Smooth Pigweed
  • Tumble pigweed
  • Pineapple weed
  • Plantain Broadleaf
  • Plantain Buckthorn
  • Prickly Lettuce
  • Puncture weed
  • Common Purslane
  • Florida Pusley
  • Globe Sedge
  • Annual Sedge
  • Shepardspurse
  • Pennsylvania Smartweed
  • Red Sorrel
  • Speedwell
  • Annual Spurge
  • Prostrate Spurge
  • Spotted Spurge
  • Star of Bethlehem
  • Wild Violet
  • Wild garlic
  • Wild onion
  • Creeping Woodsorrel
  • Yellow Woodsorrel
  • Cylindric Sedge


How Do I Mix the Blindside Herbicide?

  • Cool-Season grass: 0.075 – 0.15 oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. (3.25 – 6.5 oz. per acre)
  • Warm-Season grass: 0.15 – 0.23 oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. (6.5 – 10 oz. per acre)

To form more specific application rates do refer to the blindside herbicide label.


How Long Does It Take For The Blindside Weed Killer To Act?

The target weed may take up to 10-14 days to die entirely after being treated with Blindside Herbicide, however apparent yellowing of the plant usually occurs within a few days of application.


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What Is the Shelf Life of the Blindside Weed Killer?

When properly packaged and stored at normal room temperatures, Blindside Herbicide has a shelf life of three years.


Additional Product Information?

What are the Active Ingredients?
  • 6 % of Metsulfuron-methyl
  • 60 % of Sulfentrazone
What are the Possible Areas of Application? Outdoors
What Is the Chemical Type? Herbicide
Does this Product Have any Usage Restrictions? No
Which Other Product Can Be Compared With this Product?
  • MSM Turf Herbicide
What Is the Shipping Weight of this Product? 0.72 lbs
Is this Product Safe For Pets? If Used as Directed In the Blindside Herbicide WDG Label, This Product Is Safe For Pets.


Where Can I Buy Blindside Herbicide For Sale?

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2 thoughts on “Blindside Herbicide | How To Use”

  1. I am writing to ask for a list of the other 34 ingredients that make up Blindside Herbicide. Our dogs have many allergies, and we have narrowed the list down, but we need to know what else could be in the Blindisde treatment for our lawn. We are dealing with dogs who are allergic to protein, so they could be allergic to anything. Their allergies are not clearing up, so I am asking for a list of ingredients from you (cannot find it anywhere). Please send me a list. Thank you.

    • Hi Bruce, herbicides are generally not pet-friendly. We advised keeping pets and children out of treated areas until the herbicide’s residue are completed dried. This doesn’t apply to herbicides alone (pesticides inclusive). Your pet friend might just not be allergic to protein but other harsh chemical composition in the herbicide. Avoid having them come in contact with the treated areas.


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