Traps For Possums

Possums are rodents that can become a nuisance to the home or its surrounding environment if left to infest. Traps for possums and how to use them is what we will be discussing in this info-filled article.

Buckle up and follow us in this possum trapped journey!


How To Use Traps For Possum?

  • Choose an Appropriate-Sized Opposum Trap:

When removing possums from your property, it is important to use traps of the appropriate size.

  • Place Opposum Traps On Flat Surfaces:

Check to see that it is resting on a level surface. In the event that the possum attempts to topple the cage, you might find it necessary to place a weight on top of the possum traps.

  • Add Baits At the Back of Traps For Possums:

Set the trap with a tasty morsel of bait. To ensure that the possum has to step on the trigger plate in order to get to the food, place the bait towards the back of the trap.

Lift the door plate and push the lock to set the trap. To set the trigger, keep the door plate raised and draw the trigger arm forward. Once you hear the door latch, you know it’s ready.

  • Release Non-Target Animals:

The prompt release of any non-target animals is required. Your local authorities should be contacted to ensure that the animal is being relocated properly once it has been captured.


Read also: Signs Of Possum Infestation


When Do I Use Traps For Possums?

When it is necessary to relocate a possum in a secure manner, the usage of traps for possums can be helpful. They are also useful for recapturing pets that have inadvertently run away from their homes or other enclosed spaces.


Where Do I Use Possum Traps?

  • Construction sites
  • Parks
  • Residential areas
  • Locations where strays of various animals can be discovered
  • Garages
  • Attics
  • Basements


What Are the Target Pests of the Traps For Possums?

  • The large model (42″ x 15″ x 15″):
  • Armadillos
  • Beavers
  • Bobcats
  • Cats
  • Dogs
  • Foxes
  • Groundhogs
  • Opossums
  • Raccoons


  • The medium model (32″ x 10 x 12″):
  • Muskrats
  • Skunks
  • Stray cats
  • Armadillos
  • Groundhogs
  • Raccoons


  • The small model (17″ x 7″ x 7″):
  • Chipmunks
  • Rabbits
  • Rats
  • Squirrels
  • Weasels


What Must I Do Before Using Traps For Possums?

Traps For Possums
A Possum Trap
  • Identification of the Pest
  • Inspection For the Pest
  • Removal of Food Sources
  • Placement of Traps For Possums
  • Prevention of Infestation


Read also: Are Opossums Dangerous? Facts and Behavior of Opossums


How Do I Identify Possum Before Setting Opposum Traps?

The average length of a possum is between 20 and 36 inches. They have white skin on their faces and gray fur, and their tails are long and hairless.

They are intelligent animals that typically weigh between 4 and 15 pounds and range in weight from that range. When they are threatened, opossums will “play dead” to avoid being caught. The animal will have the appearance and even the odor of one that has died.

They won’t move at all, their mouths will be wide open, and the odor coming from their anal glands will be pungent. This is a form of self-defense that is designed to operate for anything from a few minutes to a few hours.


How Do I Inspect For Possums Before Usingg Possum Traps?

You should focus on regions that have a substantial amount of possum activity. There is a good chance that these creatures are looking for food on your land.

Possums are most likely to be found in areas that contain garbage and any kind of vegetation. These are also likely to be the areas in which they are most active.

It is possible that an opossum lives in the region surrounding your home, particularly if it is close to a body of water or a forest.

Since possums are nocturnal animals, they will do any harm they cause when it is dark outside.

There are certain indicators that point to the presence of opossums, such as:

  • Trash cans that have been tipped over
  • Insulation that has been damaged
  • Trail tracks


Is Removal of Food Source Necessary Before Setting Opossum Trap?

With the help of the bait, you want to lure the possum into the possum traps so that you can catch it. Because of this, it is necessary to eliminate any competing sources of food.

Maintain the cleanliness of your trash by placing it in trash bags and storing it in garbage cans that have lids to ensure the rubbish stays contained.

A bowl of water and any food for the animal should be brought inside as quickly as possible as well.


What Bait For Possum Trap?

Opossums are easier to capture if you use the right bait. A honeybun with the wrapper open, or half of a mashed banana, are two examples of sweet foods that these animals love.

When setting the trap, the best spot to put the bait is toward the back of the device. In order to get to the meal, the possum must walk on the trigger plate.


Read also: What Does a Possum Look Like?


Where Can I Find Possum Traps For Sale?


Tip-Off: How Do I Prevent Opposum Infestation?

  • Be sure to put all trash in a garbage can, preferably one that has a cover so that it can be secured while not in use.
  • It is in your best interest to clear your property of any clutter and debris, since possums may be attracted to these locations to nest and burrow.
  • Any potential food or water sources, especially food for pets, should be stored indoors in a container that is adequately sealed, and the container should be kept indoors.
  • To prevent possums from gaining access to your attic, prune tree branches that are located close to your roof.
  • Fills and binds fissures and cracks.
  • Fix any holes or openings that you find around the house or structure, such as fences that are damaged.

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