10 Boredom Busting Tips to Make Your Home-Alone Cat Happy

Do you know, they’re boredom busting tips to make your home-alone cat happy?

Many people prefer cats over dogs only because cats can stay alone for long periods than dogs.

But indoor cats left alone day after day without any environmental enrichment or stimulation are likely to suffer from boredom, loneliness, or even separation anxiety. Read on to learn more!


10 Boredom Busting Tips to Make Your Home-Alone Cat Happy

The perfect solution to prevent your cat’s boredom is to create a stimulating environment with the following boredom-busting things.

Boredom Busting Tips to Make Your Home-Alone Cat Happy

1. Create a Treasure Hunt

A treasure-hunting game can be the best option to hold your cat’s interest throughout the day.

You can hide treasures such as interactive toys, ping pong balls, puzzle toys, jingle balls, or catnip toys. 

Simply leave these toys with some dry foods around your house, especially the places where your cat frequents. This foraging game can keep it busy in finding treasures.

But make sure the treats you hide around must not exceed 10% of your cat’s daily diet. This will prevent your cat from overeating and gaining weight.


2. Hire a pet Sitter or Have a Neighbor Visit

When you are out of your house for long hours, or there is an emergency that keeps you away for a few days, you need to think of someone who can care for your cat in your absence. 

Consider hiring a pet sitter or trusted neighbor to come to your house to take care of your pet or spend playtime with it.

But before hiring anyone, ensure he has enough experience to handle a cat and your cat likes him.

Because if you choose the wrong person, it will add to your anxiety, nothing else!

Look for a cat sitter that has a good reputation and is available all year round, like the Comforted Kitty.


3. Find the Right Cat Toys

Before purchasing toys for your cat, make sure you know what kind of toys your cat likes and what matches its play style and personality, as all cats do not love the same toys. 

There are different types of interactive toys available in the store. Also, some toys are specially designed for a cat’s solo play.

If you don’t know what toys your cat likes, purchase a variety of toys to identify what entices it.

Cats will become bored playing with the same toy all the time. To re-ignite its interest, you need not buy a filled toy basket.

Rather you can keep rotating toys weekly to reintroduce them with your cat.


4. Schedule Playtime

When you come back after long hours, it is expected that you just want to relax. But don’t forget that your cat is waiting for you all day.

Naturally, some cats want plenty of time, affection, and attention. So, scheduling a playtime with your cat is a must.

Give it at least 10 minutes a day. Find some fun ways to play with your cat that keep it engaged. 

Encourage your cat to chase a laser pointer, a ball, or a feathery flyer. Even if you are relaxing or watching TV, allow it to stay connected with you.


5. Place to Hide

When you are out of the house, you might feel worried about your cat’s safety. You might wonder whether anything loud or frightening may have happened at or near your house while you are away.

The situation can get bad at any time. It may be a car accident, construction, thunderstorms, sirens, or even anyone knocking at your door.

All these events can frighten your poor cat. Sometimes, it could become so frightened that it may find a secure hiding place.

So, make sure you to create some cozy hideaways or more secure options for your cat.

You can also set up cat tunnels or a couple of covered beds so that it always finds a safe and comfortable place to hide herself.


6. Let the Sunlight in

Cat loves to sunbathe. So, find which windows of your home allow in the most sunshine.

Then place a cat bed near that window so that it can nap in such a comfy place. 

If the windows are closed or covered with curtains, make sure to keep them open.

It will let the long beams of sunlight enter the room, enabling your cat to bask in the sun and enjoy a sun-filled nap.


7. Provide Window Views

Creating a stimulating environment for your cat is a great way to remove its boredom.

That’s why it is important to create a window seat that allows it to enjoy what’s going on outside. 

You can also attach commercially available window beds to your window frame to ensure your cat can watch the outside view. 

Cats love to see birds and other feathery creatures. If you place a bird or squirrel feeder outside the window, it allows them to come near it, giving your cat an entertaining sight.


8. Set Up a Webcam

Even when you are outside the house, you can get your cat’s attention by setting up a pet camera that has a talking feature. It will be great fun for both the pet and its owner.

As a pet owner, you can observe every second of your cat through your smartphone or laptop screen.

You can experience some funny moments with your cat even when you are away. 

Additionally, many pet cameras have special features to record moments or take pictures.

So, using this camera, you can easily capture those amusing moments, allowing you to enjoy those adorable views later.


9. Cats Love to Climb

Cats love climbing, jumping off elevated locations, and exploring everything off the ground. 

Even if you are living in a small apartment, you have to find places for your cat where it can stroll and lounge as it becomes bored seeing the same view from the floor.

You can also purchase a sturdy cat tree. Although it seems costly, a well-made cat tree provides your cat with a safe climbing option, and it will last your cat’s lifetime. So the cost is worth it. 

Ensure that the perches of the tree are comfortable, large, and typically U-shaped, as U-shaped trees can make your cat feel more secure. 

Installing cat shelving, sturdy window perches, or creating cat walkways can be other climbing options for your cat to keep it entertained with climbing.


10. Add a Companion Cat

Adding another member to the feline family can be a wonderful way to prevent boredom in your kitty.

But before adopting a cat, you must consider your cat’s age and temperament. 

If your cat is older than four years but has never lived with other cats, your decision may worsen the situation. 

So, adding another cat to your family will be a good idea only when your cat has a positive experience living with other cats and the age of your cat is less than two.

Remember, making friendships and companions may take some time. Ensure you actively devote your time to create a positive and gradual introduction between them.


Final Thoughts

The outdoor environment is full of stimulation, but at the same time, it is filled with danger and uncertainty.

So, have to keep our cats indoors at the expense of their getting bored

Indoor cats tend to acquire behavioral issues unless you consider some stimulating activities for your cat to enjoy.

We hope we could give you a clear insight into what you can do to prevent your cat from getting bored.

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