Adopting a Cat From PetSmart? Here are 5 Important Things You Need To Know

Have you been lately thinking of adopting a cat from PetSmart? Cat adoptions have dramatically increased in recent years as more people choose to take in a rescue cat from a shelter (a great thing in our view!).
If you’re also thinking of adopting a cat, there are some important things you need to know.
Firstly, to get your application approved faster you should go to a large pet shelter. Small shelters are usually overwhelmed with applications that take longer to process.
But there is an advantage in it taking longer because you have more time to prepare your house for the arrival of the new family member.

Adopting a cat from PetSmart

Adopting a Cat From Petsmart?

Here are 5 other things you need to know when adopting a fabulous feline.

1. Make a List of Agencies

The first thing you want to do is compile a list of agencies or shelters in your local area that are dealing with pet adoption, let’s say you picked PetSmart as an example.
Make sure each agency you put on your list is registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit as this is a good way to verify their legitimacy.
Do some research on their website and social media to see whether they treat the cats properly and adhere to ethical sourcing standards.
You may also want to know what people who have already used the agency’s services think about it by reading some reviews. This will give you an idea of how trustworthy the organization is.

2. Prepare the Home for the Cat’s Arrival

Before the new family member arrives, you have to make sure your house is safe and comfortable for it.
Identify the unsecured furniture and try to fix it in place so that the cat doesn’t topple it and gets injured.
If there are poisonous plants in the cat’s easy reach, put them away. Depending on the plant’s toxic compound, the cat may experience mild or severe poisoning symptoms after ingesting the plant. Toxic plants for cats include autumn crocus, lilies, azaleas, dieffenbachia, daffodils, and more.
It’s highly recommended that you install a scratching post and a cat tree in your house. These items will prevent your feline from scratching at furniture and walls and climbing your kitchen cabinet.
Kitties tend to get bored fast so buy them plenty of toys to make sure they have plenty to do when you can’t play with them.
Also, get in touch with a veterinarian who you can turn to in case of disease or for regular check-ups.
The best bet is to ask the shelter or rescue organization to recommend you one. It’s also a good idea to arrange pet insurance from the day you bring your new cat home.

3. Choose the Right Food and Diet

Since cats are carnivores, they thrive off meat and meat-based meals. Feed your kitty a diet rich in proteins, low in carbs, and with moderate amounts of fat.
Dry food is convenient to eat and can even prevent the tartar buildup on your cat’s teeth.
However, you shouldn’t deprive your furry friend of the best wet cat food you can find as it’s a precious source of water for them, as well as offers variety over an all dry food diet.
While proteins should be the centerpiece of a cat’s diet, you want to feed your kitty different protein flavors and formats to make the diet more diverse and colorful.
After all, no matter how much your kitty loves meat, it will get sick of it if it’s the same every day.

4. Get Ready for Scooping Litter Often

Place the litter box in a tranquil and low-traffic area so that your cat can do its business in peace.
To minimize cleanup efforts, opt for a fully or partially covered box. This will make sure your cat doesn’t spread the litter beyond the box while burying it.
Try to find time for scooping the litter every day to keep the box clean and to reduce the unpleasant smell.
Keep in mind that if your feline doesn’t like the litter box, either because of its appearance, location, or excess dirtiness, it will potty outside of it.
To prevent that from happening, clean the box every single day. Also, consider changing its location to a place that won’t make your kitty feel stressed out and embarrassed.
Cats are picky when it comes to litter box location, so you will have to try several times until you get it into the right spot.

5. Help Your Cat Transition Into the New Place

Cats need time to adjust to the new environment. So, when you bring your new pet home, try to ensure it has a smooth transition to the new place by giving it a separate area to wind down and get used to the surroundings.
It’s especially important if you have other cats or pets in your home as they can scare your feline and make it feel even more uncomfortable.
Put the litter box, feeding bowl, and toys in a corner of a room or a separate area if you have one, and welcome your new kitty to your house.
Depending on the cat’s personality, the transition may last from a few hours to even weeks in the case of super timid cats.
In the first days, it’s important to play a lot with your cat. It will help it integrate into the new environment fast, get rid of stress, and create friendship bonds with you and other household members.
Reading to this point, we believe you have known the 5 important things you should know when adopting a cat from PetSmart.

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