Can You Hear Termites Eating?

People tend to wonder, how can you hear termites eating when they are very small insects? Termites are very little that the human ear should not be able to process this little sounds created by these pests when they eat!

It is however true that these terrifying pests make sound when eating, but can you hear termites eating? Let us now find out!


Can You Hear Termites?

Termites never stop eating and are constantly busy. Because they do not sleep, you should anticipate hearing sounds constantly. Noises caused by termites can be heard at any time, although they are easier to spot in the middle of the night when the house is silent.

Termites will also produce sounds if they feel threatened or if they are disturbed. They are trying to warn one another about an impending threat by pounding their heads against the wall.

The pounding results in a more audible and robust sound that is more suited to human ears. In addition to this, termites make noises when they move through the wood or move around the environment.

The most intense noise that termites are capable of producing is referred to as head-banging. Soldier termites make rattling noises by banging their heads against the sides of the tunnels they live in when they are bothered or threatened.

Pests utilize the vibrations created by these motions as a means of alerting their colonies to the presence of a threat. As they tunnel through wood, worker termites produce sounds like clicking and rustling with their jaws.

During the spring mating season, homeowners may also hear the buzzing of swarms of flying termites within their homes.


Read also: What Attracts Termites to your Home? 4 Vital Things


What Sounds Do Termites Make?

  • Tapping:

A tapping sound coming from the wall is another sign that termites may be present. The subtle rattling or tapping sound that may be heard in the wall is the result of termites banging their heads against it.

  • Buzzing:

There is also a faint humming sound that termites make, although it is not as distinct as the hum that bees and wasps make.

  • Head Banging:

Can You Hear Termites Eating
Termites Head Banging

The strongest and most audible sound produced by termites is that of their heads beating on the wall. The sound, which is rapid and rattling, is made by termites when they feel threatened or when they become aware of a food source and try to communicate with one another.

When soldier termites bang their jaws and heads against the tunnel in the wood or shake their bodies, the sound is accentuated. They act in this manner to warn everyone else that there is an impending threat. Vibrations are produced as a result of the headbanging, and these can be felt throughout the entire colony.

  • Swarming:

Termites produce a sound like swarming when they travel about in the springtime. When they are flying, the wings make a noise that can be heard.


Read also: Early Warning Signs of Termites


Can You Hear Termites Eating?

The sounds that termites generate are very quiet and are only occasionally picked up by humans. In order to listen to the activity of termites, you will need a stethoscope.

Alternately, you can hear a hollow sound if you tap the surface of the wood that is damaged by termites. This can be done to locate the termite damage.

Even though this is the sound that is most dependable for determining whether or not termites have caused damage, it is simply one part of the bigger body of evidence that is required to establish that termites are present.

Yes, you can hear termites eating! The termites never stop chewing. You might hear a gentle crunching sound coming from a wooden building if worker termites are tunneling into it. The sound produced by this is not as powerful as that produced by headbanging.


What Sounds Do Termites Make When Eating?

When termites consume a significant amount of wood on floors and walls, they leave behind empty gaps that, when tapped, generate a hollow sound.

The sound is dull and hollow, which is an indication that termites have already done significant damage. When termites eat away at a hardwood floor over time, the wood deteriorates and becomes weaker, which causes the floor to creak and crack loudly in specific locations.


Read also: Termite Season | When is Termite Season?


How Do I Use the Sound that Termites Make While Eating to My Advantage?

Tunneling termites can be found in the beams of walls, floors, and ceilings as well as under floors. Because this results in the formation of a void, infested wood will produce a characteristic sound when it is struck with a hammer.

  • A well-trained professional who specializes in termite treatment may also find that making use of a regular stethoscope similar to the kind used by medical professionals is helpful in determining the locations of active termite colonies.

If a homeowner hears sounds and noises consistent with termites, they should not delay in getting in touch with a professional pest treatment service because there is a good chance that they have substantial colonies of termites either within their homes or in the surrounding surroundings.

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