Carpet Beetles: How to Identify and Get Rid

Fabrics, carpets, and upholstered furniture are all fair game for carpet beetles, a typical household pest.

Bedding, clothing, carpets, and upholstered furniture can all suffer significant harm if carpet beetles are allowed to penetrate and thrive.

The look, eggs, and indicators of a carpet beetle infestation are discussed in this article. But before we start let us get to know what carpet beetle are.


What is Carpet Beetle?

Carpet Beetle

It’s important to keep an eye out for carpet beetles since these tiny insects may quickly become a major nuisance if they’re not eliminated.

Carpet beetle eggs and larvae consume a wide variety of organic materials, including wool, silk, leather, and even pet hair.

It is the adult carpet beetles’ diet to consist of plant and flower pollen. Now we have covered what carpet beetle is let us get to how to identify them.


Read also: How to Get Rid of Carpet Beetles Permanently


How to Identify Carpet Beetles?


Adult carpet beetles can reach a length of up to 4 mm. Their shells are striped with black, white, and yellow or orange, and their bodies are oval in shape.

Dark brown or black in color, carpet beetles typically have an oval form. Each species of carpet beetle has its own set of distinctive, colored scales, as do the many types of furniture.

The bodies and thoraxes of furniture carpet beetles are covered in patterned white and yellow scales.


The 5 Telltale Indications That You Have Carpet Beetles

Below are 5 ways you can identify that you have carpet beetles in your house.


1. Skin Irritation

Carpet beetle larvae don’t really bite humans, however, they have been linked to a skin condition called “carpet beetle dermatitis.”

Some people may get these signs if they are allergic to the hair and hemolymph of carpet beetle larvae. The larvae of the carpet beetle have hair that grows out of their skin at varying angles.

The hairs are left behind on the carpet or other items they were eating when they shed their skin and develop into adults.

As a result of repeated contact with these hairs, an acquired hypersensitivity reaction may develop, leading to the aforementioned signs and symptoms.

2. Old Shed Skins

Carpet beetles go through a series of molts as they develop, shedding their skin multiple times along the way. The shed skin of a carpet beetle often appears translucent with a yellow or brown color.

The size and shape of these hard, hollow shells, which resemble sunflower seeds, varies by species and molting stage.

A carpet beetle’s exoskeleton may resemble a bed bug’s exoskeleton at first glance. The shells of carpet beetles are longer than those of bed bugs, which are more spherical.

Carpet beetle larvae shed their skins in the places they eat, such as under rugs, in clothing or blanket heaps, and in furniture joints.


Read also: Do Carpet Beetles Bite Dogs?


3. Clothing with Holes

Unfortunately, these pests will also eat fabric if they get the chance. Larvae from carpet beetles can tear holes in your sweaters, scarves, coats, and blankets if they make their way into your closet.

The damage they produce in garments usually consists of holes in huge clusters or groupings.

In comparison, clothing moths (another type of pest that feeds on garments) tend to graze along the surface of materials, creating only a few, occasional holes.

Carpet beetle larvae, which thrive in cool, dry places, are most often found in fabrics and clothing that have been stowed away or left unworn for extended periods of time.


4. Fibers that have been Damaged

Carpet beetle larvae may eat a wide variety of household goods and construction materials if they find an entryway into your home.

Carpet beetle larvae may cause damage to carpeting, but they also pose a threat to other keratin-containing fiber fabrics like wool, fur, felt, silk, feathers, and leather.

When carpet beetle larvae begin to consume carpets and rugs, they tend to graze across the top and the underside, leaving behind bald patches or fraying.

The term “carpet beetle” dates back to the days when wool was commonly used to make rugs. The synthetic materials used in today’s carpets are toxic to them.


Read also: How to Get Rid of Carpet Beetles; Carpet Beetles Infestation


5. Body Waste Pellets

Carpet beetle larvae excrete tiny feces pellets, about the size of a grain of salt, as they eat.

The color of their excrement is normally black or brown, however, this might change depending on the color of whatever their last meal was.

Like with most skins, fecal pellets from carpet beetles are frequently found in regions where they feed.


Where Can I Find Carpet Beetles In The House

  • animal bedding
  • taxidermy
  • nests of birds in the attic or on the roof
  • potpourri
  • carpet
  • curtains
  • clothes
  • vegetation and flora
  • Pet treats
  • The Dried Pasta and Flour
  • Decorative Pillows
  • furniture
  • bedding


Read also: Carpet Beetle Droppings


How to Eliminate Carpet Beetles

  1. Make sure to check on your flowers and houseplants on a regular basis, preferably when you tend to them by watering and wiping the leaves clean. Especially in the beginning when you first bring them inside, this is vitally crucial.
  2. Closing off any openings means making sure all the spaces around your windows and doors are secure.
  3. If the problem seems out of your hands and you can’t find the larvae, it’s best to call a pest control service and ask for help.
  4. Carpet beetles love to eat flour and dried pasta, so be sure to store these items in airtight containers. Remember to store all perishables in airtight containers.
  5. Carpet beetle larvae thrive on dead skin, dead insects, and hair that can be found in carpets, thus it’s important to vacuum frequently to prevent an infestation (both human and pet).
  6. Cleaning the carpets on a regular basis will reduce the food source for carpet beetles. Larvae and eggs can also be sucked up with a vacuum. The carpeting along the baseboards requires special care.
  7. Remove any trash and larvae from contaminated areas and perform a thorough cleaning. Make regular efforts to dust, vacuum, and mop hard and soft surfaces. Pesticides are not safe for the environment and should be used with caution. It’s also possible that they’re toxic to animals.
  8. Infested goods, including clothing, blankets, and upholstered furniture, can be washed at a high temperature to eliminate the larvae. Before throwing something in the wash, make sure to read the label.
  9. Steam cleaning is often recommended by professionals as an alternative to vacuuming hard floors. The insects and their eggs are killed off by the high temperature and humidity. Surfaces, window sills, shelves, drawers, and hangers can all be treated with a vinegar mix, which can be wiped or sprayed on to get rid of carpet beetles. You should clean up any crumbs or spills frequently.



The name “carpet beetle” comes from the fact that these insects occasionally make their homes in carpets. Pests that feed on wool, fur, felt, silk, feathers, skins, and leather are similar to clothes moths.

The larvae are able to consume these materials because they include keratin, a fibrous animal protein.

Synthetic textiles like cotton and polyester/rayon are rarely damaged unless they are mixed with wool or are extensively dirty with food stains or body oils.

Carpet beetle infestations can grow unnoticed, wreaking havoc on fragile possessions.

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