Plaster Beetles: How to Identify and Get Rid

The name “plaster beetles” comes from the fact that these pests are frequently seen in brand-new homes, where the moist plasterwork is a perfect breeding ground for them.

Plaster beetles, also called scavenger beetles, belong to the Theridiidae family, which contains more than 1050 species.

Plaster beetles are more of a bothersome intruder than a dangerous threat, yet no homeowner wants them in their abode.


What are Plaster Beetles?

Plaster Beetles

Plaster beetles range in size from 1/16 inch to 3/16 inch and can be any shade of brown, reddish brown, or black. The family Lathridiidae is home to many genera and species of plaster beetles.

Most of these beetles are quite little, and they come in a wide variety of shapes and colors, making identification by the untrained eye challenging.

A plaster beetle is a small brown scavenger beetle or a lathridiid beetle. Plaster beetles are common in Charlotte and are attracted to places like window sills, sinks, and light fixtures because of their ability to fly.

From the time that homes were built using a framework of wire and wet plaster, this species of beetle has been known by its current moniker.

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Facts About Plaster Beetle

The mold that fed these insects was encouraged by the excess moisture behind the wallpaper that was applied before the walls had dried.

Large groups of beetles, sometimes numbering in the hundreds or thousands, would emerge from their nests as the beetle population began to increase.

These beetles have a short life cycle—just 13–28 days—but this short time period yields a massive population.

Prefabricated drywall boards are widely used in modern architecture and home construction. As a result, fewer instances of plaster beetle infestation are seen.

These beetles are primarily found in humid environments, such as those caused by water leaks, poor ventilation, or the presence of other sources of moisture that promote the growth of molds inside walls and other gaps.

These beetles and the environment they prefer are often home to a variety of related beetles, all of which feed on fungi.

The basement fungus beetle (Cryptophagus capsulatus), the silky fungus beetle (Ahasverus laticollis), and the alien grain beetle (Ahasverus advena) are just a few examples (Cryptophagus cellaris).

When the right kind of mold can grow, the right kind of beetles can flourish.

Gypsum beetles are found naturally in the outdoors, and they have been known to be drawn to buildings with well-lit exteriors.

Plaster beetles can colonize any part of a structure or residence that has a persistent moisture problem, such as a water leak, condensation, or poor ventilation.

Plaster and fungus beetles, which can be found anywhere grains are stored or processed, are another potential pest.


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Life Cycle of Plaster Beetles

 Life Cycle Of Plaster Beetles

Plaster beetles have a 20-day life cycle, during which a female can lay up to 10 eggs at temperatures of about 24 degrees Celsius.

Environmental temperature plays a role in how long it takes for them to mature; at lower temperatures, their life cycles extend to five months.

Plaster beetle larvae go through a metamorphic stage called pupation before emerging as adults.


Signs of Plaster Beetles Infestation

Infestations of plaster beetles may be undetected for some time until a substantial population of the pests has already settled into a particular area.

Plaster beetles leave their humid environments and start to concentrate in other areas, such as around lights or window sills, where they can be easily spotted.


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How to Get Rid of Plaster Beetles

Plaster beetles are drawn to damp environments like those found in basements and crawlspaces, thus it is important to use dehumidifiers to eliminate the moisture.

It is important to quickly address any leaks found in areas where moisture management is possible. Make sure there is adequate ventilation by clearing out the vents.

Although vacuuming up the remains of plaster beetles is an effective approach, it might be challenging for non-professionals to accomplish.

Plaster beetles can cause significant damage to structures, but can be easily controlled by pest management professionals using specialized treatments for big, persistent infestations.


Best Ways to Prevent Plaster Beetles

Modern building methods and materials have reduced the likelihood that a building will retain moisture and hence attract plaster insects.

Making sure that newly renovated areas dry out quickly will reduce the likelihood of mold formation and subsequent plaster beetle infestations.

Tossing out perishables before mold may form on them is another protective measure.


1. Eliminate their Habitat

Eliminating their habitat is one great method of getting rid of these beetles. These beetles are ubiquitous and can be found in any region with a humid climate and an abundance of fungi.

They avoid direct sunlight and seek out rocks, water, and other wet areas in the environment to use as a shield from the elements.

Plaster beetles thrive in humid environments, so bathrooms, basements, and crawlspaces are prime real estate in the average home.

Water spigots and dripping windows also provide ideal breeding grounds for these pests because of the constant moisture they provide.

Plaster beetles will migrate toward an area with high humidity.


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2. Get Rid of All sources of Diet

Plaster beetles will live comfortably in areas with excess sources of diet, eliminating their source of diet will force them to move to other places in search of food.

The hyphae and spores of molds and other types of fungi, including mildew, are the sole diet of plaster beetles.

Although they can be found in some canned goods, their attraction is limited to the mold that may be growing inside.



Getting to this point, you might have gotten to know about plaster beetles, their description, identification, life cycle, and the rest.

Plaster beetles, commonly called scavenger beetles, belong to the Theridiidae family, which has more than 1050 species.

Although plaster beetles pose less physical harm to humans than other pests, no one welcomes them into their homes.

Hope you got the necessary information about these beetles. Do well to drop a comment on your own view.

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