Cockroaches; Facts About 8 Different Types of Cockroaches

Types of cockroaches! the mere mention of this pest sounds disgusting already right? well, you should know the different types of cockroaches for advanced knowledge over others and easy identification. Most people seem to be afraid of this nuisance trouble-causing creature while some even take them as a food source. But that is not the topic of our discussion for today

Now join us in this research-based article as we journey the land of the roaches and know all about them one by one. The journey begins!


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What is a Cockroach?

Just as you can’t get into a cinema without a ticket so it is in this case, we can’t journey the types of cockroaches without knowing what they are.

So what is a cockroach? A cockroach is an insect of the suborder Blattodea, order Dictyoptera. They have an oval flattened body with long antennae and biting mouthparts and can become a nuisance if not properly checked or exterminated.


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Types of Cockroaches

Cockroaches have existed in our world for thousands or millions of years, different types of these creatures have existed on our planet and its high time we know their names and facts about them. Below is a list of the different types of cockroaches of the world and facts about them;


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  • German Cockroaches

German cockroach
German cockroach

The crotonbug is the most typical of all cockroach types found in America. Their high-speed capacity for breeding makes them a right away threat to your family and residential. All it takes is one single female to charge into your home.

Between her and her offspring, over 30,000 cockroaches are often produced in one year, though many of them won’t live very long. those that do survive are over enough to cause disease and disgust. Each crotonbug egg case (ootheca) can hatch between 20 and 40 baby roaches, and in contrast to other varieties of cockroaches, the female carries the eggs together with her until they’re able to hatch. This makes them extremely persistent and difficult to eliminate.

Description: It is about 0.6 inches in length, light brown in color, can barely fly but is capable of gliding a little, Found mostly in moist (damp) areas and possesses dark parallel stripes on its thorax covering from its head to its wings.

  • Brown-Banded Cockroaches

Brownbranded cockroach
Brownbranded cockroach

Although the German and brown-banded cockroaches inhabit the identical house, they rarely hide within the same spots. Brown-banded roaches prefer warmer, less moisty areas especially up high and inside your electronics, television, refrigerator, etc. they have an inclination to remain removed from the water.

Description: They are about 0.5 inches in length, males and females have abdomen, side pronotum (a plate-like structure that covers the thorax) and two light-yellow wings, Found in warm (dry areas), only males can fly and males are dark-brown while females are reddish-brown.


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  • Smoky Brown Cockroaches

Brownsmoky cockroach
Brownsmoky cockroach

Sometimes referred to as the dehydrating cockroach, these guys are known to dwell mostly in moist, damp, wet places. They are also professional fliers and are notably active at night, although they are easily attracted to light and will pay you a visit when they see one.

Description: These guys are about 1.5 inches in length, have long wings, found mostly in gutters and attics, have black pronotum and, have a dark reddish-brown violet color.



  • Oriental Cockroaches

oriental cockroach
oriental cockroach

The water bug as it is sometimes called dwells in dark, wet, damp places where they are completely out of sight of humans and danger. And can be very difficult to get rid of due to their good hiding abilities.

Water bugs exhibit a dark reddish-brown color. As adults, the male and female cockroaches, though large in size, are quite different in appearance. Growing to only 25 mm in length, the smaller males have shortened, three-quarter-length wings. As a result, the last few abdominal segments of their bodies are exposed. Similarly, the females reach a length of 32 mm and have no wings. Instead, they have large wing pads that shelter the first few segments of their bodies. Neither the male nor the female is capable of flying.

Description: They are about 1.25 inches in length, exhibit a dark reddish-brown color, male wings are shorter than their body while females have underdeveloped wings, they are found in wet-moist places such as the sewers and basement, etc. and finally they have no flight abilities.


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  • American Cockroaches

American cockroach
American cockroach

Despite its name, this cockroach is not so common in American homes and is one of the largest cockroaches on earth. It is the largest species of common cockroaches and is considered a nuisance to mankind. It is sometimes referred to as the ship cockroach or the Bombay canary.

Though called the American cockroach it originated in Africa and only got to America from the 17ADs. They are sometimes mistaken for the palmetto bugs.





  • Wood Cockroaches

wood cockroach
wood cockroach

Generally, they are 12 different wood cockroach species, it is scientifically known as (Parcoblatta), the Virginia wood cockroach, the Boll’s wood cockroach, and moreover the wide wood cockroach. Wood cockroaches are not the same as cockroach breeds drawn to light.

However, males cockroach can fly short distances. other kinds of roaches, wood cockroaches can make food impure causing allergies and asthma. Wood cockroaches are 1 inch long and brown.

The sides of some wood cockroaches’ wings are white. The females’ wings are shorter than males’ only about 0.5 inches long. Nymphs, which are little in size than adults, totally lacking wings. Wood cockroaches are easily found in woodpiles and under the bark of abandon logs and decayed trees. Moreover, they build habitat near homes in gutters and crawl spaces.


  • Australian Cockroach

Australian cockroach
Australian cockroach

The Australian cockroach could be a species of cockroaches that really live outside homes but in rear cases infest people’s homes. These cockroaches mature easily growing from 1 – 1/2 inches or longer.

The Australian cockroach spends the majority of their life hiding. They’ll build colonies in tree trunks, piles of wood, water pipes, and other damp and moisture areas. Australian cockroaches mostly live outdoors in temperate climates.

Their favorite habitats have several amounts of moisture in the air and high temperatures. Sometimes, they invade greenhouses, however, these roaches pose no threat to crops. The female cockroach hides her egg cases in damp woodpiles and crevices near food and water. After some time, the nymphs grow over a period of 24 weeks to 12 months. As they grow bigger, they molt their old exoskeleton and grow new ones.


  • Asian Cockroach

Asian cockroach
Asian cockroach

The Asian cockroach scientifically known Blattella Asahinai is precisely like the twin of the Blattella germanica. The cockroach could be a small bug (have a length of over 1/2 inch long) whose color is known to be brown. However, it contains a precise pair of dark (almost black) stripes going down its back from its head to the edge of its abdomen.

Asian cockroaches mostly live outdoors in straw, leaves, small pieces of wood and therefore the shade areas of people’s lawns. Like other roaches, they search for after decayed material, remain of food and garbage, among other things. The female As cockroaches lay dozens of eggs in each egg case they produce. Moreover, it has a maximum lifespan of under 6 months, these roaches still strive to reproduce and survive.



We hope with this review, you will be able to identify the different types of cockroach in case of one on one contact. For further questions, help, and contribution feel free to contact us.

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