How To Use Crossbow Herbicide

Rangeland, permanent grass pastures, and CRP acres are all suitable for spraying with Crossbow Herbicide (including fence rows and non-irrigation ditch banks within these areas).

Broadleaf weeds, both annual and perennial, and woody weeds can be controlled using this versatile product. When used as instructed, Crossbow is safe to use around humans, animals, and livestock.

Whether working with chemicals or applying products, it is imperative that you always use the necessary PPE. You should wait at least 12 hours before reentering treated regions.


What Is Crossbow Herbicide?

Crossbow Herbicide
Picture of the Crossbow Herbicide

The Crossbow Herbicide is a post-emergent, selective herbicide that requires no special mixing. Crossbow produces good control of woody plants and brush and may be administered by all types of sprayers, from hand-held units to tractor-mounted spray rigs.

As a water-soluble solution, Crossbow Herbicide allows the product to simply be blended with many types of sprayer equipment for little or large-volume applications.

Crossbow Herbicide is an efficient liquid solution that kills weeds on contact and continues to do so for up to two hours after it rains. Application yields visible results in a short time frame.


Read also: How To Use Certainty Turf Herbicide

How To Use Crossbow Herbicide

  • Get the square footage by multiplying the length by the width. Acreage can be calculated by dividing the total square feet by 43,560. Using 1.33 to 5.33 fluid ounces of Crossbow per gallon of water will cover 1,000 square feet. Crossbows should be diluted at a rate of 1 to 4 gallons per 100 gallons of water per acre for large-scale applications.
  • Half-fill the spray tank with water, then add the recommended amount of Crossbow. Simply pour in your preferred surfactant in the quantity specified on the bottle’s instructions, then give the sprayer a good shake to ensure a thorough blending of the ingredients.’
  • Use the mixture in specific locations where weeds are flourishing, preferably using a fan spray setting to ensure even distribution. An oil-based carrier and a cut-stump treatment are required for invasive tree control. The first 12 to 15 inches of the trunk, including the root collar, should be sprayed thoroughly.


Where Can I Apply Crossbow Herbicide?

  • Rangeland
  • Permanent grass pastures
  • Conservation reserve program (CRP) acres
  • Fence rows
  • Non-irrigation ditch banks


Read also: How To Use Ornamec 170 Grass Herbicide


What Are the Target Pests For Crossbow Herbicide?

  • Alder
  • Annual Bedstraw
  • Annual Buttercup
  • Annual Fleabane
  • Annual Purslane
  • Annual Sowthistle
  • Ash
  • Beech
  • Biennial Wormwood
  • Birch
  • Bitter Sneezeweed
  • Black Locust
  • Blackberry
  • Bluebur
  • Blueweed
  • Boneset
  • Broadleaf Plantain
  • Buckbrush
  • Bull Thistle
  • Bur Clover
  • Burdock
  • Canada Thistle
  • Cascara
  • Ceanothus spp
  • Cherry
  • Chicory Suppression
  • Cinquefoil
  • Cocklebur
  • Common Lambsquarters
  • Common Persimmon
  • Common Ragweed
  • Cottonwood
  • Curly Dock
  • Dandelion
  • Dogfennel Suppression
  • Dogwood
  • Elderberry
  • Elm
  • Field Bindweed
  • Field Pennycress
  • Goatsbeard
  • Goldenrod
  • Ground Ivy
  • HairyGalinsoga
  • Hawthorn
  • Hazel
  • Hemp Dogbane
  • Hemp Sesbania
  • Henbit
  • Honeylocust
  • Honeysuckle
  • Horsenettle
  • Horseweed
  • Kochia
  • Kudzu
  • Leafy Spurge
  • Lespedeza
  • Maples
  • Marsh elder
  • Milkweed Suppression
  • Mouse-ear Chickweed
  • Multiflora Rose
  • Musk Thistle
  • Narrow-leaf Plantain
  • Oxalis
  • Perennial Pepperweed
  • Perennial Sowthistle
  • Pine
  • Poison Ivy,
  • Poison Oak
  • Pokeweed
  • Redroot Pigweed
  • Russian Olive
  • Russian Thistle
  • Salmonberry
  • Sassafrass
  • Scotch Broom
  • Shepherds Purse
  • Spiny Amaranth
  • Sumac
  • Sunflower
  • Sweetgum
  • Sycamore
  • Tall Buttercup
  • Tall Ironweed
  • Tamarack
  • Tansy Mustard
  • Tansy Ragwort
  • Thyme-leaf Spurge
  • Trumpet creeper
  • Vetch
  • Virginia Creeper
  • Wax Myrtle
  • Western Ironweed
  • White Oak
  • White Sweet Clover
  • White Clover
  • Wild Carrot
  • Wild Grape
  • Wild Lettuce
  • Wild Mustard
  • Wild Radish
  • Wild Violet
  • Willow
  • Wooly Croton
  • Yarrow
  • Yellow Rocket


Read also: The Benefits of Using Solitare Herbicide for Weed Control



It may take a few days for symptoms to show and many weeks for plants to die completely, depending on the species and how actively the treated plants are growing.

Use in the early summer, when plants are actively growing, for the best results. Use no later than 10 days before the fall foliage begins to turn color.

Application in the late summer or during dry weather, when plants are not actively growing, may not provide enough control.

In rangeland, permanent grass pastures, CRP, fence rows, non-irrigation ditch banks, roadsides, and other non-crop areas, as well as industrial locations, Crossbow specialty herbicide is suggested for control of most types of undesired woody plants as well as annual and perennial broadleaf weeds.

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