Curly Hair Tarantula: Recommended Handling Techniques

The curly hair tarantula makes fascinating and peaceful companions. They take up very little room and don’t need any maintenance.

They won’t, however, make friendly or tame pets because they are tarantulas. Furthermore, people who love a lot of excitement, are not extremely active creatures.

Do you want to find out more about how to take care of your pet curly hair tarantula? keep reading to find out more!


What Does the Curly Hair Tarantula Look Like?

Curly Hair Tarantula
A Picture Describing What the Curly Hair Tarantula Looks Like

The curly hair tarantula is a chubby spider with bristles that range in colour from light brown to black at the tarantula’s young stages and gradually darken as it matures.

The longer gold bristles that cover its entire body, especially densely on its hind legs, give it a golden-bronze lustre.

Both sexes have reached maturity in captivity with a leg span of about 6 inches, although males only live for about 5 years while females can live for up to 20 years.

In general, males have a more bronzed appearance than females.


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What is the Behaviour of the Curly Hair Tarantula?

Pet owners will find these tarantulas to be surprisingly calm and quiet. If you’re looking for an active animal, you could be disappointed.

A tarantula with curly hair will explore its habitat and may rearrange the bark or other props you offer. Your spider will spend much of its time resting unless it is actively hunting.

However, due to their nervous nature, curly hair tarantulas should be handled as little as possible. If you treat the spider with extreme patience and gentleness, it may even sit on your hand or arm.

When working with these creatures, it’s safer to sit on the floor in case any of them become frightened and try to bolt. Even a short fall might cause catastrophic injury or even death.

Curly-haired tarantulas, like all tarantulas, have defence systems they can employ if they feel threatened.

Hairs shed from their bellies can be kicked up and cause skin irritation or even injury to the eyes if they make their way into the latter.

That’s why it’s crucial to thoroughly wash your hands (and not rub your eyes) after coming into contact with a tarantula or anything in its habitat.

Although curly-haired tarantulas are often quite tame, they will use their poisonous bite if they feel threatened. Pet tarantulas should be kept in a secure location, away from other household pets and curious hands.

It is not recommended to house a curly hair tarantula alongside any other tarantula, as they are solitary creatures.

A few hours a week will go toward care for feeding and cleaning. Just sit back and take in the fascinating sights of this creature.


What is the Housing Requirement of the Pet Curly Hair Tarantula?

Curly Hair Tarantula
Picture of the Curly Hair Tarantula in its Natural Habitat

Curly hair tarantulas can live in a 5-10 gallon tank with a tight, well-ventilated top. Since these tarantulas aren’t great climbers, they prioritize low-lying real estate.

The tank’s width should be about twice as long as the spider’s leg spread, and the length should be about the same. It’s fine if you’re only around a foot tall.

The ideal tank temperature is between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. To keep the tank at the right temperature, which should be checked frequently with a thermometer, you can place a heating pad inside the tank.

Don’t let the tank get too much sun. The hygrometer in the tank should read anywhere between 65 and 70 percent humidity for this tarantula. Humidity can be increased by spraying clean water into the tank.

If there is any prey left in the enclosure after 24 hours, remove it. Keep an eye out for mould, which can flourish in damp environments.

If you see mould growing on the bedding, throw it away right away. The bedding should be completely changed every four to six months.


Read also: Adopting a Tarantula; Is It the Right Pet for You?


What Does the Curly Hair Tarantula Feed On?

Live crickets, roaches, waxworms, and other insects are the staple diet of the curly hair tarantula. The insects shouldn’t exceed the tarantula’s body size.

The rare pinky mouse is also acceptable for adult tarantulas. Adult tarantulas need to eat around once a week, whereas younger tarantulas need to eat every two to five days.

To find out what kind and how much food is best for your pet, you should talk to your vet.

To feed your spider, simply toss its prey inside the cage. The spider will be more hungry and active in the evening, therefore that is when you should feed it.

You should remove any undesirable prey within 24 hours since it might cause stress to your spider if left for longer. The diet is the primary source of moisture for curly hair tarantulas.

A little dish of water should still be provided in the enclosure, though. Allow plenty of room for the spider to enter and exit the dish. Every day, fill the dish with fresh water.


What are the Grooming Requirements of the Curly Hair Tarantula?

Tarantulas self-groom by shedding their skin at regular intervals. They won’t have any more needs from you than just making sure their habitat is at the proper temperature and humidity and free of live prey.

You shouldn’t touch your spider while it’s moulting, either, because the new exoskeleton is so delicate.


What is the Exercise Requirement of the Curly Hair Tarantula?

Curly-haired tarantulas require exercise just like any other kind of animal. However, a lot isn’t necessary. Your pet tarantula won’t be bored if its cage is big enough for it to move about in.


How Much Does it Cost to Take Care of a Curly Hair Tarantula?

Feeding your curly hair tarantula will account for most of your monthly expenses. Costs average $5 to $10 monthly, though you can save money by breeding your own crickets instead of buying them from a pet store.

Replacement of other worn elements in the enclosure, such as the substrate, might cost anywhere from $10 to $20. Don’t forget to set aside money in case of unexpected vet bills or an emergency.


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Being low-maintenance pets, curly hair tarantulas only need to be fed and cleaned on a regular basis.

Children who are mature enough to handle the tarantula properly and who are not frightened of feeding it live prey can make good pet owners.

We believe after reading this info-filled article, you can now properly take good care of your pet curly hair tarantula!

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