
Do Spiders Drink Water?

For the type of arachnids that spiders are we would like to know do spiders drink water? In a similar fashion, it is believed that the black widow and the redback spider obtain all of the water they require from the food they consume.


Despite the fact that there is a plenty of food sources available, the caregivers of these spiders have observed and documented their spiders drinking freshwater. Now Let us find out the answer to the question: do spiders drink water?


Do Spiders Drink Water?

Spiders do, in fact, drink liquids, even water. They may drink from raindrops or small puddles. Dew, however, is a fantastic supply of water for spiders, especially those that build webs. Their webs are not only useful for trapping prey but also for gathering the evening dew.

Given that spiders are carbon-based organisms, we know that they need water to survive. It doesn’t follow, however, that people should stop drinking their water.

An animal’s body relies on water to move molecules like oxygen, nutrition, and other life-sustaining substances throughout the body. Without water, cells in the body would become dehydrated, which means they would not be able to operate normally.

For the organism to absorb proteins and amino acids more easily, water is also necessary. This allows the animal to grow quicker and stay healthy longer. And of course, water is also vital for the organs inside the spider’s body, as it will support the major activities of the organs and allow them to do their task.

There are some creatures such as the koala or the sand cat, who manage to stay hydrated without ever drinking water. The koala gets its water from chewing eucalyptus leaves and the sand cat gets water from eating rodents.

Both the redback and black widow spiders receive all of their water from eating their prey, according to lore.

Despite having an abundance of food sources, spiders under the care of humans have been observed to drink freshwater.


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How Do Spiders Drink Water?

For the most part, though, spiders take water in the same way they do food: by sucking it in with their mouths and webs and other appendages and water parts.

Without tongues, spiders drink water by utilizing their sucking stomachs to pump liquid up into their mouths and through their digestive system. The sucking stomach is an internal bag surrounded by contracting and expanding muscles. Similar to pumping a hand pump, these muscles cause the stomach to dilate rhythmically.

The effect is akin to a youngster using a straw to suck out the last bit of a milkshake.

Some spiders will also make use of their seta-covered pedipalps, employing the strong hairs to pick up water droplets and carry them to their mouth.

Spawning water droplets can suffice for many spiders like the wolf spider because they have access to freshwater sources in their natural habitats. But some have to be more inventive to ensure they stay hydrated.

A spider’s web is crucial to many spiders’ freshwater supply. The form and composition of a spider’s web are specific to gathering water from the air and holding it. There are many beautiful pictures of spider webs with dew on them because of this. This generates condensation for spiders to drink even in dry surroundings.

The web of the orb-spider provides water beyond condensation. The silk of the web absorbs water from the atmosphere and the spider eats the water-rich web.


How Do Spiders Get Water to Drink?

  • Hunting:

Do Spiders Drink Water
Spiders Can Get Water From Their Prey

They’ll be able to meet their water requirements primarily through prey they capture. Luckily for spiders, they don’t have enormous demands for water like people do, for instance, who need to drink roughly 2 liters of water per day. Spiders need modest quantities, and even hunting other animals is often enough to receive their portion of water.

  • Puddles:


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If that fails, they’ll look for puddles or other water sources nearby. Even if they aren’t able to catch any insects or animals in the area, spiders can always rely on the water they find around them to keep them hydrated. When that happens, they’ll look for alternative water sources, such as puddles.

  • Dew:

They’ll also acquire water from morning and evening dew that’s gathered on blades of grass or leaves. In fact, this may be the easiest way for most spiders to receive water, as they prefer to reside in moist environments, especially in the fall and spring.

Make sure your spider gets clean, fresh water to drink if he or she happens to be a household pet. Just place a bowl next to it or near its habitat, and you’ll see that the water levels will start to drop as days go on.

Another approach to placing a bowl is to water the dirt inside the vivarium ever so slightly, which would allow the spider to suck up the water from the vivarium. However, the preferable technique here would be just utilizing a bowl with water, as some spider species are not especially fond of damp surfaces.


How Often Does Spiders Drink Water?

Some spider species are thirstier than others, indicating that their hydration requirements are as distinct as the webs they construct.

Some spiders (especially young ones) require daily hydration, whereas others require water only every few days or so. Generally speaking, larger species of spiders require less water than smaller species.

We do know that spider hydration is particularly critical due to their exoskeleton. If a spider’s exoskeleton becomes dehydrated, it ceases to function correctly.


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How Long Can Spider Stay Without Drinking Water Or Eating Food?

While a spider’s water to survive without food and water varies greatly depending on its species, the majority of spiders can last for 30-60 days without either. Presumably, a spider could survive substantially longer if fed nourishment, although there is no definite data.

There are numerous tales of pet owners reporting that their spiders (usually tarantulas) have lived 12 months or more without food or water.

The talent to regulate their metabolism enables spiders to slow their bodies down, lowering their requirement for food or water according to availability.

These intriguing critters are also able to keep extra food and water reserves in their foregut, a small stomach just in front of the sucking stomach. And in their midgut caeca, a branching sack occupies the available space in a spider’s abdomen.

When a spider is presented with a surplus of food it will store the excess food as caeca fluids. As the midgut caeca fill with nutritious fluids the spider’s abdomen grows, offering plenty of room for extra reserves.



The ideal technique to provide your spider enough water will be determined by the spider’s size. The dish or bowl of water and the little bottle cap give a 24/7 water supply.

The little bottle cap is useful for small spiders with the dish or bowl preferable for larger spiders. Beginner spider keepers would appreciate this. Do spiders drink water? well now you know!

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