8 Homemade Ant Traps | How To Use

Besides calling on professional services to help curb an ant infestation, there are homemade ant traps that can help eliminate these pesky pests from your homes.

Although these homemade ant traps do not guarantee the complete elimination of ants, they will definitely help curb and minimize an infestation.


Why Is Homemade Ant Traps Really Necessary?

Homemade Ant Traps
Homemade Ant Traps Are Necessary

Ants will often form big colonies, which can occasionally be located in difficult-to-access areas.

It becomes a game of numbers despite the fact that you locate the colony and eradicate it, there will continue to be ants that were not there at the moment that aren’t killed even though the colony has been destroyed.

Ants also have a tendency to relocate their colonies around, making it more difficult to locate them. And some of these colonies can become quite large.

Ants are tough to manage because, despite the fact that it is simple to eliminate the workers, it is typically necessary to eliminate the queen in order to eradicate the entire colony.

The majority of pesticides will have a difficult time reaching these queens since they can conceal themselves beneath or in vacant spaces within a structure.

In addition to that, these unwanted critters are sometimes finicky eaters, which might complicate your efforts to attract them into traps.

Ants are quite selective about the foods they will and will not consume, and their behavior can shift depending on the availability of certain foods throughout the year as well as other aspects of their surrounding habitat.

It is possible for them to change their minds about what they want to eat from one day to the next, which makes the process of removal much more scientific.

In conclusion, ants also leave behind a track of pheromones, which are chemicals that stimulate a response in other ants and encourage them to continue in the same direction as the original trail.


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What are the 8 Best Homemade Ant Traps?

  • Lemon Juice:

A fantastic homemade ant trap is lemon juice. It can be freshly prepared or the one you buy in the shop. Either way works.

You put it on similar to how you would apply dried red pepper flakes. Simply saturating the locations where ants try to enter the home will prevent them from doing so.

  • Vinegar and Baking Soda:

The key to a successful homemade ant trap is a combination of baking soda and white vinegar. Nothing else is required.

The anthill should first have some baking soda sprinkled on it, and then vinegar should be poured on top of that. They will become confined within their colony, which will ultimately lead to their demise.

  • Red Pepper Flakes:

Red Pepper Flakes can be used as a natural ant repellant, and they are also great to have on hand for when you want to make pizza. This is a win-win situation.

You only need to sprinkle some of the flakes in the locations where you observe the insects entering the house, and this will be enough to halt them in their tracks.


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  • Soap, Water, and Oil:

Mix water, soap, and oil together, and either expose the mixture to ants by leaving it in a dish or spraying it directly on them. Because of the oil, the ants will indeed be drawn to it, but the detergent will be able to eliminate them.

  • Ground Black Pepper:

Ground black pepper is an all-natural and highly effective homemade ant trap for preventing ants from entering your home.

Simply sprinkling it in crevices, on the outside of doors and windows, and in other exposed areas will prevent ants from entering the home.

  • Boiled Water:

Simply bring a large pot of water to a boil, then take the boiling liquid outdoors and splash it on top of the anthill. When you do it, protect your skin from getting burned by making sure you have shoes and gloves.

  • Sugar and Baking Soda:

This is comparable to the trap with boric acid. You need only mix the baking soda, water, and powdered sugar together, and exclude the ingredient altogether.

If you are concerned about either children or animals, you should go with this alternative instead.

  • Cayenne Pepper:

It would appear that ants do not care for foods that are particularly spicy, as cayenne pepper can also be used as a homemade ant trap.

Sprinkle this all over the house, just like you would with other insect repellents, and the ants will stay outside where they should.


Read also: Homemade Fly Traps for Indoors


Tip-Off: When Should I Call For Professional Ant Control?

If you have tried your hand at the homemade ant killers listed above and have been very conscientious about the cleanup of spills and crumbs.

If you have also tried these other expert tips regarding how to get rid of ants, but they continue to return, it is probably time to seek the assistance of a trained and experienced professional.

The exclusion of ants from residential areas is not a one-time remedy but rather an ongoing practice.

Because no two houses are alike, a professional pest control agent will tailor an individual plan to meet the needs of your family.

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