
How to Get Rid of Ant Hills in Pavers

As a homeowner, you are noticing ant hills in pavers, and you are looking for how to get rid of ant hills in pavers. You’ve probably seen little mounds of dirt and sand adjacent to streets and sidewalks or at the fringes of buildings.


Pavement ants most likely pushed this dirt here. Get to know how to get rid of ant hills in pavers that are effective.

Identification of Pavers Ants

How to Get Rid of Ant Hills in Pavers

To begin with, how do you recognize the presence of pavement ants? The dreaded odorous house ant, likewise widespread in the United States, is often mistaken for this species.

Both varieties are roughly 1/8 inch in size and range in hue from dark brown to black. Pavement ants are similar to the stinky home species, but they have two nodes in front of their abdomen and fine grooves on their head and thorax.

They also feature two spines on their backs and a clump of hairs at the very end of their abdomens. Driveways, patios, and paving stones often have tiny mounds of soil or sand next to them from these insects.

This is a helpful indicator of not just their existence but also the location of their nests. They are most active at night when you can see one scurrying across your kitchen floor to get to the sugar bowl or the leftovers from the pet dish.

Crushed ones have an acidic stench, while the pungent home version has a rotten-coconut odor.


Read also: How To Get Rid of Tiny Red Ants in Your Kitchen


Biology of Pavement ants

Mounds of sand or mud are a telltale sign of a nesting colony. The colonies of pavement ants are commonly located on hard surfaces like pavements, sidewalks, roads, and patios, hence the name.

These annoying insects don’t simply nest in pavements, but also in grass, gravel walks, and even beneath floorboards. Each colony has numerous queens and hundreds of workers.

Swarming occurs when these ants release winged ants that are twice as large as the workers so that they can mate and start new colonies.

They tend to swarm in the spring, but they can do so in the summer, fall, and even winter if they are within a warm building. Every time a queen produces eggs, a new colony is born.

It takes the employees around two to three months to reach maturity, at which point they will begin foraging for their own sustenance.

The pavement ant’s diet is varied. These birds eat a variety of foods, including fruit, nectar, honeydew from aphids, small seeds, and even dead insects.

Furthermore, they have a soft spot for pretty about anything in your pantry and fridge, including your pet’s food.

Animal items, bakery goods, and even grease are all magnets for these pests.

Read also: How to Get Rid of Lawn Ants: 5 Effective Ways


Pavement Damage Caused by Ants

How to Get Rid of Ant Hills in Pavers

Everybody wants a dream yard with a paver patio. They last a long time, look nice and give off a friendly, homey vibe, which is perfect for a patio or driveway.

Unfortunately, ants are a major problem in areas where pavers are used. Ants can wreak more than just cosmetic damage to your paving when they start digging between the stones.

If you have children playing in the driveway or garden, you should make sure the pavers are even. If you don’t want to risk further pavement damage, control should be performed as soon as possible after their presence is detected.


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How to Get Rid of Ant Hills in Pavers

How to Get Rid of Ant Hills in Pavers

If you notice ants in your pavers, it’s essential to take preventative measures as soon as possible by treating the area. But how can you know what methods and materials to use?

Two methods exist:

  • Getting rid of the ants in the region
  • Elimination of Nests

Although you may apply any one of these methods independently, you’ll get the best results by combining them.


How to Prevent Ants on Pavers

These methods don’t actually eradicate ants from a paved area; rather, they prevent them from excavating nesting sites in the soil and sand between the pavers.

Using a long-lasting insecticide to treat the soil in the cracks between the pavers will eliminate the ants currently there and discourage any new ones from setting up shop.

Long-lasting liquid insecticides, such as the PestXpert Outdoor perimeter, are ideal for treating the spaces between pavers.

Make sure to use enough pesticide to completely saturate the soil, and don’t miss any nooks or crannies. The amount of time such treatments can ward off the sun and rain is proportional to the amount of time they are exposed to the elements.

As a rule, such methods should deter ants from paving over the paved areas for a couple of months before re-treatment is required. Because the treatments are not intended to eliminate ant nests, re-treatment is essential.

Nests outside the treated area will most likely attempt to relocate once the treatment has worn off. This is why nest-eradication therapy should also be considered.


Read also: How to Keep Ants Off of Trees


Ant Bait For Eradicating Nests

A colony of ants will return with the bait and share it with the queen and the rest of the colony. The best technique to get rid of an ant problem is to use ant baits. Baits combine a pesticide with food that the ants find appetizing.

Since the pesticides work slowly, the ants can eat all of the bait without worrying about getting sick. When it finally takes effect, the colony is already doomed because all of its members had eaten the bait.

Ant baits present a unique issue in that you need to select a bait that is appealing to the species of ant producing the problem, as different ant species have slightly varying feeding preferences, which also shift seasonally.

PestXpert Nest Kill Ant Bait is the best option for dealing with this issue. For maximum versatility and continued allure when ants’ dietary preferences shift, the bait is composed of two distinct types of food granules.

This bait, which consists of both a protein granule and a carbohydrate-based granule, is perfect for protein-hungry outdoor ants.

The ants will carry the bait back to the nest, eliminating the problem without any effort on your part, therefore it’s best to apply it over the paved and lawn areas where the ants are most active.

PestXpert Nest Kill Ant Bait has a quick effect (within 24–72 hours) and completely eliminates the nest within 1–2 weeks. Yet, there are strategies for optimizing the effectiveness of PestXpert Nest Kill Ant Bait.

Although baits are effective in eradicating ant nests, they do not prevent new ants from moving into the area.

For this reason, it is recommended that baits be used in tandem with a liquid pesticide or insecticide granule to ensure total protection.

Unfortunately, more ants in the area will be drawn to your yard because you have successfully eliminated them.

Thus, if your home is located in a high-ant-density location, it may require ongoing treatments to keep the ants at bay.



We hope this article has helped you find a satisfactory solution to the problem of how to get rid of Ant Hills in Pavers.

Because you’ve just noticed ant hills in your pavers, you’re probably interested in finding out how to eradicate them.

There are undoubtedly mounds of dirt and sand around the boundaries of houses and roads that you have seen. This dirt was probably pushed here by pavement ants.

In spite of the fact that these pests were given their common name because of their habit of nesting in the cracks between driveways and streets, they can cause major damage to your property if they decide to make their home in your walls or even your concrete slab foundation.

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