Do you know that there are several ways how to get rid of crickets in the basement? Cricket infestation in the basement is very common among houses with basements because the basement seems to have a conducive temperature for crickets.
Also, crickets make a lot of disturbing noise, are you into knowing how to get rid of crickets in the basement? Then stick to this article, after reading to the very end you’ll learn and know how to get rid of crickets in the basement with ease.
What is a Cricket?
Crickets range in size from tiny to moderate, and their bodies are typically cylindrical but somewhat flattened vertically.
The head is round, with long, thin antennae emerging from cone-shaped scapes (first segments), and two big, compound eyes located just behind the antennae.
Three ocelli sit above the head (simple eyes). The pronotum (first thoracic segment) is strongly sclerotized and has a trapezoidal form. It’s flat and devoid of any keels, both dorsal and lateral (ridges)
While most species of crickets have two sets of wings, the size of these wings, and the presence or absence of wings altogether, varies greatly between species.
Elytra, formed of durable chitin, cover the insect’s fragile underbelly and, in males, house the stridulatory organs used to make stridulatory sounds.
The back set of wings is membrane-like and folds fan-wise to fit under the front set. Many creatures lack flight-adapted wings.
The bull crickets (Brachytrupes) are the largest of the family, growing to a length of 5 cm (2 in) and digging burrows 1 m (3.3 ft) or deeper.
Tree crickets, or Oecanthinae, are little, delicate insects that are either white or pale green and have transparent forewings, whereas field crickets, or Gryllinae, are large, sturdy insects that are either brown or black.
Crickets are insects belonging to the order Orthoptera and are thus closely related to bush crickets and, more remotely, grasshoppers.
While earlier works, such as Imms’s, placed “crickets” at the family level (i.e. Gryllidae), modern sources, like Otte’s, place them in the superfamily Grylloidea.
In the suborder Ensifera, the term has been used in combination to represent taxa as disparate as king crickets and mole crickets.
Read also:Â How to Get Rid of Spider Crickets with Traps
What do Common House Crickets Look Like?

Infestations of dark brown to black field crickets, which feed on plants and crops, are a common problem for gardeners.
The house crickets you see in your yard are not the same as the field crickets you see in the park. Adult house crickets:
- Have powerful jumping abilities thanks to their strong hind legs, a trait shared by all crickets.
- Shorter in length (by about half an inch to an inch and a half) than field crickets.
- Pale tan to light brown throughout, with three black crossbands across the crown.
- Resemble cockroaches because they have threadlike antennae that are usually longer than the rest of the body and because their wings are always folded neatly against it.
Read also: How To Catch A Cricket Without Killing It
Signs That You Have a House Cricket Infestation
No need to panic if you find a single cricket in your home, but be prepared for some sleepless nights.
The presence of house crickets and their progeny necessitates the intervention of a pest control service. Here are a few signs indicating that you may have a cricket problem at home:
- Areas of a rug or carpet are roughened, and the fibers may be loose.
- The house is full of crickets, as you have discovered.
- At night, you hear a symphony of crickets so loud that you know they aren’t coming from outside.
- Things like upholstered furniture have a gnawed-up appearance around the edges. If you use a microscope, you may be able to make distinct mandibular impressions.
- Large holes appear in clothing, especially items that have been maintained in a hot and/or humid climate (smaller holes may indicate a moth problem).
Read also:Â Best Way to Get Rid of Crickets Outside
How to Get Rid of Crickets in Basement
Do you know how to get rid of crickets in the basement? When setting up your cricket elimination plan, there are certain methods you implement that will effectively get rid of crickets completely.
- Vacuum. It won’t solve the issue entirely like cricket bait, but it will help you locate the obvious sources of the problem quickly.
- To catch crickets, you should go out and buy some sticky paper. This sticky substance can be used to catch crickets by adhering to their legs as they walk across the paper. If you want to catch crickets in a dark place, like a cellar, use sticky paper and cricket bait as a lure. The location of the crickets’ entry into your basement can be determined with the aid of traps.
- Create a container to hold the water. One of the simplest traps to set involves combining molasses (or another sweet substance) with a small amount of lemon juice. Place the concoction in a shallow dish so the crickets can easily reach the water. Ideally, they’ll just drop into the dish.
- Close any openings or crevices you find. A basement’s main advantage is its placement. Only so many doors can be opened. There is little point in setting traps if the crickets can still get into your basement through the same openings they always have.
- Get some Intice or another granular cricket bait. Use this as a basement filler. Orthoboric acid, a frequent element in cricket bait, is the key ingredient here. You can use it without worry in the house or the cellar. The bait is effective against a wide variety of insects, not just crickets, including silverfish, millipedes, Sowbugs, ants, and cockroaches.
Finally on How to Get Rid of Crickets in The Basement
You can’t appreciate your basement when crickets keep you up at night, make your feet hurt, and ruin the ambiance. Many different species of crickets can invade a home, and just as many methods exist for eradicating them.
With the information in this article, you will get to know about crickets, and also how to get rid of crickets in the basement. So, do you have queries, or need further explanation and help concerning this article? Let me know in the comment section below.
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