How To Make Bed Bugs Come Out Of Hiding

Bed bugs can turn your home into a source of stress making you want to know how to make bed bugs come out of hiding, to put an end to your frustrations.

In this article, we’ll discuss the causes of bed bugs, what attract them, and practical methods to check for and locate these elusive pests. We will also talk about the interesting question of how to get bed bugs to come out of hiding, followed by tried-and-true ways to get rid of them for good.


What Causes Bed Bugs?

How To Make Bed Bugs Come Out Of Hiding
A picture of bed bug, on a cloth.

Bed bugs, which cause discomfort, can enter homes in a number of ways. One common way is through movement, as hitchhikers, they can easily attach themselves to any clothing or luggage.

Another way is if you buy used furniture, particularly mattresses and covered items, without thoroughly inspecting it, as bed bugs like to hide in seams and cracks. Bed bugs can spread from one place to another through wall voids or shared amenities in shared living areas such as apartments and Condos.

Crowded places, like movie theaters and public transit, are perfect for bed bug transmission. Although not direct attractants, lack of awareness and inadequate cleanliness contribute to their spread.


Read also: Bed Bugs vs Dust Mites Bites: Treatment & Prevention


What Smells Attract Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are attracted to certain smells, and understanding these scents can be useful for prevention and detection. Here’s an original breakdown:

  • Carbon Dioxide (CO2) exhaled by humans and animals while breathing
  • Body Odor of human body odors associated with sweat and skin oils.
  • The heat generated by the human body as well as warm areas in the environment
  • Blood Odor
  • Pheromones are secreted by bed bugs as a method of communication between themselves. These chemical signals can attract more bed bugs to a particular location, creating localized infestations.
  • The smell of dirty laundry can attract bed bugs.
  • Chemical Attractants found in the breath and sweat of humans, act as attractants for bed bugs


Where Do Bed Bugs Hide?

Bed bugs are known for being able to hide in many places, which makes them hard to find and get rid of. Here is an original list of popular places bed bugs hide:

  • Mattresses and Box Springs
  • Bed Frames
  • Furniture
  • Cracks in Walls
  • Electrical Outlets
  • Nightstands and Dressers
  • Clothing and Clutter
  • Carpet Edges
  • Luggage and Bags
  • Behind Wallpapers
  • Ceiling and Light Fixtures


Read also: How to Use Glue Traps for Bed Bugs


How Do I Check For Bed Bugs In A Room

Checking for bed bugs in a room requires a thorough and systematic approach. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Visual Inspection
    Start by taking a close look around the room. As well as the bed frame and headboard, look at the cushion and box springs’ seams, folds, and tufts. Check for live bed bugs, exoskeletons that have been shed, or small, reddish-brown poop spots.
  • Bedding and Linens
    Take off the sheets, pillows, and duvet covers, among other things. Carefully look over these things for any signs of bed bugs. Watch out for folds and gaps.
  • Furniture Inspection
    Check out all of the cushioned furniture in the room, like the sofas and chairs. Look for signs of bed bugs in the seams, folds, and under the covers..
  • Cracks and holes
    Check for cracks and holes in the bed frame, nightstands, dressers, and other furniture. Bed bugs can hide in small places, so use a flashlight to light up these areas.
  • Electronic Devices
    Check electronics like alarm clocks and radios that are close to the bed. It’s possible for bed bugs to hide in and around these things.
  • Walls and Wall Decor
    Check the walls, especially the ones close to the bed. Look for cracks, holes, and wallpaper that is coming off. This is where bed bugs might hide.
  • Use  a Flashlight
    During the search, use a bright flashlight to find places where bugs might be hidden. Bed bugs come out at night and may hide in dark places during the day.
  • Look for Signs
    Small, reddish-brown feces spots, exoskeletons that have been shed, and tiny white eggs are all signs that bed bugs are present.


Read also: Why are Bed Bugs More Common in Fall?


How To Make Bed Bugs Come Out Of Hiding

If you want to make bed bugs come out of their hiding, you should try steaming or drying your mattress using a hairdryer. It won’t actually kill them, but it will make them believe that there is a host (human) nearby. Look for them throughout the night, when they have the most energy, to determine where they hide. It’s almost like they have a cunning strategy.

Bed bugs can be drawn out of their hiding places by professionals using low-level heat. They use active heat traps to both expose and track the individuals.

In addition to this, you could make use of specialized bed bug lures. These devices cause bed bugs to believe a body is around when there is none. They get signals from the lure, which leads them to believe that they are moving closer to a delicious meal. It’s similar to a trap, but instead of you going after them, they come to you.



Stopping, finding, and getting rid of bed bug outbreaks are all important steps. Studying the things that cause and add to the problem can teach you a lot about how to effectively control it.

Getting rid of bugs and making your home safe should be your goal, whether you do it yourself or hire a professional. Only then can you live in peace. Remember that information and persistence are both very helpful in the fight against bed bugs.

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