
Life Cycle of Grasshopper | Stages Involved

The life cycle of grasshopper might not seem interesting according to their name. However, it is a very broad and brain expanding topic, as it is taught even in schools.


Most students find it difficult to understand, but in this very article, we gathered all facts needed to break down this query.

The grasshopper is an insect that is rarely noticed, it is seen only in places of green vegetation. However, how do these guys grow to become adult grasshoppers? Well, as human babies grow, so do grasshoppers. Moreover, we will discuss this in this article.


The Life Cycle of Grasshopper

The grasshopper is not naturally a complex insect, so is its life cycle. Science has discovered that the stages in grasshopper development are not as complex as that of other insects like the butterfly, as such, they don’t take long to grow.

Now, going deep into grasshopper’s life cycle. The exists in 3 different stages, and these 3 stages are the determinant of the grasshopper gender and species. Moreover, the stages are the egg, the nymph, and the adult. These 3 stages will be properly discussed in the next paragraph.

Note: Grasshopper’s life cycle in science is recorded as incomplete metamorphizes because it exists in three stages. Moreover, the grasshopper still comes out to be an adult, which is the final stage of any life cycle.

To elaborate more on the stages of a grasshopper life cycle, the paragraph below is well explained and laid out on the stages of grasshopper.


Read also: Grasshopper Infestation | How to Get Rid of Grasshoppers


The Life Cycle of Grasshopper Diagram

Below is a diagram of a grasshopper life cycle.

Life cycle of grasshopper diagram
Grasshopper Life Cycle – vtaide


Read also: How Long Do Grasshoppers Live? Their Lifespan


The Life Cycle of Grassshoper Stages

As we said earlier, the grasshopper’s life cycle is of 3 stages, which is incomplete, and in this paragraph, we will be discussing in brief.  First, I would like you to get this headstart.

  • Have you ever wondered how the grasshopper grows inside a shell without food, even at the nymph stage, well it is due to the presence of oxygen acting as food on the shell wall.

Now, look into the grasshopper growth cycle and the stages involved:

Egg Stage: The egg is seen as the very first stage, everything that grows to form different life cycles. When it is towards the end of summer, the female grasshopper is seen as a Wanderer.

This is because it finds a well stable soil to put the eggs. After the egg must have been laid, the female pours out a liquid on them for protection.

After which the egg is buried 1-2 inches in the soil, it is left there for some time until winter which must have been approximately 9 to 10 months before getting to the nymph stage.

Nymph Stage: The nymph stage is the second stage of grasshopper growth. Also, immediately the egg hatches and we have the nymph, they are seen feeding on plant foliage.

The nymph is exactly like the adults except for the possession of wings and light body color. The nymph is seen under 5-6 skin sheds before they are recognized as adults. This stage usually lasts for about 5 to 10 days and can be determined by the weather. When they molt, they increase, and wings start to puff from their thorax.

Adult Stage: The last stage of the grasshopper life cycle is known as the adult stage. In this stage of development, after 25 to 30 days, they have developed complete flight features, and by this time, an egg is cycled to an adult in 11 months.

They gain their sexuality, within 15 days. However, they survive for 30 days and in total, the complete life cycle of a grasshopper is 12 months.


Read also: Where Do Grasshoppers Live? Discover Their Habitat


Life Cycle of Grasshopper Video

Below is an explanatory video on a grasshopper’s life cycle.


Read also: What Do Grasshoppers Eat? Discover Their Diet



In conclusion, after reading through this piece of writing, we believe you must have learned something new on the life cycle of grasshopper. As we mentioned earlier, grasshopper’s life cycles are incomplete and as a result, they grow rapidly.

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