The scorpions in Georgia do not pose a threat to humans. However, they can deliver a painful bite. It is best to look for scorpions at night when they are out hunting.
They can also be found by lifting the bark or rocks of trees, which they usually hide under during the warmest part of the day.
The stings of species like the striped-bark scorpion and the southern unstriped scorpion are painful, similar to those from a bee. Apply a cold compress on the affected area to relieve the symptoms of the sting.
Keep reading to know more!
How Do I Describe Scorpions In Georgia?
Scorpions are able to move around by using eight legs and claws on the front of their body. Their abdomens are rectangular and elongated.
The eyes of the carapace are located at different places. Depending on the species they can have anywhere from 6 to 12 total eyes. The different species around the world are between 0.5 and 7.25 inches in size.
The tail of the Georgian Scorpion makes it stand out among other animals. The tails of these scorpions are composed of many segments that curl and hang over them. The tip of their tails has a stinger, called a Telson that delivers venom.
The tails of scorpions can bend and twist in different directions to attack and defend themselves. Their claws can be used to hold down prey for eating or stinging.
Read also: Are There Scorpions in Florida?
What are the Scorpions In Georgia?
- The Striped Bark Scorpion:

The scorpion has a pale yellow colour. It can be recognized by its two dark stripes and the dark triangle at the top of its head.
The scorpions are more common in Texas, Oklahoma Kansas and Northern Mexico. This scorpion can also be found in Georgia. This scorpion can grow up to 2.5 inches in size.
Dark stripes run down the back of this species. The stripe may not be present on lighter-coloured specimens, but their colour can vary, which helps them blend into their environment.
Hentz striped scorpions are another name for the striped bark scorpion. In Georgia, they are found in forests and grasslands. The nocturnal animals feed on small insects and arachnids.
The striped bark scorpion is common in urban and suburban areas. The sting of a striped bark scorpion is painful, but not fatal to humans.
They have also been seen in Nebraska, and some have even made it into Georgia. This is especially true in areas with sandier dirt, like South Georgia. However, they are most active in the metro Atlanta region.
The Striped Bark Scorpion is also capable of growing up to 2.75 inches, but the majority are only 1 to 1.5 inches in size. The Striped Bark Scorpion can be as painful and dangerous to those who are allergic to its sting, just like the Southern Devil Scorpion.
- The Southern Unstriped Scorpion:

The southern unstriped scorpion, a native of the Southeast United States, is one of the species found in Georgia. This species is dark-brown with no obvious markings.
Southern unstriped scorpions can reach a size of 1 to 1.5 inches. The Southern devil scorpion is another name for this species.
This species is found in Georgia’s North and Central Regions. Southern unstriped scorpions are found in mountainous and Piedmont habitats.
During the day they are usually underground or hiding under debris. Humans can easily scare these scorpions and they will flee when spotted. The venom of these scorpions is weak and only dangerous if you are allergic.
- The Southern Devil Scorpion:

This scorpion is not lethal and it is native to the Southeastern United States. They rarely grow longer than an inch and their stings are similar to bee stings.
The Southern Devil Scorpion can cause a painful, red and swollen sting. The scorpions rest on the ground during the day. They can also be found under stones, leaf piles or wood stacks.
You may find one of these Southern Devil Scorpions when you go camping. It is also a good idea to shake your sleeping bag out before going to sleep at night in a campground.
They can also be found inside your home, in crawlspaces and cellars. This type of scorpion is often found around sinks and bathtubs.
The scorpions don’t hunt humans. They feed on spiders and large insects, injecting poison into their tails or pincing the insect with their tails. Then they use their pincers in order to pull apart their prey.
After mating, female Southern Devil Scorpions are capable of giving birth to up to 80 babies, each one at a given time.
Read also: Scorpion in Your House: How to Get Rid
- The Florida Bark Scorpion:

Florida bark scorpions are a species of scorpion that is found in Georgia. The tail of this species can measure between 2 and 6 inches in length.
Its colouring ranges from dark reddish-brown to orange. It has yellow dashes running down its back and medium-sized claws.
Florida bark scorpions are rare in Georgia. They live in tropical environments and have a very limited range. This species is found in southern Georgia, near Florida.
During the day, they hide under rocks and other objects. The sting from Florida bark scorpions can be much more painful than other species of scorpions in Georgia.
This scorpion is not considered deadly, but its sting is less powerful than other bark scorpions found in Central and South American areas.
The sting will cause swelling, pain, and redness. Their stings are most commonly used to hunt small animals such as termites, spiders and insects.
How Do Scorpions in Georgia Get Into My Home?
Scorpions undergo a form of metamorphosis known as “without metamorphosis”, which means they look exactly the same as adults as they do at birth.
Newborns are about the size of pinheads and can be brought inside as soon as the pet returns to the house.
Two things are common in scorpion-infested structures: pine trees with pine straw surrounding them, and dogs who frequently move from the outdoors to the indoors.
As with other insects, scorpions are able to enter your home via cracks and other open entry points. They can often be found in the basement, crawlspace or cellar of your house.
They can sneak into your home via a small crack, the size of a credit-card.
Good news: they are usually out at night, and because their eyesight is poor, they depend primarily on vibrations and smell for food and shelter.
Scorpions are able to climb walls, ceilings and other vertical surfaces in your home. Finding one on your ceiling is more terrifying than finding one on the ground.
What are the Common Symptoms of Scorpions In Georgia Sting?
- Pain
- redness
- Numbness
- Blurred vision
- Muscle spasms
- Trouble breathing
How Do I Prevent Scorpions In Georgia?
- Avoid allowing moisture to accumulate in your home, whether it is from puddles or leaks.
- Let as much light as possible enter your home.
- Remove food scraps, insects and other pests from your home.
- Make sure your yard is free of debris and clean.
Read also: Scorpion Repellents
Other scorpions may be present in Georgia but they are very rare. Only the Florida Bark Scorpion is another scorpion commonly found in Georgia, specifically in Southern Georgia counties.
The slender-brown scorpion can reach a length of four inches and is brown with light-coloured legs and yellow dots on its back.
As a group, bark scorpions are typically nocturnal. They can be found in abandoned or newly built homes.
The Florida Bark Scorpion is more painful than the two scorpions that are commonly found in Georgia. However, it’s still not as painful as some other scorpions. Thanks for reading!