Before proceeding further, note that when the grass is stressed by the heat and drought or is dormant, you must not apply summer fertilizers. Fertilizer burns could occur at temperatures that are continuously above 85 degrees Fahrenheit.
With the right understanding of summer fertilizing, you can tackle bare patches, thin turf, and other summertime problems by following this do-it-yourself advice.
Do you want to find out more about how to use summer fertilizers most appropriately? then read down below!
Why Should I Use Summer Fertilizer?
Summertime is a tough season for lawns because of the intense heat and arid winds that may quickly dehydrate turf.
Summertime fertilizer applications differ from previous seasonal fertilizers in that they are more concerned with preserving the health of the grass than with encouraging root growth.
Your lawn will be better able to hold onto water thanks to the additional nutrients from the summer fertilizer, which will also encourage healthy growth without going overboard and reduce the likelihood of weed growth and insect activity.
In addition to strengthening your warm-seasoned lawn, this kind of fertilizer will help it better tolerate fall weather and the fluctuations in weather that come with summer.
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What is the Best Summer Fertilizer To Use In Your Lawn?

To find out whether nutrients are lacking or present in your turf, do a soil test to determine which summer fertilizer is ideal for your grass.
To reduce the chance of fertilizer burning and prolong its time in the soil, lawns usually require a slow-release summer fertilizer.
The best fertilizers are granular ones since they help release nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium gradually throughout the summer without putting additional stress on the lawn.
We advise applying a fertilizer like Solutions Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 Fertilizer, which has a 50% slow-release nitrogen composition.
The long-lasting Solutions Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 Fertilizer is made with the necessary nutrients to keep lawns robust and healthy throughout the summer.
Where To Purchase the Best Summer Fertilizer?
What are the Factors To Consider When Chosing the Best Summer Fertilizer?
You must identify the type of turf on your lawn before deciding which fertilizer is appropriate for it during the summer.
Wherever in the United States you live, you can have warm-seasoned turf, cool-seasoned turf, or a combination of the two on your lawn.
The warm-seasoned turf varieties that belong in your yard if you reside in the southern part of the United States are:
- St. Augustinegrass
- Bahiagrass
- Bermudagrass
- Centipedegrass
- Zoysiagrass
- Buffalograss
- Carpetgrass
Even in hot, muggy weather, many grass species thrive, reaching temperatures as high as 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Your turf probably comprises cool-seasoned turf, such as Kentucky Bluegrass, fescue, bentgrass, or perennial ryegrass, if you are in the northern part of the United States.
Between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, which are comparatively lower temperatures, many grass species can grow actively.
Fertilizing cool-seasoned turf in the summer will cause it to grow out of season, which could cause death or serious harm from the intense heat. If the weather is cool enough in the late summer, it might be fertilized.
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How To Use the Best Summer Fertilizer
The treatment area’s length and width, measured in feet, should be multiplied together to get square footage (length X width). Use the square footage divided by one acre to get the acreage (square footage / 43,560 sq. ft. = acre).
At least one or two days before applying Solutions Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 Fertilizer, mow your grass until it is three inches long.
To facilitate fertilizer movement through turf, you must irrigate your lawn one day before applying this product.
One kilogram of Solutions Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 fertilizer should be applied to every 1,000 square feet of treated area.
The right amount of product will be loaded into the push spreader once you have determined how much to use.
Before applying Solutions Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 Fertilizer, make sure your turf is completely dry.
Evenly distribute half the amount of Solutions Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 Fertilizer once across the treatment area, then broadcast the other half at a perpendicular angle to cover the area in the middle.
Once the application is complete, you will then water the Solutions Pro Grow Summer Blend 19-4-10 Fertilizer Granules with a light amount of irrigation.
When To Use the Best Summer Fertilizer
Applying fertilizer at the appropriate time of year is best advised by using the soil’s temperature. Warm-season grasses typically receive their first fertilizer application when the soil temperature reaches 65 degrees Fahrenheit.
If the soil temperature reaches 80 degrees Fahrenheit, a second application can be made. However, each type of grass is unique. After spring feeding, wait 6 to 8 weeks before applying a summer fertilizer.
- Fertilizer should normally be applied twice to warm-seasoned grass: once in the early spring and again in the early summer.
- When the weather cools off in the early fall, cool-seasoned turf can be fertilized.
- You should steer clear of summertime fertilizer applications for cool-season grasses. If you fertilize cool-season turf in the summer, you run the risk of overstimulation and turf burn.
- Turf may be stressed by heat and drought later in the summer, so use caution when fertilizing.
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Watch the Explanatory Video Below To Discover Some Summer Fertilizer Application Tips
You must put on the appropriate personal protection equipment (PPE) before handling any kind of pesticide chemical.
Applying summer lawn fertilizer shouldn’t be done until the lawn is actively growing, the moisture has returned, and any pests or weeds have been removed.
A home’s curb appeal is greatly enhanced by maintaining lush, green lawns, particularly in the warmer summer months when everyone wants to enjoy their lawns.
Having said that, summer is equally as crucial as the other seasons for appropriate fertilization. Thank you for reading!
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