The powerful effects of surflan herbicide are proof that you can use surflan as an herbicide to get rid of some pesky weeds on your lawns and ornamental plants. In this article, we will be describing the effects of this amazing weed killer.
How Do I Describe the Surflan Herbicide?

Surflan Herbicide is a pre-emergent liquid concentration that can effectively control weeds for up to 8 months and is mixed for surface application.
An effective pre-emergent herbicide for controlling annual grasses and a variety of broad-leaved weeds in landscape ornamentals, container-grown ornamentals, field-grown ornamentals, etc. is called Surflan AS Specialty Herbicide.
This pre-emergent successfully manages grasses and weeds, and because it is an orange color, it can be applied as a spray marker.
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How To Use Surflan as Herbicide?
Fill Your Sprayer:
Pour water into a hand-pump sprayer until it is 3/4 full, and then mix at a rate of 1.5 to 3 ounces per 1000 square feet. 2.5 gallons.
The remaining water should be added to the sprayer, then it should be blended.
Spray the solution on your lawn or other areas where troublesome weeds are present.
In order to achieve nice, even coverage, be sure to set the sprayer to fan mode. Reapply as necessary to prevent weeds from emerging.
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According to the Surflan Herbicide Label Where Can I Apply?
- Residential lawns
- Commercial lawns
- Landscape ornamentals
- Container grown ornamentals
- Field grown ornamentals
- Ornamental bulbs
- Ground covers
- Christmas Tree plantations
- Non-bearing fruit
- Nut trees
- Non-bearing vineyards
- Noncropland industrial sites
- Industrial sites
- On Garden plants
- On Ornamental plants
When Do I Use the Surflan For Weed Control?
If the issue has been recurring, it must be sprayed before the weed appears.
You will need to apply a post-emergent herbicide if the weed has already been growing because Surflan Herbicide won’t work (except on specific weed kinds).
What are the Target Pests of the Surflan Weed Killer?
- Buffalograss
- Carpetweed
- Climbing Milkweed
- Coast Fiddleneck
- Coloradograss
- Common Chickweed
- Common Groundsel
- Common Mallow
- Common Purslane
- Common Ragweed
- Crowfootgrass
- Desert Rockpurslane
- Fall Panicum
- Florida Purslane
- Florida Pusley
- Giant Foxtail
- Goosegrass
- Green Foxtail
- Henbit
- Horseweed
- Italian Ryegrass
- Johnsongrass
- Junglerice
- Ladysthumb
- Lambsquarters
- Large Crabgrass
- Little Barley
- London Rocket
- Mexican Clover
- Mexican Lovegrass
- Morningglory
- Orcutt Lovegrass
- Pigeongrass
- Pigweed Prostrate
- Prickly Lettuce
- Prickly Sida
- Prostrate Knotweed
- Prostrate Spurge
- Puncturevine
- Pusley
Read also: X-Out Herbicide | How To Use
How Long Does It Take Surflan AS Herbicide To Act?
After using Surflan, plants will perish in just two weeks.
How Do I Prepare the Soil For Surflan Weed Control?
Surflan AS manages weeds that sprout from seeds. Emergent weeds cannot be controlled by Surflan AS.
Established weeds, plants sprouting from stolens, rhizomes, or root fragments are not controlled by Surflan AS.
As a result, the treatment area ought to be free of newly emerging weeds. Prior to treatment, weed remnants, prunings, and rubbish should be properly blended into the soil or taken out.
Additional Product Information?
What are the Active Ingredients? | 40.4 % Of Oryzalin |
What are the Possible Areas of Application? | Outdoors |
What Is the Chemical Type? | Herbicide |
Does this Product Have any Usage Restrictions? | No |
Which Other Product Can Be Compared With this Product? | Dithiopyr 2L |
What Is Its Shipping Weight? | 25.80 lbs |
Is This Product Safe For Pets? | If Used as Directed On the label, This Product Is Safe For Pets. |