Termites In Idaho: The 2 Termite Species & 1 Visitor

Controlling termites in Idaho can be quite fuming and tiring, as these pests have built a destructive reputation in this state of the United States.

Termites in Idaho are very capable of causing great economic damage worth millions, but did you know that there is a visitor among them?

As you keep reading, you will find out that there are 3 types of termites that can be found in Idaho, but one is only a visitor. Let’s keep reading!


Are There Termites In Idaho?

Are there termites in Idaho? Yes, there are active termites in Idaho, from regions like Coeur d’Alene to Boise, Twin Falls, and even Pocatello.

Termites in Idaho and everywhere in the world are tiny, winged insects and are known to congregate in colonies.

Termites generally feed on cellulose materials and hence cause great damage to wooden structures if allowed to thrive for long without the necessary actions taken.


What are the Types of Termites in Idaho?

  • Subterranean Termites:
Termites In Idaho
A Picture Depicting Subterranean Termites in Idaho

Are termites common in Idaho? Yes, termites are a common case in Idaho, and the subterranean termites seem to stand out amongst these common termites.

Of all the termite species found in Idaho, the subterranean termites cause most of the damage because of their destructive feeding and infestation habits.

As we mentioned in one of our previous articles, Termites in Oklahoma (link below), termites are not immune to dry air, so they create mud tubes, which they use to travel from their nests to the food source.

This termite species consumes wood for 24 hours straight, non-stop; hence, they can cause an infested building to collapse within a short period due to structural damage.

    • Western Subterranean Termites:

Western subterranean termites regularly infest homes in Idaho and other states in the United States in search of new food sources.

Even in houses that are constructed with brick walls, this termite species will still find their way through cracks and gaps that you can’t even imagine they can pass through.

    • Arid-land Subterranean Termites:

From their names, it is pretty obvious where these subterranean termite species can be found in Idaho. Arid-land subterranean termites are usually found in sand dunes and in the rocky mountains of the state.

They can also be found to thrive along streams and in deserts, where they occur naturally and destroy buildings while also feeding on greasewood bushes.

  • Dampwood Termites:
Termites In Idaho
A Picture Depicting Dampwood Termites in Idaho

Dampwood termites in Idaho are quite destructive but are not usually a common problem in the state. This is because this termite species prefers to dwell in regions with high moisture, and the state of Idaho lacks this kind of environment.

Unlike the subterranean termites previously mentioned, the dampwood termites are capable of moving from their nests to the food source without constructing mud tubes.

These termites do something quite inhumane. They create openings in the bodies of their prey and deposit their feces in them to preserve humidity.

They hide this prey until it is time to reproduce.

  • Drywood Termites:
Termites In Idaho
A Picture Depicting Drywood Termites in Idaho

Yes, the drywood termite is a visitor in Idaho. Drywood termites are very uncommon in Idaho and only come to be due to the transportation of infested wooden furniture and other items with them inside.

Although these termite species do not occur naturally in the state, they can still thrive against all odds. Control is therefore essential.


Read also: Termites In Oklahoma: Something Interesting About These 2 Termite Species


When Do Termites Swam In Idaho?

  • Western Subterranean Termites:

In the southern areas where these pests infest, they usually swarm before rain. Seeing them swarm signifies that rain is coming.

  • Arid-land Subterranean Termites:

These termites swarm during the day in the spring and fall.

  • Dampwood Termites:

These termites often swarm in the spring, just before sunset.


Are Termites a Problem in Idaho?

Are termites a problem in Idaho? Yes, termites are a problem in Idaho, as most species are responsible for heavy timber damages worth millions.

Termites in Idaho are very cruel and greatly affect the economy of the state as well due to their high damage impacts.

Controlling these insects with just regular pesticides may not solve the problem. In fact, disturbing these pests will only cause them to leave their current infestation areas and spread more.

It is therefore recommended that you hire the services of pest control experts to deal with your termite problem in Idaho.


How To Prevent Termites In Idaho

  • Regular Inspection:

As we have been stating in most of our pest control articles, inspection is key to getting rid of any pest issue in any structure. It is important that you inspect your home regularly, as this will notify you early of any pending pest activities.

  • Keep Piles Wood Away From the Walls of Your Home:

Keeping wood piles close to your structure is more like an invitation for termites to come and infest. Unless you want termites on your property, you must avoid stacking wood piles near your building.

  • Regular Application of Termiticides:

You can purchase your termiticide from Amazon and apply it frequently. This will help prevent an infestation if one is pending.

  • Eliminate Moisture Sources:

Termites prefer to dwell in the dark, damp places of your home. It is therefore important that you eliminate these moisture sources by fixing leaks and plumbing issues.


Read also: Termite Season | When is Termite Season?



Termites in Idaho are a great menace to the state and must be curbed by all means. Controlling or treating them alone may be risky, so it is important that you hire the services of licensed pest control experts.

Because of the heavy damage that termites in Idaho can cause to residents, it is important that you stop an infestation as soon as you suspect it.

Do you live in Idaho or have someone residing there? What do you think of the termites in this region? Let us interact via the comments section below!

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