What is a Tipple Mosquito? Fact, Identification & Behavior

You have probably observed a long-legged insect (the tipple mosquito) in your home lately that looks like a mosquito and even has the resemblance of a spider. The tipple mosquito (or perhaps that is not its name) is known to share different attributes from a typical mosquito.

In this article, we will be describing this tipple insect while also stating its differences from a mosquito!


What Is a Tipple Mosquito?

Tipple Mosquito
Photo of a Tipple Mosquito

Because you might mistake a Crane fly for a mosquito at first glance, the tipple mosquito, also known as the crane fly, is identical to the latter.

People mistakenly believe that because of its enormous mosquito size that it consumes smaller mosquitoes, which is why it is also known as a mosquito hawk and a mosquito eater.

The estimated 15,000 real crane flies of the Tipulidae family similarly resemble mosquitoes in appearance. Although adult crane flies and mosquitoes have many physical similarities, they also differ in certain ways, such as upward and downward.


Read also: Do Mosquito Hawks Actually Eat Mosquitoes?


How Do I Identify a Tipple Mosquito?

They have a long, slender body, two long, slender wings, and six legs that resemble stilts and may extend twice as far as the body. Tipple mosquitoes come in a variety of sizes, colors, and wing patterns.

Tipple insect larvae can reach a length of 4 cm and are cylindrical, like worms. Due to their hard skin, they are frequently referred to as leatherjackets. They have very long legs and a long, slender body, as well as thin, smokey wings.

The smallest ones have bodies that are only a few millimeters long, while the largest ones can have legs that are up to 10 inches long and can measure more than two inches in length. Significant species differences, however, are observed in the larvae.


What Is the Behavior of the Tipple Mosquitoes?

Additionally, scientists are unsure of courtship and communication. Some crane fly species form all-male swarms that, according to Gelhaus, seem to draw females.

Other species’ males just fly about their surroundings with their forelegs extended, probably emitting a contact pheromone to attract females.


Read also: How to Get Rid of Crane Flies | DIY Crane Fly Control Guide


What Do Tipple Mosquitoes Feed On?

Tipple mosquitoes do not feed as adults. The only feeding forms are the larvae. They consume decaying organic debris and grassroots as food.

The areas that the insects live in, including sections of Atlantic Canada and western provinces like British Columbia close to the rainforests of the Pacific Northwest in the U.S., ensure that the food sources for the larvae are always plentiful.


Where Do Tipple Mosquitoes Live?

Tipple mosquitoes are frequently found in damp vegetation-rich areas. Crane fly larvae can be found in wet soil where they feed on plant roots and rotting debris.

Some species can be discovered in streams where they feed on small water insects, invertebrates, and any dead plant matter that is nearby. Adults emerge from lawns and meadows in late spring. They thrive best in warm winters and cool summers.


What Is the Lifecycle of the Tipple Mosquito?

The tipple insect goes through a full metamorphosis with four distinct phases, including eggs, larva, pupa, and adult, just like other true flies. Up to 300 eggs can be laid in the ground by a female crane fly.

Within two weeks of being implanted, the eggs hatch. The newly formed larvae may harm plant roots when present in high numbers and feed on decaying wood, plants, and turf.
The tipple mosquito larva typically develops through four instars, overwinters underground, and pupates in the middle to late spring close below the soil surface. When the adult crane flies emerge, pupal cases (puparia), which resemble little, grey sticks, are left behind.


Read also: Predators of a Mosquito | Exposed


Tip-Off: Difference Between Tipple and Mosquito?




1. Mosquito’s family is called Culicidae. A family of Tipple mosquitoes is called Tipulidae.
2. Due to the smell that attracts mosquitoes and the fact that they frequently operate as carriers of diseases that can even be fatal to humans, mosquitoes are dangerous to both humans and animals. Tipple mosquitoes don’t bite people or other animals, and unlike other mosquito species, they don’t spread any diseases that can be fatal.
3. Given that mosquitoes need standing water on the ground to lay their eggs, your kitchen and bathroom are far more likely to have standing water than other rooms in your house. Tipple insects have zero chance of invading the grounds of your home because they need a muddy environment to deposit their eggs.


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