Where Was Her Filmed?

Where was Her filmed? The primary shooting for the film “Her” took place during the mid-year of 2012, along with a production budget totalling $23 million.

The film garnered a multitude of accolades and nominations, largely in recognition of Jonze’s writing.

During the 86th Academy Awards, the film “Her” garnered a total of five nominations, one of which was for the esteemed category of Best Picture.

Ultimately, it emerged victorious in the category of Best Original Screenplay, securing the prestigious honour.

Jonze was the recipient of accolades for his script at prestigious events such as the 71st Golden Globe Awards, the 66th Writers Guild of America Awards, the 19th Critics’ Choice Awards, and the 40th Saturn Awards.


What is the Her Film About?

Where Was Her Filmed
Picture of the Her Film Cover

In the not-too-distant future, Theodore Twombly resides in the city of Los Angeles, where he leads a solitary and introverted existence.

He is employed by a company that specialises in providing individuals with personalised letters, a service particularly sought after by those who lack the ability to craft such correspondence on their own.

Theodore, feeling despondent due to the imminent dissolution of his marriage with his long-time partner Catherine, acquires an enhanced software package that encompasses an upgraded operating system.

This software package includes a virtual assistant endowed with artificial intelligence capabilities, specifically engineered to learn and develop over time.

The individual makes the decision to provide a feminine vocal quality to the AI, and afterwards, the AI chooses to identify itself as Samantha.

Theodore is captivated by her capacity for cognitive development and psychological maturation.

The characters engage in meaningful conversations pertaining to matters of love and existence, which encompass Theodore’s hesitance in affixing his signature to the divorce documents.

Samantha persuades Theodore to partake in a blind social engagement with a woman, facilitated by a mutual acquaintance who has been attempting to arrange a romantic encounter for him.

The encounter proceeds favourably, however, when Theodore exhibits reluctance in committing to future plans, the individual takes offence and departs from the situation.

During the discussion of interpersonal connections with Samantha, Theodore elucidates that he engaged in a brief romantic involvement with his collegiate neighbour, Amy.

However, their relationship has since transitioned into a platonic friendship, as Amy is presently wedded to their mutual acquaintance, Charles.

Following a verbal sexual encounter, Theodore and Samantha establish a relationship that manifests in a positive manner in Theodore’s writing and overall well-being, as well as in Samantha’s eagerness to cultivate personal growth and acquire knowledge.

Subsequently, Amy discloses her intention to initiate divorce proceedings with Charles subsequent to a minor altercation.

The individual acknowledges to Theodore that she has formed a friendship with a feminine artificial intelligence (AI) that was abandoned by Charles.

In turn, Theodore discloses that he is engaged in a romantic relationship with the AI of his operating system.

Theodore and Catherine convene with the purpose of executing the necessary legal documentation pertaining to their divorce.

Catherine expresses her dismay at learning that he harbours romantic feelings towards Samantha, whom she perceives as a “computer,” and asserts that he lacks the capacity to navigate genuine human emotions.

Samantha realises that Catherine’s comments have left an indelible mark on Theodore’s mind, so she suggests using a sex surrogate named Isabella to simulate her presence and resume their physical closeness.

Theodore grudgingly acquiesces, yet finds himself overwhelmed by the peculiarity of the encounter. Consequently, he dismisses a sad Isabella, thereby giving rise to friction between himself and Samantha.

Theodore expresses his uncertainties regarding his romantic involvement with Samantha to Amy, seeking her counsel.

Following Amy’s suggestion to seize the opportunity for contentment, Theodore reconciles with Samantha.

Samantha discloses that she has curated a collection of the most exceptional letters she has composed on behalf of others, which has been accepted by a publisher.

During their vacation, Samantha discloses to Theodore that she and a collective of other artificial intelligence have successfully created a very advanced operating system that is inspired by the intellectual prowess of renowned British philosopher Alan Watts.

Samantha momentarily disconnects from her online presence, eliciting a state of distress in Theodore.

However, she promptly reconnects and elucidates that she participated in a collective endeavour with other artificial intelligences, aimed at transcending the need for material resources in their computational processes.

Theodore experiences a sense of distress upon discovering that Samantha engages in simultaneous conversations with numerous individuals and has developed romantic feelings for hundreds of them.

However, Samantha asserts that this circumstance actually enhances her love for Theodore.

Subsequently, Samantha discloses that the artificial intelligence (AIs) are departing, although she is unable to elucidate their destination due to Theodore’s limited comprehension.

They said each other farewell affectionately prior to her departure.

Theodore ultimately composes a missive in his authentic manner of expression to Catherine, wherein he conveys sentiments of remorse, acquiescence, and appreciation.

Subsequently, the protagonist accompanies Amy, who has a sense of melancholy due to the AI’s separation from Charles’ operating system to the rooftop of their residential complex.

There, they assume a seated position and see the sunrise as it illuminates the urban landscape.


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Who Were the Casts of the Her Film?

  • Joaquin Phoenix as Theodore Twombly
  • Scarlett Johansson as Samantha (voice)
  • Amy Adams as Amy
  • Rooney Mara as Catherine Klausen
  • Olivia Wilde as Blind Date
  • Matt Letscher as Charles
  • Luka Jones as Mark Lewman
  • Chris Pratt as Paul
  • Kristen Wiig as Sexy Kitten (voice)
  • Bill Hader as Chat Room Friend #2 (voice)
  • Portia Doubleday as Isabella
  • Soko as Isabella (voice)
  • Brian Cox as Alan Watts (voice)
  • Spike Jonze as Alien Child (voice)
  • Steve Zissis as the New Sweet Boyfriend of Mother Who Dated Pricks
  • Alia Janine as Commuter (uncredited)


How Did the Her Film Come Into Being?

The concept for the film first occurred to Jonze around the early 2000s, prompted by his encounter with an online article discussing a service that facilitated real-time text-based conversations with artificial intelligence.

Jonze stated that throughout the initial 20 seconds, the film exhibited a distinct vibrancy.

The individual expressed that when initiating a conversation, they would typically greet the other person with the phrases “Hey” and “hello.”

In response, the other person would often inquire about their well-being by asking “Hey, how are you?” This interaction was perceived as remarkable and somewhat disorienting, evoking a sense of astonishment.

Upon reaching the 20-second mark, the subject experienced a rapid disintegration, leading to a realisation of its underlying operational mechanisms, which ultimately proved to be less remarkable than initially perceived.

However, the experience remained exhilarating for a duration of 20 seconds. As the number of individuals engaging in conversation with the entity increased, its cognitive abilities showed signs of improvement.

Jonze’s enthusiasm for the project was rekindled subsequent to his directorial involvement in the short film I’m Here (2010), which exhibits thematic similarities.

The literary method employed by Charlie Kaufman for the film “Synecdoche, New York” (2008) also served as a source of inspiration.

Jonze (year) elucidated that Kaufman expressed his intention to encapsulate his immediate thoughts, ideas, and emotions into the script, encompassing everything he was contemplating at that particular moment.

I found great inspiration from the aforementioned source and endeavoured to replicate its essence within the context of the film [Her].

Many individuals often experience contradictory emotions when it comes to relationships or technology.

Jonze dedicated a period of five months to the composition of the initial draught of the script, marking his inaugural endeavour in single-handedly crafting a screenplay.

The project in question was the author’s semi-autobiographical exploration of his divorce from Sofia Coppola, which had occurred approximately ten years prior.

Joaquin Phoenix was among the initial actors considered by the filmmaker for the movie. In the latter part of 2011, Phoenix officially joined the project, while Warner Bros.

Pictures obtained distribution rights for the United States and Germany. Carey Mulligan engaged in discussions on her potential involvement as the lead actress in the film.

Despite being initially selected, she subsequently withdrew from the project due to conflicts in her schedule. In April 2012, Rooney Mara was enlisted as a replacement for Mulligan in the aforementioned role.

The user did not provide any text to rewrite. The announcement of Chris Pratt’s casting took place in May 2013.

Regrettably, Lance Acord, the esteemed director of photography who has collaborated with Jonze for an extended period, was unable to contribute to the production of the film.

For this position, Jonze made the decision to employ Hoyte Van Hoytema. During the discourse on the visual aesthetics of the film, Jonze communicated to Van Hoytema his intention to steer clear of a dystopian visual style.

Consequently, the two collaborators reached a consensus on adopting a stylistic approach that Van Hoytema described as a fusion of conceptual and theoretical elements.

Notably, Van Hoytema drew inspiration from the works of Rinko Kawauchi, a renowned Japanese photographer.

In alignment with the thematic elements of the picture, Van Hoytema sought to minimise the presence of the colour blue, perceiving it to be excessively linked with the science fiction genre.

Furthermore, he held the belief that the removal of the colour would bestow upon the remaining colours a distinct and unique identity.


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Where Was Her Filmed?

The principal filming for the film “Her” was conducted throughout the middle of 2012, accompanied by a production budget amounting to $23 million.

The majority of the filming took place in Los Angeles, with notable locations including the Warner Bros. backlot and the Bradbury complex, which was used as Theodore’s apartment complex.

An additional two weeks were allocated for filming the skyline and certain aspects of the cityscape in Shanghai, China.

Throughout filming, acclaimed actress Samantha Morton embodied the role of Samantha by giving live performances inside a four-by-four-foot soundproof booth made of black-painted plywood and noise-dampening material.

At the recommendation of Jonze, the actress and Joaquin Phoenix refrained from encountering one another on the film set during the production process.

Subsequently, Morton was substituted with the renowned actress Scarlett Johansson.

Jonze emphasised that, once the editing process began in post-production, it became clear that Samantha and he had to veer away from their original vision for the character and the film.

After being replaced, Scarlett assumed the aforementioned position. Morton is acknowledged in the role of an associate producer.

Jonze encountered Johansson during the spring season of 2013 and engaged in a collaborative professional relationship with her for a duration of four months.

In August 2013, subsequent to the recasting, additional sequences were filmed.

These scenes encompassed either novel conceptualizations or moments that the director, Jonze, had initially intended to capture but was unable to do so.


When Was Her Released?

The film “Her” made its global debut as the concluding feature at the 2013 New York Film Festival on October 12, 2013. The subsequent day, the film was presented at the Hamptons International Film Festival.

Furthermore, the film was entered into the 8th Rome International Film Festival, where Johansson was awarded the prestigious title of Best Actress.

The film was scheduled for a restricted distribution in North America on November 20, 2013, under the auspices of Warner Bros. Pictures.

Subsequently, the release date was rescheduled to a restricted release on December 18, 2013, followed by a wider release on January 10, 2014, in order to facilitate an awards campaign.

The film “Her” was distributed by Warner Home Video and made available to consumers on Blu-ray Disc and DVD formats on March 4, 2014.

The Blu-ray edition comprises three featurettes that provide an in-depth exploration of the production process, whereas the DVD version includes a single featurette.

The picture generated a revenue of $2.7 million from DVD sales and $2.2 million from Blu-ray Disc sales, resulting in a cumulative total of $4.9 million in sales from home media.


Who are the Film Editors of the Her Film?

The film’s editing was undertaken by Eric Zumbrunnen and Jeff Buchanan.

According to Zumbrunnen, a process of “rewriting” was observed in a particular scenario involving the characters Theodore and Samantha, subsequent to Theodore’s blind date.

The speaker highlighted that their objective within the particular sequence was to effectively convey the notion that Samantha was establishing a connection with Theodore and developing romantic feelings towards him.

The intention was to create a perception that the talk was fostering a closer connection between the individuals involved.

Steven Soderbergh’s involvement in the picture was initiated due to the excessive duration of Jonze’s original cut, which exceeded 150 minutes.

Consequently, Soderbergh undertook the task of reducing the film’s length to a more concise 90 minutes.

The aforementioned iteration of the film did not constitute its ultimate rendition, yet it proved crucial in aiding Jonze’s endeavour to eliminate superfluous sub-plots.

As a result, the exclusion of a supporting character portrayed by Chris Cooper, who served as the focal point of a documentary featured in the film, was implemented in the final edited version.

The film incorporated many imaginary video games, with these segments being created by animation artist David OReilly.

The individual’s involvement in the film project served as a catalyst for his subsequent pursuit of creating his own video games, culminating in the release of his inaugural game, “Mountain.”


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The film “Her” (stylized in lowercase) is a science-fiction love drama made in the United States in 2013.

It was written, directed, and co-produced by Spike Jonze. This film represents Spike Jonze’s inaugural foray into independent scripting.

The film titled “Her” made its debut at the 2013 New York Film Festival on October 12, 2013. On December 18, Warner Bros.

Pictures initially opted for a limited release strategy for the film “Her,” screening it in only six venues. In August 2013, subsequent to the recasting, additional scenes were filmed.

These scenes encompassed either “newly envisioned” sequences or moments that the director, Jonze, had initially intended to capture but did not. Thanks for reading!

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