
Pill Bug; Fact, Habitat, Lifecycle, Species and Appearance

The pill bug is a member of the woodlice family capable of defending themselves against danger or attack from other predators, the pill bug will fold itself into a ball-like shape as a form of defense.


However, this article, it is made from a combination of various researches just to meet the needs of the readers, as you continue further you’ll be able to receive detailed insight and information about this pill bugs species.



Here’s the breakdown of the knowledge you will acquire from this page:

What is a pill bug?

Pillbug fact

pill bug habitat

What does pillbug eat?

Pillbug in house

Picture of Pillbug

How to get rid of pillbug



What is a Pill Bug?

As we mentioned in our first paragraph, a pill bug is a terrestrial crustacean that belongs in the Isopoda order from the woodlice family, it has a similar appearance to the sow bug.

This bug was first introduced in Europe and so far it is the best bug in the Armadillidium Vulgare family, it spends most of its time on land building habitats and hunting.


Pill Bug Fact

These bugs are said to be a descendant of the Armadillidiidae, it is also seen in the behavior of millipedes which most people take as fully grown pill bugs. However, the ability to position the body into a ball-like form is not only a means of protection but due to pressure or sudden vibration.

This bug is also known to take different body sizes which may be a cause of habitat, diet, and the ecosystem. The adult species have a size ranging from 3 to 4 cm, they are oval in shape mostly seen to be dark brown or black in color, these bugs have no wings but just like the sow bug, they have an antenna which they used to detect a threat, danger or food not too far from them.

Without being told they are commonly known as pill bugs from the kingdom Animalia, belonging to phylum Arthropoda, class of Malacostraca in the order of Isopoda, under the family of Armadillidiidae and in the Armadillilium Vulgare species.


Pill Bug Habitat

The pill bug enjoys building its habitat in dark places like under big rocks, under abandoned bricks or stones, logs, compost, mulch, and wood stacks.

However, in places where decomposing organic debris is found it is the major area where this bug mainly looks for food, as a result, they are likely to settle down here, which makes them similar to the woodlice.

This bug won’t mind staying as long as a lifetime in dark and humid places if no threat occurs. Even when they come into our home, they will choose to stay in dark and damp areas.


Pill Bug Species

The research we carried out which shows the same values with an article on Wikipedia shows that in recent years an estimated total value of 2,000 to 7,000 species of these spiders are extant in the past 5 years and is still dominating the world.

However, these bugs find it easy to adapt to various kinds of animals and the environment. This means that they can survive in arid areas and mountain slopes estimated to be 15,000 ft above sea level making them unique bugs.


The Lifecycle of Pill Bug

This bug’s lifecycle has 2 stages which are molting and hatching, for the molting stage, after mating the eggs grow in a shell-like exoskeleton structure, this takes about 2 to 3 days to form completely.

However, the method which this bug uses is different from any other arthropod, the female sow bug will then keep the fertilized eggs in a marsupium on the safe side of her body to prevent it from damage until it has completed the molting stage and is ready to hatch.

This method of reproduction is a straight process different from molting. The offspring of this bug after hatching appears in a small white-like curled ball. After safe hatching, the female pillbug is now ready for another reproduction process.


Pill Bug Appearance

This is not that complicated to identify, they are flat, oval bugs of about 10mm long and their body has various segments. They have 14 legs and 2 pairs of antennae, they also have 1 pair of appendages looking like a tail. Though this bug has a name and difference most people take it to be woodlice.


Pill Bug Picture

Picture of a pill bug

Picture of a pill bug
Picture of a pill bug


How Did Pill Bugs Get in My Home?

Keeping your home unkept, allowing damp and moisture sends an invitation to these bugs. However, this bug feed on decomposing organic debris found in damp areas, cracks, open space in a garage, windows, and doors are all entry points for these bugs. So in a situation where these are not taken care of, this bug will be found in your home shortly.

Also, not taking care of your outdoor environment gives open chances for this bug to build habitat, leaving dry or dead leaves, mulch, stagnant water, damp and moist areas, dead plants, and other pests which serves as diet will attract this bug to your environment and eventually they will come into your home.


How Serious Are Pill Bugs?

Answering this question, pillbugs are harmless to humans and animals, by eating other insects, they serve as a biological pest control agent. However, they do not cause any serious damages to your homes, most people get it exterminated because they are a nuisance or scared of it.

What Does Pillbugs Eat?

As we mentioned earlier, this bug feed on decomposing organic debris and dead plants and insects. These diets are usually found in damp and moist areas.

Where Does Pillbugs Live?

In our early discussion, this bug live in dark places like under big rocks, under abandon bricks or stones, logs, compost, mulch, and wood stacks. However, most times they complete their lifecycle here.


How to Get Rid of Pill Bugs

The same method applied in getting rid of a sow bug is also done with this bug due to similar infestation methods, although this bug is harmless and also contributes to fertile soil by producing compost and overturning the soil. Some people can’t stand the chance of seeing this bug and this makes them want to get rid of it.


They are simple ways you can endorse to get rid of and prevent this bug, before planning on getting rid of this bug, what should come into your mind is getting rid of their hideout. You can do this by following the steps below;

Keep your environment neat and tidy: This bug won’t survive for long without food, getting rid of damp and moist areas, stagnant water, dead debris, and plants will get rid of the pest because these are the place in which they build habitat and feed.

Proper disposal of waste: When waste like dead leaves and plants are properly disposed of it will get rid of this bug.

Get rid of abandoned wood and logs: By getting rid of wood and logs that are not in use in which this bug built a habitat is another way of preventing this bug.

Fix all leaks, cracks, and holes: Fixing roof leaks, cracks, and holes that could have caused damp and moisture, in the long run, brings in this bug is a technique for prevention this bug from infesting your home. However, ensure your windows and door are firmly fixed to block spaces that could bring in this bug.

Clean and prevent moisture areas: Always ensure you clean and get rid of existing moisture areas around you and prevent it from reoccurrence. Also, Dampness in basement areas should be fixed.

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