The 4 Steps For Effective Grain Beetle Control

Grain Beetles, a prevalent nuisance in pantries, have gained quite a reputation for their ability to cause extensive infestations and taint food supplies.

The larvae of grain beetles can be quite troublesome, as they possess a strong affinity for infiltrating food items by burrowing into more pliable packaging materials such as cardboard.

Keep reading to find out more!


Step 1: How To Identify the Grain Beetle?

Grain Beetle
Picture of the Grain Beetle
  • Grain beetles, commonly known as small-sized insects measuring approximately 2 to 3 mm in length, exhibit a coloration that can vary between reddish-brown or black hues.
  • Grain beetles possess a well-defined anatomical structure, consisting of a distinct head, thorax, and abdomen, accompanied by the presence of six legs.
  • Our expert analysis reveals that these particular pests possess the ability to traverse through the air, despite their seemingly wingless appearance.
  • One notable characteristic of grain beetles is the presence of six distinct saw-like projections on their thorax.
  • Grain beetle larvae, commonly known as small white grub-like bugs, have a notorious presence within food items, where they engage in active consumption and contamination of said items.
  • Upon careful observation, it becomes evident that grain beetles exhibit a distinct preference for inhabiting various containers that store essential food items such as flour, cereal, and rice.
  • In the realm of grain beetles, we encounter two prominent types: the esteemed merchant grain beetles, known for their remarkable flying capabilities, and the humble sawtoothed grain beetles, who, alas, lack the gift of flight.
    Both species exhibit striking similarities in appearance, with only subtle variations observed in the morphology of their head structures.
  • The saw-toothed grain beetle exhibits a distinctively rectangular-shaped head, whereas the head of the merchant grain beetle showcases a more pronounced triangular shape.
    Grain beetles, much like their pantry pest counterpart, weevils, are also beetles.


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Step 2: How To Inspect For Grain Beetle?

As esteemed pest control consultants, we highly recommend commencing your inspection in areas where food goods are commonly stored, as Grain Beetles tend to be predominantly found in such locations.

As pest control consultants, we highly recommend conducting thorough inspections in areas such as kitchens and garages.

As pest control consultants, we highly recommend thoroughly inspecting cabinets, shelves, pantries, and any other areas where food goods are stored.

As pest control consultants, we strongly advise you to thoroughly inspect the packaging of cereals, pasta, starches, spices, herbs, rice, and every other food package within your food pantry.

As pest control consultants, we understand your concern regarding the presence of Adult Grain Beetles and Larvae Grain Beetles in your surroundings.

Our expertise lies in identifying and locating contaminated items that may harbor these pests. The larvae of Grain Beetles can be observed in the form of small white grubs, featuring distinct brown heads.

Upon discovering an item, one may observe a conspicuous abundance of adult pests and their offspring actively traversing the surface.

This unmistakable sight serves as a telltale sign, indicating the precise origin of the infestation. This is the designated area where the treatment will be administered.


Step 3: How To Treat Against Grain Beetle?

  • Vacuuming:

Start by getting rid of everything edible in the pantry. If you find one tainted item, likely, many more of the same kind are also tainted, and it’s sometimes impossible to discern which ones are. Because of this, it’s preferable to start fresh and get rid of everything related to eating.

The next step is to vacuum the inside of the food storage rooms, including the cupboards, shelves, and pantries. Next, get a towel wet with soapy water and wipe down the insides of your cupboards, drawers, and shelves.

The pegs in which the screws sit are magnets for eggs, so use a toothpick to remove them while cleaning.

Finally, caulk any gaps or holes you find within the cupboards, drawers, and shelves.

All food items should be removed from cupboards, shelves, and pantries and disposed of before any cleaning solutions are applied.

  • Apply Novacide Aerosol:

Novacide is a dual-action insecticide, meaning it not only kills adult Grain Beetles but also stops them from developing into adults in their egg, pupa, and larva stages.

Novacide’s best feature is its long-lasting effectiveness; it can protect against re-infestation for up to seven months after a single application.

A spray can of novacide is available. Use by pointing the can at the desired area and spraying it in even, 1- to 2-inch bursts. Apply a fine mist to the back of the shelves and into the gaps and crevices with a spray bottle.

Next, using a downward sweeping motion, spray along the baseboards and flooring of your pantry, kitchen, carpeting, and places close to the kitchen.

  • Apply Pro-Pest Pantry Moth and Beetle Traps:

Pesticide-free and ready to use, the Pro Pest Pantry Moth and Beetle Trap lures Grain beetles with a pheromone-scented adhesive board.

The pre-baited glue only requires the protective paper to be peeled away and the trap folded into a tent shape.

The trap should be stored on high shelving, out of the reach of both youngsters and pets, to prevent it from being broken.

Grain beetles can be trapped by luring them to the trap with pheromone bait; once there, the glue will trap them.

This is an excellent, low effort tool that will last between 60 and 90 days. Each trap can protect an area of about 100 square feet.


Where Can the Pest Control Products Be Purchased?


Read also: Grain Borer Control: The 4 Steps To Follow


Step 4: How To Prevent Grain Beetle?

After the Grain Beetle infestation has been wiped out, preventative steps must be taken to keep them from coming again.

Damaged packaging, such as rips or holes, is sometimes an indicator that the product within is contaminated. You can avoid getting infested by avoiding these packages.

It’s also a good idea to start storing your food in plastic or metal containers instead of their original packaging in case of an infestation or to contain one that already exists.

Also, make it a point to only stock up on food for the next week. By doing so, you may avoid having food goods stored for long periods of time, which increases the risk of infestation, especially if the food is left undisturbed and in the dark.

Finally, Pro-Pest Pantry Traps can be used year-round to prevent pest infestations through monitoring activity and eradication.


Read also: Sawtoothed Grain Beetles; Facts, Identification and Control


Watch an Explanatory Video on Effective Grain Beetle Control



It is possible that your home has been infested by grain beetles, which often find their way into residential spaces through inadvertent packaging at commercial food packing facilities. These facilities provide an ideal environment for grain beetles to thrive as they feast on grains.

As pest control consultants, we highly advise implementing a comprehensive approach to address your pantry concerns.

Our professional recommendation entails diligently removing all items from your pantry and conducting a thorough cleaning.

Following this crucial step, we suggest the strategic application of Novacide Aerosol, a highly effective solution for combating infestations.

Additionally, we propose the strategic placement of Pro-Pest Pantry and Beetle Traps, which have proven to be instrumental in controlling Grain Beetle populations.

By adhering to these expert suggestions, you can effectively manage and eliminate the infestation in your pantry. Thanks for reading!

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