On days with light winds, Grass Out Max can be used to effectively prevent drift. Grass Out Max works best when applied to weeds and grasses that are actively growing and are at an appropriate height.
If rain is not expected for at least an hour, apply. Using Grass Out Max within 7 days of irrigation is recommended for dry areas.
When used as directed, Grass Out Max is harmless to humans, animals, and the environment. Use protective gear at all times and keep people and animals away from treated areas until they are dry.
Keep reading to find out more!
What Is Grass Out Max Herbicide?

Grass Out Max is a potent selective herbicide that will only attack grasses and grassy weeds while leaving your shrubs, trees, and broadleaf plants alone.
Grass Out Max can be used in a variety of settings because of its versatile label, which allows it to be used against more than 50 different types of grass.
Killing unwanted annual and perennial grasses in places like beautiful landscaping beds, surrounding trees, and even broadleaf crops is the major goal of Grass Out Max.
As a result, grasses and grassy weeds are less likely to crowd out crops or other useful vegetation. You can use Grass Out Max to get rid of grasses without harming your other plants, such as shrubs or crops.
The active element in Grass Out Max is clethodim, which kills or stunts the development of the grass it is applied to. The onset of symptoms could be as soon as a week.
Both the type of grass being treated and the intended location for the treatment can affect the dosage. When applying to broadleaf farmland, you must follow the instructions on the label.
Spray rigs, hose-end sprayers, and hand-held sprayers can all be used to apply Grass Out Max. You may require a high-output hose end sprayer or a professional spray system to apply Grass Out Max effectively.
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How To Use Grass Out Max Herbicide
- Measure the area to be treated in square feet or acres to determine the required amount of Grass Out Max. Square feet are calculated by multiplying the length and breadth by themselves.
Acreage can be calculated by dividing square feet by 43,560. Most applications will use a mix rate of 4-16 fluid ounces per acre, though this can vary by weed type and treatment region.
Concentrations of 0.33 to 0.65 ounces per gallon of water are recommended for spot treatments. For the specified rate for your weed and treatment area, please refer to the label. - To use Grass Out Max, fill a sprayer halfway with water, add the recommended amount of Grass Out Max, and then fill the sprayer to the top with water and stir until completely combined.
Fill the tank halfway with water, then add the other product (a tank partner or surfactant, in the case of Grass Out Max). - Evenly spray the treated area with Grass Out Max, paying special attention to the targeted grasses. Wet down, but don’t let it run off. Mowing the grass to a height of between 1 and 8 inches may be necessary.
Depending on the type of grass and the location of the application, a second coat may be needed after a few weeks. For information on how often to apply, read the label.
Where Can I Apply Grass Out Max Herbicide?
- Broadleaf croplands
- Railroads
- Highways
- Roads
- Dividers
- Medians
- Pipelines
- Public utility lines
- Pumping stations
- Transformer stations and substations
- Around airports
- Electric utilities
- Commercial buildings
- Manufacturing plants
- Storage yards
- Railyards
- Fence lines
- Parkways
- Post-harvest croplands
- Greenhouse benches
- Golf courses
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What Are the Target Pests For Grass Out Max Herbicide?
- Barley
- Barnyardgrass
- Bearded Sprangletop
- Bentgrass
- Bermudagrass
- California Brome
- Canarygrass
- Cheat
- Corn
- Crabgrass
- Crowfootgrass
- Downy Brome
- Fall Panicum
- Field Sandbu
- Foxtail Barley
- Giant Foxtail
- Goosegrass
- Green Foxtail
- Hairy Crabgrass
- Italian Ryegrass
- Itchgrass
- Johnsongrass
- Jungle Rice
- Kentucky Bluegrass
- Large Crabgrass
- Lovegrass
- Mexican Spangletop
- Oat
- Orchardgrass
- Perennial Bluegrass
- Quackgrass
- Rabbitfoot Grass
- Red Rice
- Red Spangletop
- Ripgut Brome
- Roughstalk Bluegrass
- Rye
- Ryegrass
- Shattercane
- Signal grass
- Smooth Crabgrass
- Sorghum
- Southern Crabgrass
- Southwest Crabgrass
- Stinkgrass
- Tall Fescue
- Texas Panicum
- Wheat
- Wild Oat
- Wild Proso Millet
- Wirestem Muhly
- Witchgrass
- Wooly Cupgrass
- Yellow Foxtail
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Narrow-row soybeans, broadleaf herbicide tank mixtures, perennial grasses, volunteer corn, drought or stress conditions, strong grass pressure, or when grasses are at or near their maximum height all necessitate a minimum of 10 gallons per acre.
Poor coverage and insufficient grass control may result from using less than 10 gallons per acre under these circumstances, necessitating additional applications.
It is recommended to apply either 4 oz. of product per 10 gallons of water per acre or 16 oz. of product per 40 gallons of water per acre, depending on the weed and the site. The concentration for spot treatments ranges from 0.33 to 0.65 ounces per gallon of water.
You can use Grass Out Max to get rid of the grassy weeds that have taken over your decorative landscaping or the area surrounding your trees, but keep in mind that it will kill any grass it comes into contact with, including your lawn. Spray carefully and at times of low wind to prevent drift.
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