How to Get Rid of Almond Moths in 5 Easy Steps

Do you know how to get rid of almond moths? Almond moths in your pantry could mean a potential or ongoing infestation of your foodstuff.

As you read this blog post to the very end, you will learn how to identify and get rid of almond moth infestations in your home or store, leaving your food to stay clean and safe to eat.


How to Identify Almond Moths (Pictures)

The first thing you should do in any pest control plan is identify what exactly you’re dealing with. If you’re careless with identifying what pest is infesting your property, it can lead to wrong treatment methods costing you time and money.

The presence of adult moths easily indicates infestations but any real damage to your stored products is done by larvae as they eat produced droppings and develop.


Read also: What is a Group of Moths Called?


What Do Almond Moths Look Like?

Almond moths are common stored product pests that can be found worldwide in stores, rooms, warehouses, and homes.

Other common names include the tropical warehouse moth and dried currant moth or the fake moth. The adult moths grow around half an inch in length and can appear to be brown, or gray and color.

Almonds moth larvae have creamy white bodies, brown heads, capsules, and rows of tiny spots that run along the body’s length when mature, they usually travel away from their food source to pupate.


Read also: Tobacco Moths: How to Identify and Get Rid


Picture of Almond Moth

Below are pictures of almond moths;

How to Get Rid of Almond Moths

How to Get Rid of Almond Moths


Where Do I Find Almond Moth?

Checking for possible places to find your pest is the next phase of any good pest control plan. Once, you know what your pest looks like, check around your property to confirm their presence or find a hotspot of activity.

Below are steps to check for almond moths on your property;

  1. To confirm almond moth activity, look in and around your pantry or were packaged foods or stored.
  2. If you find pupae among the shelves or other parts of the house, that’s a start but focus on finding infested packages.
  3. Check inside packages for webbing, larvae, and moths.
  4. Almond moths primarily target their namesake almonds in addition to grains and seeds, but they won’t hesitate to infest other foods.
  5. Be sure to check any drawers and shelving for cracks and crevices.
  6. Larvae can heighten, so take note of which foods are stored and where you’ve seen larvae.



How to Get Rid of Almond Moths

Knowing how to get rid of almond moths yourself is a win for you, after checking for pests and inspecting for activity on your property.

It’s time for treatment, before starting any treatment, be sure to wear your personal protective equipment. Remember to keep all people and pets off the treated areas until dry.

To get rid of almond moths follow these steps;


Step 1: Cleaning your Pantry

The first step is to clean out your pantry and start by throwing out vox and bagged foodstuffs. That sounds like too much. But if you found at least one infested package, odds are there are moths and larvae in your other packaged Foods.

Almond moth larvae are able to invade packaging through the smallest Gatz and penetrate through paper or plastic material to reach whatever food sources are nearby. For every 1 adult moth, you’ve seen imagine there are more than 100 eggs waiting to hatch.


Step 2. Vacuum

Vacuum all cracks and crevices in your pantry shelving. Small pantry pests may be found in these tight spaces as they travel from place to place. Be sure to throw out the vacuum’s contents outdoors.


Step 3. Further Clean with Water

When you’re done vacuuming, wipe down the pantry shelves with water to clean up any food residue. Do not use any strong cleaning agent, you’ll simply chase these pests away from the pesticides you’ll apply once you’ve cleared and cleaned your pantry.


Step 4. Apply Insecticide

Treat these pests with products, like Pyrid and Novacide then use traps like Pro-pest pantry moth and beetle traps to catch and monitor for moths and larvae.

Pyrid is an insecticide aerosol that’s used as a flushing agent and it’s great to treat tight cracks and crevices where moths or other pantry pests may be hiding.

This product is made with pyrethrins a botanical insecticide, so it’s safe to use in food storage areas though you should still clear out your pantry and keep people and pets away from the area until the vapors have dispersed.


How to Apply Pyrid Insecticides

To use Pyrid as a crack and crevice treatment.

  • Fix the red applicator of the straw into the spout.
  • Shake the can and spray along the length of any cracks and crevices in your pantry where any moths are their larvae could be hiding.
  • When treating cracks and crevices, you just want to spray in quick bursts usually about one second of spray per foot.
  • Pyrid does not leave a residual, but it is an excellent contact with a powerful knockdown and quick kill.


To apply Novacide. Novacide is another insecticide aerosol but It contains an insect growth regulator or IGR. This will disrupt the moth’s life cycle and prevent eggs, larvae, and pupae from developing into reproductive adults.

Additionally, Novacide has a long-lasting residual pest control on treated areas for up to seven months.


How to Apply Novacide Insecticide

Apply Novacide as a spot treatment along the edges of your shelves, just shake the can and hold it upside down, and spray a barrier where the shelving meets the wall. Affected moths will not be able to produce eggs and larvae will not be able to develop into reproductive adults.


Step 5: Utilize Traps

Once your chemical applications are done, try to set up moth traps like pro-pest pantry moth and beetle traps in your pantry to lure and catch flying moths.

These traps contain ramons that attract many stored product pests. Simply peel off the wax paper, then fold the trap into its sides.

You can set the chat on a shelf or hang it to catch different crawling or flying insects one chap will cover an area of up to 300 square feet. Any moths in the area will be drawn to the trap and we’ll get stuck on the glue.


How to Prevent Almond Moths from Future Infestations

Prevention is essential to keeping pests in check even after you’ve applied pesticides, the best way to stop pest activity is to make sure it can’t return.

Employ these tips to prevent infestations in the future;

  1. When buying dry foods at the grocery store, examine the packaging.
  2. If you can see the products through transparent packaging, try to look for any moths larvae or other pests.
  3. If you see any holes, rips, tears, or other openings do not buy that item.
  4. It’s best to keep food in tight-fitting or sealed containers, and put cereals, grains, and flowers in containers that can be tightly sealed.
  5. Pet food and bird seed are often overlooked in highly conducive to pantry pests.
  6. It’s important to also store your pet food in sealed containers as well by keeping food in airtight containers, you can stop infestations from spreading.
  7. If an infestation starts inside a sealed container that means the food was already infested with eggs before it went in and you can throw it out without risking the rest of your pantry.
  8. Finally, keep up with regular pesticide applications to ensure protection throughout the year.



Insecticide residual when applied twice a year for preventive applications will keep almond moths out all year. Also, be sure to check traps regularly and replace them every three months.

Almond moths can break out and infest entire pantries’ worth of food quickly but there are ways to control an infestation that’s gone out of hand.

With these Pro products and tips, we believe in and guarantee you know how to get rid of almond moths from your home.

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